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Iran and Sudan relations


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A Deadly Love Triangle

Why Iran and Hamas adore Darfur's genocidal dictator.

Aug 6, 2008

THE HEAD OF HAMAS'S POLITBURO in Damascus, Khalid Mash'al, recently telephoned Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir and denounced the International Criminal Court's accusations against him, according to an article that appeared on the Palestinian Maan News Agency website. The "armed wing" of Hamas also proclaimed Bashir's innocence on their website.

Without addressing the allegations, Mash'al decried the submission of international organizations to U.S. pressure. He confirmed Hamas's solidarity with Sudan, its leadership and people "in confronting this new conspiracy targeting Sudan through its head of state."

The Islamic Republic of Iran also defends Bashir. Last year, as international pressure mounted over the slaughter in Darfur, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad described Sudan as a second home full of "dear, pious and revolutionary brothers."

Iran and Hamas like to cast themselves as defenders of "resistance." Indeed, both claim to fight for justice and the downtrodden. How can they defend mass murder?

The story begins in1989, when an Islamist-inspired coup brought Brigadier Omar al-Bashir to power. Within months, Islamists tied to the National Islamic Front (NIF) held key posts in the government, security services, and other important sectors. As journalist Judith Miller noted, Sudan became "the only Sunni Arab state to have embraced absolutist, militant Islamic rule." Weapons and oil supplies began to arrive from Iran. The two states, despite the Sunni-Shiite divide, became fast allies.

Allegations soon surfaced regarding Sudanese support for terrorism. To the consternation of the West, Sudan provided shelter to the infamous terrorist Carlos the Jackal, and also allowed Osama bin Laden and his nascent al Qaeda organization to train and operate out of Sudan for the first half of the 1990s.

In November 1991, Bashir banned mixed dancing and required women to dress according to Islamic standards. Transportation was also segregated. Finally, the government instated the Islamic hudud penalties (stonings, amputations, lashings, and even executions).

In December 1991, Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani paid an official visit to Khartoum, accompanied by more than 150 Iranian officials. "The Islamic Revolution of Sudan," he proclaimed, "alongside Iran's pioneer revolution, can doubtless be the source of movement and revolution throughout the Islamic world." Iran pledged $17 million in financial aid to Sudan, and arranged for an additional $300 million in Chinese weapons to be delivered there. Iran further pledged one million tons of oil each year.

Next, it was reported that Iran sent up to 2,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards to Sudan. Iran's Defense Minister, Ali Akbar Torkan also met with the commander of the Sudanese armed forces to discuss assistance and personnel exchange. By the end of 1992, Sudan's Popular Defense Forces were unveiled. Sudan modeled its army after Iran's Revolutionary Guards, who had trained them. Like their Iranian counterparts, the PDF marched with guns while reciting the Koran.

The West grew increasingly nervous over reports of terrorist training in Sudan. It was estimated that there were at least 10 paramilitary training camps in Sudan providing training to Palestinian Hamas and other Iran-backed terrorist groups. In 1993, the U.S. Department of State named Sudan a state sponsor of terror for, among other things, harboring bin Laden, and training Hamas with Iranian backing.

In November 1995, a military delegation from Iran visited Khartoum in order to make a new assessment of Sudan's military needs, yielding Sudan a windfall of armored cars, heavy artillery, and radar equipment. In May of the following year, the two countries signed an agreement to broaden the scope of their cooperation.

The key broker for this relationship was an Islamist ideologue named Hassan al-Turabi. As one analyst noted, "the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Sudan is Turabi and Turabi is the movement." By the late 1990s, however, Bashir removed Turabi from office in a power struggle.

While the West held out hope that Sudan was about to turn a corner, Bashir reiterated his commitment to sharia. As one academic observed, "the Islamist agenda has been pursued farther in Sudan than in many of the better-known examples of contemporary Islamic republics..."

Today, the U.S. State Department maintains that Sudan is a state sponsor of terrorism. Khartoum maintains close ties with Iran. But, the chief reason for designation is support for Hamas.

The three-way ties over nearly two decades explains the current Hamas and Iranian support for Bashir, and why they ignore the incontrovertible evidence of genocide. This yields two key observations.

First, both Sunni and Shiite Islamists are hypocritical and inconsistent when they proclaim that they seek justice.

More broadly, the Islamist support for the Darfur genocide reveals much about the dangers of Islamism, and must not be ignored.

