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Iran calls in Pakistan envoy over mosque bomb


Dec 3, 2007
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Iran calls in Pakistan envoy over mosque bomb

TEHRAN: Iran summoned Pakistan’s ambassador over the deadly bombing of a mosque in the southeast after Sunni rebels reportedly claimed responsibility, the official IRNA news agency reported on Saturday.

Mohammad Bakhsh Abbasi was summoned after Iran’s state television quoted the pan-Arab channel Al-Arabiya as saying that the Jandullah (Soldiers of God) group said it was behind Thursday’s mosque attack which killed 25 people.

According to state television, the chief of the Iranian armed forces, General Hassan Firouzabadi, said on Saturday that Iran ‘has located the base of the group’s head and informed Pakistan’s government of his arrest.’

The Iranian authorities said they immediately arrested three men involved in the bombing. The trio were executed on Saturday morning near the mosque in Zahedan city, the capital of Sistan-Baluchestan province.

In recent years, the restive province has been the scene of a deadly insurgency by Jundallah, which is strongly opposed to the government of predominantly Shiite Iran.

The province has a substantial Sunni minority and lies on a major narcotics-smuggling route from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

DAWN.COM | World | Iran calls in Pakistan envoy over mosque bomb
to hell with world every country blame us after there securty lap.

I think the Iranians suspect that the entity jandallah is being funded and look aftered by Pakistani Athorities.
He may be sunni, may be a shia , how the hell any muslim can do such things....I just don't understand ... Have they finished fighting with non muslim enemies who are crushing n smashing them all over the world, that they are now eliminating Muslims whom they think have wrong version of Islam? Its just so confusing,,.
Wasn't Afghanistan and India enough, Iran joined in too. Seriously give us a break will you, we have had it with this blame game already.
Iran hangs 3 over mosque bombing

Three men convicted of involvement in the deadly bombing of an Iranian mosque were hanged on Saturday, Iran's official news agency reported.

The blast in Zahedan, 1,570 kilometres southeast of the capital, Tehran, killed 25 people on Thursday.

The men found guilty of supplying explosives used in the attack were executed in public near the mosque.:smitten:Justice done on the spot

A Sunni Muslim militant group, Jundallah, claimed responsibility for the bombing, according to Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television.

The group represents the Baluchi ethnic minority that has been fighting a low-level insurgency in southeastern Iran for years, complaining of persecution by the overwhelmingly Persian central government.

However, an Iranian official on Friday accused the United States of involvement in the attack, which took place two weeks before Iran is scheduled to hold its presidential election.

Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli said in a statement posted on the internet Friday that "those who committed the Thursday bombing are neither Shia nor Sunni. They are Americans and Israelis." He cited no evidence to support the accusations.

Iran often blames Western powers for violence inside the country. Washington denied the latest charges.

"We condemn this terrorist attack in the strongest possible terms and extend our sympathy to the families of those injured and killed," U.S. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters in Washington.

"We do not sponsor any form of terrorism in Iran and we continue to work with the international community to prevent any attacks against any innocent civilians anywhere," he said.

Iran hangs 3 over mosque bombing
what utter bullshit.. these guys have no proof what so ever, instead of looking into their own security and political problems they started pointing fingers at us?? As if bomb blasts have never taken place in Iran right!! sheer stupidity.. Tell the authorities to shut it.. or give legitimate proof
I agree with you. First Non-muslims should be fought before fighting among muslims. Moreover, I think even non-muslims should be fought one at a time. Fighting too many enemies is counter productive.

He may be sunni, may be a shia , how the hell any muslim can do such things....I just don't understand ... Have they finished fighting with non muslim enemies who are crushing n smashing them all over the world, that they are now eliminating Muslims whom they think have wrong version of Islam? Its just so confusing,,.
Tit for Tat.....Iran is supporting militants in Pakistan and so if any Pakistani is involved in it then Iran shoud peep in.
I agree with you. First Non-muslims should be fought before fighting among muslims. Moreover, I think even non-muslims should be fought one at a time. Fighting too many enemies is counter productive.

Look at your last 5 or 6 posts - keep it up and I see no reason for you to keep posting on this forum.
The Iranians believe the US is destabilizing Iranian Baluch regions through Baluchistan province in Pakistan.

They have raised this concern with us before.

See Seymour Hersch's article on this.
Pakistan are ideal "whipping boys" - clueless govt after clueless governments come and go and the people of Pakistan are left wondering whether their federal government has a foreign policy or not -- You will have noticed that the Pakistani ambassador and the Pakistani foreign office issued no statement, did not refute any charges, did not make any public case what so ever -- as if they were clueless as to what information operations are all about.

To be truthful, they are clueless as to what information operations are about - they do not understand that when Pakistan fails to tell it's story, when Pakistan fails to own the "truth", then others will "own the truth".

Truly God has Pakistan close to his heart because it is clear the Pakistani bureaucrats and politicians do not, in fact we are once again reminded what use are all the education, the sacred texts, when the Pakistani state does not seem to understand WHY these are even necessary to a modern effective state.
The three person that Iranian killed actually arrested 3 days before the bombing. Dont count on those Mullah's word all the time. They hanged those people only to eye wash ordinary iranian in the run up to the election.
I have reason to belive those 3 person were made scape goat.
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