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Iran calls in Pakistan envoy over mosque bomb

The three person that Iranian killed actually arrested 3 days before the bombing. Dont count on those Mullah's word all the time. They hanged those people only to eye wash ordinary iranian in the run up to the election.
I have reason to belive those 3 person were made scape goat.

They had There day in court infront of the judge proof was presented by the intelligence agencies and had no way of denying there involvement in it so justice is delivered as fast as possible can be and thats the way war on terror is won making sure they feel the rope around there necks after they commit the crime.
The Iranians believe the US is destabilizing Iranian Baluch regions through Baluchistan province in Pakistan.

They have raised this concern with us before.

See Seymour Hersch's article on this.

So they are unhappy over the reluctance of Pakistani govt in stoping the US from fanning terrorist activities in Iran Through Balochistan. The US shouldnt be allowed to use Pakistani soil against Iran. And can you please post that article.
Some malign powers are trying to create rifts between Iran and Pakistan. Some powers are very unhappy about the pipeline and are trying to sabotage the project by using such dirty tactics. We shouldn't fall for it. Jundullah should be eliminated because such proxy groups are a source of instability for both Iran and Pakistan. Pakistan ought to make every effort in stabilizing and securing Baluchistan and all other bordering areas.

Iranian felt a political pressure after the incident - their local politics will want answers as to why is this happening, why are security forces not being effective -- So what do the Iranaina do? They opted to score a political point at the expense of Pakistan, they called in the Pakistani ambassador and it is taken for granted in the local population and in the politics and in PUBLIC OPINION that the party responsible has been chastised.

And what do Pakistan do? They take it up the poop chute! No statement after the summoning, no statement denouncing the attack and putting the idea in the general public which may get people asking, why is this happening and why are security forces ineffective, what's going on in the province that such things are happening? What in the local politics is enabling such behaviour?

Perhaps Iranian handling wasn't as it should have been. Still, both Pakistan and Iran will have to work together to get rid of terrorist groups like Jundullah which form a threat to their relationship. Such groups are being exploited by certain malign powers. We cannot afford to have another Afghanistan like situation with bordering Iran. The sooner we handle the problem the better.
Here you go -- Please THINK

Jundullah faces US terrorist title

* Inclusion on list will prohibit US citizens, companies and government agencies from supporting militant group

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The United States State Department is considering placing Jundullah on its terrorism list to send a conciliatory signal to Iran.

Jundullah has killed scores of Iranian soldiers and border guards since 2003. Most recently it has claimed responsibility for the Thursday suicide bombing in an Iranian mosque that killed 25 and wounded 125. Some US officials argue that the administration should swiftly place a terrorist label on Jundullah as a sign of Washington’s good faith.Others, however, see the move as a premature giveaway. State Department officials say the terrorist designation is not based on whether a group is attacking an ally and can take six months or longer because officials have to compile detailed dossiers that would hold up under a court challenge. State Department’s Designations Unit chief Jason Blazakis declined to say whether Jundullah was being considered. But another official estimated that the State Department was halfway through the process. Yet another said the process was underway but might never be completed.

Inclusion on the list would prohibit US citizens, companies, or government agencies from supporting the group, and trigger criminal or civil penalties for doing so.
Look at the events unfolding over last couple weeks. Iran hosted regional summit with Pakistan and Afghanistan. Iran finalized Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline with future intention connecting China.

Once again Ind-US interest and strategic goals are against Iran-Pakistan-Afghanistan cooperation. Specially US does not want that gas pipeline and India being left out (by uncle pressure and strategic alliance mula) from pipe line, both are bending over backward to sour relation between Pakistan and Iran. India and US would go any extent and use terror means by using their proxy (BLA, Taleb, Jundullah) inside Iran and Pakistan to destabilize and sour relation between Iran and Pakistan. Indian will for sure use their reach in Tehran to feed Iranians lie and concocted intelligence info that implicate Pakistan.

