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Iran Decides to AcComplete Takeover of Afghanistan

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SHIITE IRAN looks at itself as the protector of Shiites globally... had Afghanistan been taken over by a Shiite group or had Pakistan been a Shiite republic then the Iranians would be beyond jubliant... the reason they are angered/disapointed greatly inside is because a SUNNI DOMINATED AFGHANISTAN/PAKISTAN ran by 90% of their population is against their presived interest!

Nothing hurts/pains the IRI or Iranian more than SUNNI domination, they will even allow a JEW to be happy/prosper than a SUNNI. It is in their religious lies...

Good post, but they don't worry to protect Shia's, more like use them as cannon fodder or people to advance their nationalist interests. You don't protect Afghani Shia's by sending them to Syria to die fighting Syrians.
The work of US-apologetic liberals, the same people who do not want Iran to be present in the Levant. Acquaint yourself with the internal Iranian dynamics.

Who are you joking, whole liberal/conservative Western world support Iran against Muslims, and especially support Assad against Muslims(everyone here aware of Indian Hindu fanatical support of Assad and Iran). Now they are worried for Iran because of setback of Taliban victory in Afghanistan. US intervened on your behalf in Iraq twice, and once in Syria alongside Russia. You have no place in Levant if there was no Israel or no foreign superpower intervention.
Iran FO can only talk and blow air... the frustration seen in their eyes show it all... they wish they could destroy these "EVIL SUNNI TAKFIRIS" but they cannot. Iran can only use poor foreign militias from Afghanistan/Pakistan/poor arab states to do its dirty jobs. We will see soon how your IRI can really fight....

Vivid imagination you're displaying there, gentleman. I'll leave you in this own world of yours.

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Who are you joking, whole liberal/conservative Western world support Iran against Muslims, and especially support Assad against Muslims. Now they are worried for Iran because of setback of Taliban victory in Afghanistan. US intervened on your behalf in Iraq twice, and once in Syria alongside Russia. You have no place in Levant if there was no Israel or no foreign superpower intervention.

Duh... I wasn't talking about liberals or conservatives in the west, but about Iranian liberals. Yes, that graffiti is the work of reformist (ie liberal) Iranians, not of Iranians who support the revolutionary factions. As for the rest of the post, it's unsubstantiated imaginary storytelling once again. I'm done.
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Vivid imagination you're displaying there, gentleman. I'll leave you in this own world of yours.

So, you are boasting about anti-Islamic forces intervention, nurturing, and support on behalf of Iran and passing this off as some amazing and wonderful capability and brains Iranians have. When it is nothing but you appealing to their anti-Islam senses to join you in the anti-Islam war. Your army in Iran and men there are weaklings that are not competent in war at all. They couldn't do anything about some ill equipped and poorly trained FSA of Syria and had to send Qasem Solomiena to Russia to persuade them to intervene. Than the US coalition. If you are gonna boast and act all grand, at least do it without falling back on superpowers to do all work for you.

Believe me, your great Iran and Israel will not stand chance one-on-one with Muslims. You will have to commit genocide with nuclear weapons if superpowers don't help you. We know you have the hate in your heart like Indian Hindu's to do so, and if you ever do it we will by the will of God end your country's, books and hate culture.
The best way to deal with Iran is to arm SUNNI groups who are discriminated against. We should be arming the BALOCH, ARABS, KURDS within Iran. At the same time we need to work more closely with Turkey, IEA, KSA, UAE, and Israel for intelligence gathering.

IEA is enough to take Tehran in a week. We should provide air support along the afghan-iranian border. Make these Persians think hundred times before arming the NRF. The whole Iranian AF has less than 40 jets that are BVR capable, while the PAF has 200+.

We need a proactive foreign policy, enough of pretending our enemies are our friends.
So, you are boasting about anti-Islamic forces intervention, nurturing, and support on behalf of Iran and passing this off as some amazing and wonderful capability and brains Iranians have. When it is nothing but you appealing to their anti-Islam senses to join you in the anti-Islam war. Your army in Iran and men there are weaklings that are not competent in war at all. They couldn't do anything about some ill equipped and poorly trained FSA of Syria and had to send Qasem Solomiena to Russia to persuade them to intervene. Than the US coalition. If you are gonna boast and act all grand, at least do it without falling back on superpowers to do all work for you.

It's the FSA and other such terrorist groups which were backed by the entire NATO and all of its regional client states plus the zionist regime with everything in their power (weapons, media propaganda, recruits, command centers, training etc). And no, Iran never asked the US to intervene in Syria. US which never fought those Syrian insurgents you mentioned anyway.

Hamas should establish presence in Afghanistan. Hamas has horrible ties with Iran, Iran provides no more than $50 million a year for him, which is tiny fraction of what Qatar and others provide. Hamas still don't have good ties with Iran and refuse to jump on their ideological grudge against Arabs, Turkey and Taliban. If Taliban can offer Hamas a home in Afghanistan and training on certain weapons systems, Hamas should send engineers to train them on weapons production(Hamas sent people to Al Nusra(HTS) front in Syria in the past, in response to Iran militias/Assad militias brutally murdering Hamas official in his home). Hamas and Taliban should cooperate militarily and politically. They need each other. Hamas did congratulate them and meet with their delegation in Qatar, so it could be prelude to formation of official ties in near future. There is big security risk of Iranian, Indian and Israeli intelligence operating in Afghanistan to target Hamas members but reward outweighs risk.
It's the FSA and other such terrorist groups that were backed by the entire NATO and all of its regional client states with everything in their power (weapons, media propaganda, recruits, command centers, training etc).

