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Iran completes process of eliminating enriched uranium

To gain what bro ?

it is a 60 year old tech. nothing really spectacular about it.
brother lemme explain .

its not abt the age of the tech , its about integrity . when they forbid u to have sth thats your right , you are being BULLIED ! and our nation cannot absorb the fact that a 300 yr old piece of shyte comes and bullies a 7000 old culture .

so its abt national integrity .

it might not be the newest tech yes , but it surly is a top notch technology which needs great national planning to reach it .

iran currently is working hardly on fusion reactors , i doubt that they're 60 yr old too . lol
Some misinformed members on the thread.
It was never Iran's intention to build nuclear weapons. What Iran wanted and has already achieved was to gain full control of the nuclear fuel cycle. In other words, a latent nuclear capability and become a so called "nuclear treshold state".
In strategic terms, capability is as good as having an actual assembled nuke as far as deterrence goes. While at the same time you avoid all the negatives of possessing an actual nuke.

In other words, in a a percevied threat perception to Iran's security, the enemies will know that Iran has the resources, the technology, infrastructure, and scientific base to make a nuke.
Classic example of a treshold state with a certain level of nuclear latency.

Please educate yourselves on the subject before making assumptions about what Iran's intentions were.
"Atomic bomb is haram in Islam."

If Iran wanted to reach atomic bomb up to now could do many actions.
Yes but Iran is not looking for atomic bombs.

It eventually will .

Who are we fooling my friend ?!!

If Syria had Nukes , Israel wouldn't have dared to attack their country whenever they want .

Look at North Korea , No one even the US doesn't dare to bully for them like they do for Iran because they know that crazy fool in North Korea will turn Seoul and Tokyo to ashes even if his country is destroyed .

Having nukes paralyzes US military option and helps Iran to have better position in diplomacy with the west .
The article says that Iran has gotten rid of ALL its 20% enriched uranium?
nonsense , those enriched uranium were for Tehran reactor Fuel , and we did what we intended to do from the beginning , changed 20% uranium Gas to 20% uranium metal and the next step would be to put them in fuel rods .

"gotten rid of " means that iran has destroyed its 20% enriched urainum stockpile .

which is totally un-true .

iran converted the stockpile into fuel rods . a conversion which cannot be reversed .

fuel rods are used in nuclear reactors to produce electricity and so on .
wrong the process can be reversed but it's hard to do so.
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