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Iran backtracks on reports of kidnapped guards' release

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Nov 1, 2011
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Iran backtracks on reports of kidnapped guards' release
Iran backtracks on reports of kidnapped guards' release| Reuters

(Reuters) - The status of five kidnapped Iranian border guards remains unclear, Iran said on Sunday, retracting earlier reports by Iranian military officials that they had been freed in Pakistan.

"Until now, reports about the fate of the five border guards are not reliable," an Iranian Interior Ministry official said, according to the state news agency IRNA.

An Iranian Sunni Muslim rebel group called Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) claimed responsibility for the February 6 kidnapping of the five men in Sistan-Baluchistan province, according to a Twitter account purporting to belong to the group. Its authenticity could not be immediately verified.

The group also denied the border guards had been released.

"There is no truth to the rumour in Pakistani media and some Iranian news websites about the freeing of Iranian soldiers held prisoner," Jaish al-Adl tweeted on Saturday.

On Saturday, IRNA had said the Iranians were among 11 foreign hostages freed in an operation by Pakistani forces.

Pakistan's paramilitary Frontier Corps said it had released three Africans abducted by drug traffickers in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan on Saturday, but had not rescued the Iranians.

Iran's impoverished and relatively lawless Sistan-Baluchistan province has been a hotbed of rebellion by minority Sunnis against the Shi'ite government in Tehran.

Angered by cross-border attacks by Jaish al-Adl, Iran said two weeks ago that it might pursue the rebels into Pakistani territory. Islamabad warned it against any such incursion.

Iran accuses Pakistan and Saudi Arabia of supporting Sunni rebels. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif enjoys warm ties with Saudi Arabia, where he lived in exile after an earlier military coup. His government also hopes for Saudi funding.

Iran and Saudi Arabia, which sees itself as the champion of Sunni Islam, are rivals for influence in the Muslim world.

A Pakistani delegation was in Tehran on Sunday to discuss the fate of the missing border guards.
You cant expect much from Pakistan I remember Al-Qaeda captured their main navy base a few months ago, and US regularly violates its sovereignty by killing its citizens on daily basis ! their corrupt saudi-lover regime is not capable to use its military power. Iran should go in and rescue the soldiers just like how it did a while ago rescuing a kidnapped Iranian diplomat in Pakistan through Intelligence Ministry operators
You cant expect much from Pakistan I remember Al-Qaeda captured their main navy base a few months ago, and US regularly violates its sovereignty by killing its citizens on daily basis ! their corrupt saudi-lover regime is not capable to use its military power. Iran should go in and rescue the soldiers just like how it did a while ago rescuing a kidnapped Iranian diplomat in Pakistan through Intelligence Ministry operators

Yeah, seeing the incompetence of Pakistan's internal security measures such a move by Iran should not be frowned upon.

Either our internal security is incompetent or our gov.t is involved in this trying to please their Saudi masters.
You cant expect much from Pakistan I remember Al-Qaeda captured their main navy base a few months ago, and US regularly violates its sovereignty by killing its citizens on daily basis ! their corrupt saudi-lover regime is not capable to use its military power. Iran should go in and rescue the soldiers just like how it did a while ago rescuing a kidnapped Iranian diplomat in Pakistan through Intelligence Ministry operators

Dont worry about what Terrorists and US does to Pakistan why dont you come inside Pakistan and release your soldiers, you talk the talk let for once lets walk the walk. You can show the world how powerful you have become, its an opportunity waiting...come
You cant expect much from Pakistan I remember Al-Qaeda captured their main navy base a few months ago, and US regularly violates its sovereignty by killing its citizens on daily basis ! their corrupt saudi-lover regime is not capable to use its military power. Iran should go in and rescue the soldiers just like how it did a while ago rescuing a kidnapped Iranian diplomat in Pakistan through Intelligence Ministry operators
Please don't let your soldiers come inside Pakistan to rescue your other soldiers, because you will whine and cry again when these rookie soldiers will also get butchered or kidnapped, and then as usual you will blame Pakistan, pound some rockets inside Pakistan and kill civilians to show your strength and your brain fart minister will threaten us with invasion. No we don't want that. Please take care of your ragtag army.
You are ignorant of the fact that Pakistan has become a nest for Saudi-funded terrorists to attack Iran,Afghanistan, and India.... as I said before we have done it before and it was totally successful, Pakistani regime in inept to the core and its intelligence service on top of it ! now you can sit down and talk like a tough boy behind your pc and dare us to come ...but my friend, it's your problem first of all ! it gives your country a bad look ! my best friend is a Sunni Pakistani..... is this what you want your country to be ?
You are ignorant of the fact that Pakistan has become a nest for Saudi-funded terrorists to attack Iran,Afghanistan, and India.... as I said before we have done it before and it was totally successful, Pakistani regime in inept to the core and its intelligence service on top of it ! now you can sit down and talk like a tough boy behind your pc and dare us to come ...but my friend, it's your problem first of all ! it gives your country a bad look ! my best friend is a Sunni Pakistani..... is this what you want your country to be ?

We, the muslim of sub continent has this bug of Brotherly muslim countries, but dont worry we are learning with time and we will take care of all our "Brotherly Muslim friends" in time. But do tell your loud mouth ministers that this weekly weapon innovation announcement may be scaring Saudis not Pakistanis, we dont talk big but when time comes we will show you what we are made of.
Thread about the soldiers already exists in Pakistan's war section.
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