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Iran asks Pakistan to act sternly against terrorists


Oct 14, 2010
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Iran has stepped up pressure on Pakistan to crack down on terrorists, days after Islamabad announced the arrest of the chief of 'Jundallah', a sectarian Muslim group which carries out cross-border attacks inside Iranian territory.

Welcoming the capture of Abdul Rauf Rigi, a senior Iranian official however said Pakistan needs to deal with terrorists sternly. Rigi was captured in Pakistan on Friday.

He became chief of Jundullah after his brother Abdul Malik Rigi was hanged by Iran earlier this year.

The arrest was made after Iran pressured Pakistan to crack down on terrorists operating from its soil in the wake of a deadly suicide attack in the Iranian city of Chabahar.

"Abdul Rauf Rigi's arrest reflects the decisive determination of the government of Pakistan to confront terrorism," Ali Akbar Javanfekr, press adviser to the Iranian president, was quoted as saying by Dawn newspaper.

Jundallah, literally meaning 'Soldiers of God', also known as People's Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI), is an organisation based in Balochistan that claims to be fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Shia dominated Iran.

Iran wants Pakistan to deal with terrorists sternly, Javanfekr said. Pakistan-Iran ties came under considerable strain after Jundullah carried out the suicide attack on a Shia procession in Chabahar. Iranian leaders criticised Pakistan for its failure to end alleged Jundallah sanctuaries on its territory and prevent the cross-border movements of terrorists.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad telephoned his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari and called for the arrest and hand over of terrorists wanted by Iran.

Abdul Rauf Rigi is believed to have been detained in Balochistan after his telephone call to London-based Arabic daily Al Sharq Al Awsat was intercepted, allowing security personnel to trace his hideout along the Pakistan-Iran border.

In his interview with the daily, Rigi had threatened to kill an abducted Iranian nuclear plant worker in retaliation for the execution of 11 Jundallah men.

Pakistani officials said on Saturday that Rigi is likely to be handed over to Iran after being interrogated.

Abdul Rauf is the second member of the Rigi family to be arrested by Pakistani authorities.

Abdolhamed Rigi, another brother of Rigi, was arrested in 2008 and handed over to Iran. Pakistani authorities are also believed to have assisted in the arrest of Abdul Malik Rigi.

Presidential spokesman Javanfekr said Iran believed that Pakistan's government and people would not support terrorism as they had been victims of the menace.

However, Iran was urging Pakistan to tackle terrorism more seriously and stop Jundallah terrorists from carrying out cross-border attacks, he said.

Javanfekr hoped the determination and will of both countries to improve bilateral ties would "remove the obstacles in the way."

Iran asks Pakistan to act sternly against terrorists - World - DNA
now Iran is the part of western & indian propaganda??;)
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