Big words but a bunch of bullshit. They provided them with crumbs and commanded them to halt offensives. There is no 'entire backing'. They made their own homemade primitive mortars and rockets. Sending few anti-tank missiles which are ancient weapons nowadays does not equate to 'entire backing'.

And no, Iran never asked the US to intervene in Syria. US which never fought those Syrian insurgents you mentioned anyway.

Sure it didn't, it did under the table via Iraq request intervention in Iraq and Syria. And it directly requested from Russia.
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This was a planted question based on comical Indian sources. Clearly Iranians are not happy with talibans complete sweep over. Calling panshir fighters as martyrs is a clear signal to the Talibans.
Big words but a bunch of bullshit. They provided them with crumbs and commanded them to halt offensives. There is no 'entire backing'. They made their own homemade primitive mortars and rockets. Sending few anti-tank missiles which are ancient weapons nowadays does not equate to 'entire backing'.

Rubbish. Propaganda is one of the main drivers of fourth generation wars, and propaganda against the Syrian government was really massive. "Few" anti-tank weapons, sure, "only" 13.000 TOW missiles (a mind-boggling amount) provided to the Saudis alone for this express purpose. Ancient weapons? They certainly were more than effective against Syria's mostly old generation tanks, not to mention against personnel since they were available to insurgents in such abundance. In addition to entire stocks of armaments of all types flown in from France (as former president Hollande publicly admitted), Croatia, Bulgaria and other places. NATO commanded the insurgents, period. During the entire duration of the war, they benefited from NATO logistics, commandment, intelligence and training. Then we have the tens of thousands of volunteers from all over the world crossing the borders into Syria via Turkey. We have the thousands of Libyan fighters flown in by western powers. And so on, and so forth.

Sure it didn't, it did under the table via Iraq request intervention in Iraq and Syria. And it directly requested from Russia.

Yes, "under the table" because it didn't happen. And of course nothing to substantiate the crazy allegation.
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If Pak kills all of the Kabuli thugs what's that to Iran???

Now, Pak will keep on having a "hybrid presence" at every nook and corner inside Afganistan!! Live with it....

Pak has been offering immeasurable Kurban for the sake of Afganistan for the last 40 years for a reason...

*Already 25 trucks full of ammo and arms have been caught at the Afgan border crossing into Pak

**As for the Turkish "interests", Afganistan = Pakistan
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If Pak kills all of the Kabuli thugs what's that to Iran???

One can only pretend and hide their true inner feelings for so long before they boil over... tbh even if PAKISTAN NUKED THE PANJSHIT VALLEY OR TEHRAN TODAY THE WORLD WOULDNT BE ABLE TO DO SHIT :D

We have useless generals, useless leaders, why cant we have the HAQQANIS in islamabad to show some balls?

Nothing hurts/pains the IRI or Iranian more than SUNNI domination, they will even allow a JEW to be happy/prosper than a SUNNI. It is in their religious lies...

You may be right, but here is long & short of what matters to Pakistan & Pakistanis.

We may be able to count on Turkey, Malaysia, Arabs & China for certain things at certain times.

But we cannot count on Iran to be mindful of Pakistani interests, ever. Even if we've facilitated their $400 billion deal with China, drove away USA from their back yard & life of Gulbaddin Himkatyar was spared to look after Irnaian interests in Afghanistan, they sill would not let any opportunity pass by to hit Pakistani interests.
I read his entire statement. and in no way did he name or condemn pakistan.

he answered a reporters SPECIFIC QUESTION REGARDING FOREIGN INTERFERENCE. and said its something that Iran will investigate.

he made alot of generic politically correct statements... "no to afghani fratricide" " no to afghani leaders killing each other" " no to economic blockade/starvation" "no to foreign interference" "afghans have proven they will not allow foreign domination" etc.etc..

what did people expect him to say?? ", go taliban, slaughter the panjshiris to the last man" ?

Ismail Khan would not have surrendered. and Herat/western afghanistan would not be in taliban hands without Iranian approval.

Iran will not recognize a taliban head chopping government though. Taliban have a really bad name/reputation in IRan. They have executed Iranian diplomats, and acted like medieval savages in the 90s to be honest. it would be terrible PR for the Iranian government domestically and internationally to be linked with this.. "Iran recognized taliban government massacres X, chops Ys head off etc.etc.." especially if prominent leaders such as masood start losing their heads.. not to mention the millions of afghans refugees that will flood Iran and cause potential economic/security problems.

and its not just Iran. Russia and China would want no part of such taliban either. and they would probably condemn the taliban and pakistan more strongly if prominent afghan leaders start getting offed. it would not be wise for the taliban to kill massood.
USA most probably threw a Bone to Iranians to open their mouth for the resistance. It’s a well established fact that Iranians collaborate with US when it comes to fighting Non-Shia groups.

Taliban have a really bad name/reputation in IRan.
When it’s comes to reputation, west specially US don’t see Iranian Aytollaha run govt any different than Taliban.
it would be terrible PR for the Iranian government domestically and internationally to be linked with this..
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