A Deadly Love Triangle | The Weekly Standard
Omar Hassan Al-Bashir is a criminal and a mass murderer just like Bashar. He killed thousands of non-Arabs in Darfur.

No, these are western allegations, just a tool for bringing regime change or at least to put pressure on Bashir. There are no evidences that he commited genocide. Without US involvement, things in Darfur and the rest of Sudan would have developped in a far better way:

CIA activities in Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, these are western allegations, just a tool for bringing regime change or at least to put pressure on Bashir. There are no evidences that he commited genocide. Without US involvement, things in Darfur and the rest of Sudan would have developped in a far better way:

CIA activities in Sudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am aware of Western plots, but Bashir did commit those crimes. Not because I'm Arab, I need to to ignore them. A criminal is a criminal.
I am aware of Western plots, but Bashir did commit those crimes.

No, he didn't, and you have no evidence to proof that.

Indeed, his forces also commited crimes, but nothing near a genocide. All actors in Darfur commited crimes, but without CIA involvement in the first place, these sad things would not have happened.

And you only claim that, because Sunni Bashir is pro-Iranian, if he were anti-Iranian, you would loved him!
No, he didn't, and you have no evidence to proof that.

Indeed, his forces also commited crimes, but nothing near a genocide. All actors in Darfur commited crimes, but without CIA involvement in the first place, these sad things would not have happened.

And you only claim that, because Sunni Bashir is pro-Iranian, if he were anti-Iranian, you would loved him!

No at all, Sudan relations with Iran in my opinion is the only constructive relationship with Arab countries as Iran helped Sudan in building a defense industry, and didn't plot against it, at least not so far.
Homajon, you seem to be proud as a Iranian that Iran have relations with a barbaric state like sudan. you think anyone in iran gives a damn?
But Saddam Hussein also killed thousand of non-Arabs and I know you are a fan of his...So why the double standard here?

My heart call him a hero, but my mind a criminal.:cry: Jordanians love him more than king Abdullah..I agree it's double standadrs and I just can't explain it.
My heart call him a hero, but my mind a criminal.:cry: Jordanians love him more than king Abdullah..I agree it's double standadrs and I just can't explain it.

Is it because he waged a brutal war against Iran? Maybe it's that depiction of him as an Arab warrior or Arab war leader you see in him? I personally don't like his megalomaniac nature, his sons were the same as him.
Homajon, you seem to be proud as a Iranian that Iran have relations with a barbaric state like sudan. you think anyone in iran gives a damn?

barbaric state !?
My heart call him a hero, but my mind a criminal.:cry: Jordanians love him more than king Abdullah..I agree it's double standadrs and I just can't explain it.

Cut the crap. You say cant explain it, so allow me to do that for you.
Saddam was feverishly anti-Iranian and murdered hundreds of thousands of Iranians with chemical weapons. Not to mention the slaughter 200 000 of Iraqi shiites, in their rebellion against him.
Pretty sure the love stems from your anti-Iranian culture and sectarianism.

Otherwise who would love such a twisted f*ck and deem him a hero "by heart"? lot gtfo
My heart call him a hero, but my mind a criminal.:cry: Jordanians love him more than king Abdullah..I agree it's double standadrs and I just can't explain it.
But I can explain it! yes you just hate the Shiite been in control otherwise if another Sunni took over you wouldn't considering him as hero and we know from where they pulled him out.
Cut the crap. You say cant explain it, so allow me to do that for you.
Saddam was feverishly anti-Iranian and murdered hundreds of thousands of Iranians with chemical weapons. Not to mention the slaughter 200 000 of Iraqi shiites, in their rebellion against him.
Pretty sure the love stems from your anti-Iranian culture and sectarianism.

Otherwise who would love such a twisted f*ck and deem him a hero "by heart"? lot gtfo

But I can explain it! yes you just hate the Shiite been in control otherwise if another Sunni took over you wouldn't considering him as hero and we know from where they pulled him out.

Nope, I am a nationalist Arab as I have always been and like nationalists. People know me here I guess, I'm frank and direct, if I support him because he killed Shia I would have said it and I wouldn't give a crap of what others think of me. Again, he killed thousands of Iraqis from all religious and ethnic backgrounds.

Is it because he waged a brutal war against Iran? Maybe it's that depiction of him as an Arab warrior or Arab war leader you see in him? I personally don't like his megalomaniac nature, his sons were the same as him.

Me too, but I like him for several reasons not only because he confronted Iran. And Shia thingy is not among them, BTW, I doubt that Arabs who like him do so because of that.
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