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Iran: Appreciate India's role in Afghanistan

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No one likes Pakistan actually for supporting terrorism in Afghanistan so they can keep the Afghans from retaking their lands that the British gave to Pakistan.

I couldn't care if the land belonged to Genghis Khan. It's taken so consider it conquered. Play nice, some folk have their eyes on the wakhan corridor.
No one likes Pakistan actually for supporting terrorism in Afghanistan so they can keep the Afghans from retaking their lands that the British gave to Pakistan.

An Iraqi coming to defend Iran ! No wonder middle east is in such a mess.

At least Afghani defended their home land successfully where you guys could not. Iraq better learn to service its F-16 jets before start to worry about Afghans.

Oh and BTW if you guys do not like us, would you plz stop using our Talha APCs .... plz plz plz.
Are you really an Iraqi BTW?
No one likes Pakistan actually for supporting terrorism in Afghanistan so they can keep the Afghans from retaking their lands that the British gave to Pakistan.

Of course Western, Israelis and Indians have got butt hurt thanks to the Pakistan as Afghan's have taken their lands and freedom back and also are free from the night raids and drones attack. Turning Muslim countries into the waste lands at last stopped in their tracks and super power with their cronies have to run out of the Afghanistan in the cover of the darkness for their own safety. Live with the butt hurt pain and if the pain is unbearable for you then go and drown your sorrows in the Ganges. Bas***ds.
Retake the lands? Oh the ones given by treaty by none other than emir Abdur Rahman Khan, which should give you an insight to the stupidity you wrote.

Where does it say anything about India?

The next pic in that Twitter feed is hilarious right after that 'appreciate India' tweet.

Exactly no mention of India in that tweet . But defeated and frustrated pajeets in afghanistan are now falsifying tweets to calm themselves . It hurts like a bitch to lose billions of dollars in afghanistan :lol: Not just that they got kicked out of afghanistan completely first time in history. Not a single goddamn indian consulate in afghanistan .
No one likes Pakistan actually for supporting terrorism in Afghanistan so they can keep the Afghans from retaking their lands that the British gave to Pakistan.
Bravo bravo excellent observation.
I totally agree with you.
But no doubt you've heard the saying
" What's good for the goose is good for the gander"
Let's start with Afghanistan and endia.
Agreed give all there lands back.
Here is the billion dollar question. Why stop there ?
Let's go further back and give all mid East lands back to the Arabs (oops Israel)
The Americas should be given back to the tribes of people that it belonged to.
No British empire (oops)
Europe is screwed because everything they have actually belongs to someone else (oops)
So how far back should we go.
Roman empire?
( This guy's a tool )
OK, Its not bad if Turkey conquer Iraq as it was part of ottoman empire?
Iraq is older than the shitman empire and Afghanistan is older than Pakistan which was created by the British in 1947.
I also appreciate my role in American Civil War. And also battle of Narmandy.
no one gives a shit to desperate India over Afghanistan..everybody knows it and now they (India) know as well....this is nothing more than a lip service.
iran is out for its own interest.
Iran is 3,000 years plus old nation with a history of peaceful co-existence with all neighbors. Iran wants a stable peaceful independent Afghanistan and any country that can assist in that goal is welcome. The Afghan people have suffered enough and Iran is home to over 3 million Afghan refugees. The real issue as Admiral Shamkhani correctly stated that the US created this whole mess and should be held responsible.

Iran at India forum: US, allied invaders must be held to account for Afghanistan woes

Iran’s security chief says the United States and its coalition allies must be held accountable for the myriad of crises Afghanistan is facing today, adding the “least responsibility” they bear is to compensate for all the damage they have inflicted on the Afghan people over the past two decades.

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani made the remarks at the third edition of the Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan, a meeting of national security advisers from regional countries, which kicked off in the Indian capital earlier on Wednesday.

“Twenty years ago, the United States occupied Afghanistan under the pretext of confronting the Taliban and al-Qaeda, claiming to be fighting terrorism and preaching that ‘I want to turn Afghanistan into a role model and a source of inspiration,” he said.

No one likes Pakistan actually for supporting terrorism in Afghanistan so they can keep the Afghans from retaking their lands that the British gave to Pakistan.
Terrorism was started by Afghanistan right after Pakistan state came into being. The hotheadedness of Afghans is the reason of their misery.
allied invaders
India was ally of US in Afghanistan :agree:
Terrorism was started by Afghanistan right after Pakistan state came into being. The hotheadedness of Afghans is the reason of their misery.
Afghanistan has been ungovernable throughout history even during the Persian Empire. It is a tribal multi-ethnic fragmented quasi state on the faultlines of geo-strategic fault lines. Everyone, the Greeks, Persians, Russians, the Brits and even dumb Americans have tried their hand. The best is to leave the Afghans to sort out their own system.
Iraq is older than the shitman empire and Afghanistan is older than Pakistan which was created by the British in 1947.
Thing is, Greece is older than Iran and it sucks now and no amount of history is going to change that. Your past history means shit in today's world.
Afghanistan has been ungovernable throughout history even during the Persian Empire. It is a tribal multi-ethnic fragmented quasi state on the faultlines of geo-strategic fault lines. Everyone, the Greeks, Persians, Russians, the Brits and even dumb Americans have tried their hand. The best is to leave the Afghans to sort out their own system.
Pakistan is not planning to rule Afghanistan, we are only trying to ensure that no looters comes to Pakistan again like old times.
Winners keep on winning and moving forward and losers keep on whining and crying.
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