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Iran Begins Mass Production of ‘Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile


Sep 10, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran started producing the air-launched version of its homegrown cruise missile Nasr (Victory) in the assembly line.

Speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony to inaugurate the production line of the cruise missile on Tuesday, Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said the mass production of Nasr Missile is part of the country’s strategy to enhance its missile capabilities and upgrade its deterrent power.

Nasr had been originally designed and manufactured as an anti-ship cruise missile, but the country's experts managed to upgrade it to be employed for aerial missions.

According to the minister, the air-launched version of Nasr can be mounted on different types of fighter jets.

The missile will need no additional guided controls, allowing the warplane to immediately leave the danger zone after launching the projectile, Dehqan explained.

Thanks to its radar tracking system, Nasr can hit the targets with high precision, he added.

The new achievement “dramatically boosts the operational and tactical capabilities” of the Army and IRGC‌ air forces, Dehqan stressed.

The minister also noted that plans are underway to install the air-launched cruise missile on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Iran had unveiled the air-launched version of Qader (Capable) and Nasr cruise missiles in September 2013. They are capable of hitting targets within a range of 200 km and 35 km, respectively.

The main features of the missiles are quick preparation capability, usefulness in low-altitude flights, high precision in hitting targets, particularly naval vessels, great destructive power and high resistance to radio disruption tactics.

Tasnim News Agency - Iran Begins Mass Production of ‘Nasr’ Air-Launched Cruise Missile

commentary : Nasr is an AShM with a range of 35 km, it was initially tested in 2008 and entered mass production in 2010, the air launched version of Nasr was unveiled in 2013 and have undergone tests since then, it has now entered mass production.

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خط تولید موشک کروز نصر هواپایه با حضور وزیر دفاع افتتاح شد+گزارش تصویری




در ایام روز صنعت دفاعی و در دومین روز از هفته دولت با حضور سردار سرتیپ پاسدار دکتر حسین دهقان وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح ،خط تولید موشک کروز نصر هواپایه در سازمان هوافضای وزارت دفاع افتتاح و به بهره برداری رسید.
به گزارش اداره کل تبلیغات دفاعی وزارت دفاع ؛ سردار دهقان در حاشیه افتتاح این خط تولید طی سخنانی، توسعه توان موشکی در راستای تقویت قدرت رزمی نیروهای مسلح و افزایش سطح بازدارندگی موثر را از راهبردهای اصلی وزارت دفاع ذکر کرد و افزود:موشک کروز نصر هواپایه در همین ارتباط طراحی و در خط تولید قرار گرفته است.
وزیر دفاع گفت:با بهره برداری موشک نصر هواپایه در نیروهای هوایی ارتش و سپاه توان عملیاتی و قدرت تاکتیکی این نیروها به طور چشمگیری افزایش می یابد.
وی افزود:این موشک با توجه به جستجوگر راداری از دقت بالایی در اصابت و انهدام اهداف مورد نظر برخوردار است و پس از شلیک از هواپیما های جنگنده نیازی به پشتیبانی نداشته، هواپیمای جنگنده می تواند به سرعت از نقطه خطر دور شود.
وزیر دفاع گفت:سیستم سلاح نصرهواپایه می تواند بر روی انواع جنگنده ها نصب و مورد بهره برداری قرار گیرد.
سردار دهقان بکارگیری این سلاح در هواپیماهای بدون سرنشین را از دیگر برنامه های وزارت دفاع دانست و اظهار امیدواری کرد :با همت و تلاش محققان و متخصصان زبده و کارآمد سازمان صنایع هوافضای وزارت دفاع به زودی عملیاتی شود.
وزیر دفاع با قدردانی از تلاش دانشمندان ،محققان و متخصصان صنعت دفاعی که با تفکر ، روحیه ،کار و مدیریت جهادی قدرت بازدارندگی جمهوری اسلامی ایران در برابر تهدیدات را افزایش می دهند تأکید کرد:راهی که امام راحل عظیم الشان و پیروان راستینش،شهیدان سرافراز برای استقلال و عزت ایران اسلامی آغاز کردند با قدرت و صلابت ادامه خواهیم داد و هیچ مانعی نمی تواند سد راه اراده خلل ناپذیر فرزندان خمینی و خامنه ای عزیز باشد.

Very good.​
Iran Plans to Equip Home-Made Drones With New Air-Based Missiles


Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced the country's plans to equip its drones with the home-made powerful and high-precision air-based Nasr cruise missile, Iranian media reports.

“Using the air-based Nasr missile by the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) the Air Forces will remarkably increase their operational and tactical power,” he said.

As the Nasr missile is equipped with a high-precision radar allowing it to trace and intercept targets, it doesn’t need any backup and the fighter jet can leave the danger zone immediately.

Noting that the Nasr missile can be mounted on various types of fighter jets, the minister announced Iran's future plan to equip its home-made drones with the air-based missile.

Since March, the Iranian defense ministry has started the mass-delivery of different ballistic missiles, including the Qadr, Qiam, Fateh 110 and Khalij-e Fars missiles, as well as the Mersad air defense system to the IRGC and Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base.

“These missiles can strike and destroy enemy targets with a high-precision capability and provide for a wide range of the Armed Forces’ needs to missiles with different ranges,” Dehqan said during the inaugural ceremony.

In recent years, Iran has made great progress in the defense sector and has become self-sufficient in essential military hardware and defense systems. The country has repeatedly made it clear that its military might is based on the state's defense and that it poses no threat to other countries.


Imagine The high endurance Shahed-129 and
The Sa'ar-5 killer , Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile together
O man that's DEADLY!


Iran Plans to Equip Home-Made Drones With New Air-Based Missiles


Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced the country's plans to equip its drones with the home-made powerful and high-precision air-based Nasr cruise missile, Iranian media reports.

“Using the air-based Nasr missile by the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) the Air Forces will remarkably increase their operational and tactical power,” he said.

As the Nasr missile is equipped with a high-precision radar allowing it to trace and intercept targets, it doesn’t need any backup and the fighter jet can leave the danger zone immediately.

Noting that the Nasr missile can be mounted on various types of fighter jets, the minister announced Iran's future plan to equip its home-made drones with the air-based missile.

Since March, the Iranian defense ministry has started the mass-delivery of different ballistic missiles, including the Qadr, Qiam, Fateh 110 and Khalij-e Fars missiles, as well as the Mersad air defense system to the IRGC and Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base.

“These missiles can strike and destroy enemy targets with a high-precision capability and provide for a wide range of the Armed Forces’ needs to missiles with different ranges,” Dehqan said during the inaugural ceremony.

In recent years, Iran has made great progress in the defense sector and has become self-sufficient in essential military hardware and defense systems. The country has repeatedly made it clear that its military might is based on the state's defense and that it poses no threat to other countries.


Imagine The high endurance Shahed-129 and
The Sa'ar-5 killer , Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile together
O man that's DEADLY!



Impressive, even our own drones don't carry anti ship missiles.
Impressive, even our own drones don't carry anti ship missiles.
Well a drone is a platform the tric is inside the missile . By the way I doubt Shahed can carry Nasr it's more suitable for a larger drone like fotros.
You knew shahed carry 2 sadid on each pilon and each Sadid is in class of a hellfire so its less than 100kg under each pilon while each nasr weigh anout 350 kg.

And also a question, can't helfire and maverick considred as sort of antiship missile ? They have good record in that mission.
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Impressive, even our own drones don't carry anti ship missiles.

There is a between between can't and don't. Not carrying does not mean you don't have the capability. The Us UAV's, don't need to carry anti ships missiles because that's not required for their missions (which is mostly anti insurgency).
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