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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

DaRk WaVe

Aug 17, 2009
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Dozens of Iranian guards killed, wounded in attack

Tehran - An apparent suicide bomber killed and wounded dozens of members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, including some senior provincial commanders, Sunday in south-eastern Iran, state media reported.

According to IRNA news agency, at least 60 guards were killed or wounded in the attack in Sistan-Beluchistan province near Pakistan.

Fars news agency reported that 40 to 50 guards might have been killed in the attack, but there was no official confirmation yet of the death toll.

The guards were reportedly on their way to a meeting of tribal leaders in Pishin when they were attacked.

The website of state television reported that a still-unidentified suicide bomber was responsible for the massacre.

It also named two of the deceased as provincial commanders Mohammad Zadeh and Nourali Shoushtari.

Authorities speculated the attack was the work of a radical group involved in drug trafficking along the borders with neighbouring Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Dozens of Iranian guards killed, wounded in attack (1st Lead) - Monsters and Critics
There seems to be senior officials among the casualties

Among the fatalities are these names ( posted on an iranian forum )

- Gen Noor Ali Shooshtari, Deputy Commander of the Ground Force
- Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh, Chief Provincial Officer
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Is this a calculated move by Israel ?

I am sure Iran will be against Indian Embassy in Afghanistan also because only way they can operate is through is India, Israel have said it themselves that they do business in Middle East through India, and also Indian Company is taking out all oil contrast from Iran I wonder why.

link: Guerrilla trade
Iranians have this rotten habit of speaking in sectarian terms , visit their forums and see people flying around banners of 'shia excellence' and blaming 'sunnis' to any such attack.

In general iran is not the 'bortherly' country that many in Pakistan think them to be. They have very deep rooted ethnic and sectarain views , we need to be watchfull of them. Some of them also support the seperation of Frontier and Balochistan from Pakistan.

The game in the region is very very murky.
Iranians have this rotten habit of speaking in sectarian terms , visit their forums and see people flying around banners of 'shia excellence' and blaming 'sunnis' to any such attack.

In general iran is not the 'bortherly' country that many in Pakistan think them to be. They have very deep rooted ethnic and sectarain views , we need to be watchfull of them. Some of them also support the seperation of Frontier and Balochistan from Pakistan.

The game in the region is very very murky.

They are brain washed nation with false information.
They have very unrealistics view of sunni beliefs.
Israel and Indians had been screweing Iranins for years while Iran is flooded with indians.
Iranians have this rotten habit of speaking in sectarian terms , visit their forums and see people flying around banners of 'shia excellence' and blaming 'sunnis' to any such attack.

In general iran is not the 'bortherly' country that many in Pakistan think them to be. They have very deep rooted ethnic and sectarain views , we need to be watchfull of them. Some of them also support the seperation of Frontier and Balochistan from Pakistan.

The game in the region is very very murky.

There is no concept of brotherly nation in any country except Pakistan. Every one see their own interest first, if they are getting more benefits from India then they will give more preference to them.
Iranians have this rotten habit of speaking in sectarian terms , visit their forums and see people flying around banners of 'shia excellence' and blaming 'sunnis' to any such attack.

In general iran is not the 'bortherly' country that many in Pakistan think them to be. They have very deep rooted ethnic and sectarain views , we need to be watchfull of them. Some of them also support the seperation of Frontier and Balochistan from Pakistan.

The game in the region is very very murky.

Well no offence meant but :

India : Bad
Af :Bad
Iran : Bad

I thought India was the one in the region having probs with its neighbors .
We lost the Iranians' trust when Zia sold Pakistan to Saudi Arabia.
They are brain washed nation with false information.
They have very unrealistics view of sunni beliefs.
Israel and Indians had been screweing Iranins for years while Iran is flooded with indians.

I cant help but laugh. Most of the sunnis i have debated with have an unrealistic view of shia beliefs. Judging by that all of the sunnis are brainwashed too isn't it?
As developero said; we lost the iranians in Zia's time. What do you expect shias to do? Love you while you chant "Shia Kafir Shia Kafir"?

Utter bullcrap...
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Iran commanders killed

Iran commanders killed

At least seven senior commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are among about 30 people who have been killed in an attack in southeastern Iran.

The suicide bombing, which occurred early on Sunday morning in the city of Pisheen, in Sistan-Baluchestan province, wounded another 40 people, according to the state news agency.

General Nourali Shoushtari, the head of the Revolutionary Guards' armed forces, and General Mohammadzadeh, the Guard's commander in Sistan-Baluchestan, were killed.

The attack, the deadliest attack in Iran in recent years, occurred as officers were preparing to stage a meeting between locals from Shia and Sunni communities.

Some local tribal leaders, civilians and senior Revolutionary Guards' officers were reportedly among those killed.

Ali Larijani, Iran's parliamentary speaker, confirmed the deaths in an address to parliament.

"We express our condolences for their martyrdom ... The intention of the terrorists was definitely to disrupt security in Sistan-Baluchestan province,'' Larijani told an open session of the parliament.

A Sunni group called Jundallah (Soldiers of God) claimed responsibility for the attack, according to state media.

Past attacks

Sistan-Baluchestan borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has been the scene of past clashes between security forces, Sunni fighters and drug traffickers.

Jundallah (Soldiers of God) has been accused by Tehran of launching regular attacks in the province and is strongly opposed to the predominantly Shia government.

The Revolutionary Guards is an elite force fiercely loyal to the tenets of the Islamic revolution of 1979.

Al Jazeera's Nazanine Moshiri, in Tehran, the capital, said: "Just three weeks before [June's] presidential elections there was a big explosion in that area, where 25 people were killed and more than 100 injured.

"The head of Jundullah said that his group carried out the attack.

"The Iranian's say that they are carrying out a duel war against drug traffickers and Jundullah, which they claim is linked to al-Qaeda."

Moshiri said that there was no suggestion that the blast was linked to the recent disputed presidential elections.

"What is common in this area is kidnappings, explosions and clashes between Jundullah and Iranian authorities," she said.


"But what is very interesting is that this meeting that was about to take place was with senior commanders of the Revolutionary Guard. So this was potentially an extremely important meeting."
Well no offence meant but :

India : Bad
Af :Bad
Iran : Bad

I thought India was the one in the region having probs with its neighbors .

India has indeed problems with all its neighbours including Pakistan , China and Bangladesh.

India adheres to the chankian view of being close with the neghbour's neigbour to create problems for the neighbour.

In Pakistan's case they try to be close with Iran and Afghanistan to create problems in Pakistan.
India has indeed problems with all its neighbours including Pakistan , China and Bangladesh.

India adheres to the chankian view of being close with the neghbour's neigbour to create problems for the neighbour.

In Pakistan's case they try to be close with Iran and Afghanistan to create problems in Pakistan.

Whichever way you look at it, though the highlighted part above is not understood..

We ALL seem to be having probs with ALL our neighbors. Right ?
I cant help but laugh. Most of the sunnis i have debated with have an unrealistic view of shia beliefs. Judging by that all of the sunnis are brainwashed too isn't it?
As developero said; we lost the iranians in Zia's time. What do you expect shias to do? Love you while you chant "Shia Kafir Shia Kafir"?

Utter bullcrap...

I'm talking about iranians not all shias.
I have personally talked to iranians and the fellow told me many things about sunni beliefs which were simply untrue.

There is no limit to chanting of minority.... i have heard more people chanting that BB is shaeed!!! bhutto is shaeed!!!
so don't base your reactions on street chanting.....

I do not value a person based on his religon.
Best person for me is who do not conspire against fellow humans and worst is hypocrite.
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