Just mere announcement declaring any group as terrorist does not mean much. Because US had proved that they helped these type of groups covertly even after such show off declaration.

Pakistan I sincerely hope setup joint effort with Iranians to rout out these indo-US terror elements and expose Indian and US design.
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Perhaps Iranian handling wasn't as it should have been. Still, both Pakistan and Iran will have to work together to get rid of terrorist groups like Jundullah which form a threat to their relationship. Such groups are being exploited by certain malign powers. We cannot afford to have another Afghanistan like situation with bordering Iran. The sooner we handle the problem the better.

Yup i agree with you. But what can be the possible ways to tackle this problem ? One is that Iranian agencies should be allowed to carry out joint covert operation along with PA to uproot this terrorist organization in Balochistan. But this might not be feasable as my scope on Pak-Iran relations is Limited. But one thing is for sure We have to clean Balochistan also as things their are getting out of hands dramatically.
Jundullah faces US terrorist title

* Inclusion on list will prohibit US citizens, companies and government agencies from supporting militant group

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The United States State Department is considering placing Jundullah on its terrorism list to send a conciliatory signal to Iran.

Jundullah has killed scores of Iranian soldiers and border guards since 2003. Most recently it has claimed responsibility for the Thursday suicide bombing in an Iranian mosque that killed 25 and wounded 125. Some US officials argue that the administration should swiftly place a terrorist label on Jundullah as a sign of Washington’s good faith.Others, however, see the move as a premature giveaway. State Department officials say the terrorist designation is not based on whether a group is attacking an ally and can take six months or longer because officials have to compile detailed dossiers that would hold up under a court challenge. State Department’s Designations Unit chief Jason Blazakis declined to say whether Jundullah was being considered. But another official estimated that the State Department was halfway through the process. Yet another said the process was underway but might never be completed.

Inclusion on the list would prohibit US citizens, companies, or government agencies from supporting the group, and trigger criminal or civil penalties for doing so.

Wel in my view its a mess created by CIA/Mossad and now they want to clean it up.
The million dollar question is why a Pakistani soil is being allowed to be used against a country which has no hostilities with Pakistan ? Is there any backdoor deal ? if yes then who are the players Saudia Arabia or US or India ? :angry:
if poeple who r doing terrorism in pakistan come from afghanistan and iran and iran not even pressure its ally in afghanistan to stop those terorists then why we shoudl listen to iran
Yup i agree with you. But what can be the possible ways to tackle this problem ? One is that Iranian agencies should be allowed to carry out joint covert operation along with PA to uproot this terrorist organization in Balochistan. But this might not be feasable as my scope on Pak-Iran relations is Limited. But one thing is for sure We have to clean Balochistan also as things their are getting out of hands dramatically.

Exactly what we require. The cooperation between the security forces on both sides needs to ramped up. We need to share intelligence and handover any miscreants that are trying to stir up hostility. There is too much at stake for Pakistan to neglect the instability in Baluchistan.
well it looks like the grand plan for a FREE BALOCHISTAN in which iranian part is also included.....

secondly well only one part of our border was secure and safe perfect plan for PAKISTAN's enemies to make that border also restive....

but the BIGGEST PROBLEM is pakistanis are getting brain washed to go blow up anyone and anything.....shame on these fu*kers who are spoiling the name of pakistan and pakistanis!!!
"The hands of America and Israel were undoubtedly involved in this incident," prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami told supporters in Tehran, referring to the bombing Thursday. "Although Wahhabis and the infidel and evil Salafists were an accomplice to the crime, they were being led from somewhere else."
Iran blames U.S. for attacks, including bombing that slays 23 -- chicagotribune.com

I think the direct accusation has been leveled at the US, and not Pakistan. However Pakistan gets dragged in because the Iranians claim the US is supporting Jundullah through Pakistan.

Has any specific statement accusing/blaming Pakistan been issued by the Iranian authorities yet?

Any word on whether the Pakistani Ambassador was issued a demarche by the Iranians after being summoned, or what exactly was discussed at that meeting?
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