India is a US pawn and doesn't deliver on anything and has far less capabilities. Literally why would Iran choose India over China?
If China successfully pushes the Digital Yuan as the currency de franca of the Eurasian-Africa axis, dollar dominance will be significantly diminished and the US won't be able to live on credit like how most middle class Americans already do. American culture has no fiscal responsibility.
EU told US this year that it wont fight China for US and it will make its own one-on-one deal with China.
if you're talking about today, then make RMB more want IRan to accept RMB but what can IRan do with that RMB? can IRan convert it to other currencies??
If China successfully pushes the Digital Yuan as the currency de franca of the Eurasian-Africa axis, dollar dominance will be significantly diminished and the US won't be able to live on credit like how most middle class Americans already do. American culture has no fiscal responsibility.