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Iran and Saudi Arabia reportedly agree to resume diplomatic ties and re-open embassies within two months

There is reason why Sunni Islam see it as Haram. They have read many hadiths as well. There is also story this, story that, that is actually debatable to really exist.

This is why we have Quran. Quran is there to screen any story or hadiths as not all of them true, many are basically not said by prophet himself, this is why there is category on hadiths like strong, weak, false, etc.

I dont know why you are so defensive in relation to Mutah marriage ? Even though I am Sunni and some Ulama say this and that, I would be critical on what he said

We have brain, Quran, and heart. No need to follow our stream of Islam as if they are our God. This is why we need to read whole Quran (meaning), so we can understand the connecting line between all Quran verses. In the end, the responsibility is on us. We cannot say to God during the judgement day saying, " Oh God, I do this, because this Ulama said this is not Haram.

I have explained the verse, look on my previous post.

Look like this verse is the favorit among Shiah follower to justify the Mutah married
Sir with due respect I am not being defensive as it is a topic started by you and not me. you didn’t answer my question that I asked . In regards to your comment about being defensive, I assure you, As like I said nobody that I know ever practiced mutah. If we follow the Quran it vividly says that whatever the holy prophet (PBUH) allows you keep it and whatever r he disallows you disregard it. So was it allows by the holy prophet (PBUH) and disregarded after his wafaat?
Sir with due respect I am not being defensive as it is a topic started by you and not me. you didn’t answer my question that I asked . In regards to your comment about being defensive, I assure you, As like I said nobody that I know ever practiced mutah. If we follow the Quran it vividly says that whatever the holy prophet (PBUH) allows you keep it and whatever r he disallows you disregard it. So was it allows by the holy prophet (PBUH) and disregarded after his wafaat?

DUH, there is reason of why Sunni Islam see it Haram. I said many TIMES here. They read many Hadiths as well and screened the story.

Better use Logic. If you want to have SEX with women, not intended to make a family with her, Just to satisfy your lust. So what is that then ?

Okay, answer this. Will you allow your daughter do this Mutah Married with another man when he enjoyed your daughter only for releasing his lust (desire) and dump her after several days ?
Once the 9 years war and blockade on poor Muslims of Yemen end Iran can have good relations with Ale Saud
As you know.. the civil war in Yemen was going on for almost 100 years between the north and south and it was a destabilizing war for the whole region.. it has affected KSA directly when Houthis started attacking its border posts as a provocation..so it responded as any sovereign nation would have done..It has stabilized Yemen more than before because instead of splitting the Yemeni nation into South and North.. it has reunited them and fought only the Houthi militia that was a very destabilizing factor for both Yemen, and to KSA to a certain point..
The whole power of the Houthis came from Iran.. so now as you can imagine..with that military backing gone..there will be peace for sure.. And please stop confusing all Yemenis with the Houthi militia..that you call poor..Have you seen their last military parade? it was almost bigger than Saudi parades..HaHaHa!

Washington Post :
The Saudis made it clear that they did not sign the agreement until after a strong assurance from the Iranians that attacks against Saudi Arabia and countries in the region would stop and that they would end military support for the Houthis.
DUH, there is reason of why Sunni Islam see it Haram. I said many TIMES here. They read many Hadiths as well and screened the story.

Better use Logic. If you want to have SEX with women, not intended to make a family with her, Just to satisfy your lust. So what is that then ?

Okay, answer this. Will you allow your daughter do this Mutah Married with another man when he enjoyed your daughter only for releasing his lust (desire) and dump her after several days ?
My dear brother, like I said to you many times nobody that I know or myself has practiced mutah. You did not answer my question that I asked you instead you are getting aggressive. So I will say to you let’s agree to disagree. I have nothing but respect for a fellow Muslim let’s leave it at that.
We need to understand that the feud of Banu Hashim and Banu Ummayah did not start after the Holy prophets(PBUH) wafaat. It was a feud between two clans of ar

One thing that we need to understand sir is that the rivalry between Banu Ummayah and Banu Hashim was not created after the Holy prophets (PBUH) wafaat. It was way before that as they were cousin clans. During the time of Hashim (which means crusher) as he was known and introduced to Arabia a dish which made of crushing bread with meat and make into a kind of stew with which he fed the poor, his contemporary abd shams (the father of Ummayah and grandfather of abu sufyan)could not gather that same fame, moving forward the time of Abdul Muttalib who inherited the same generosity, could ‘not be replicated by Ummayah . The biggest friction point happened when Banu Hashim the rival clan of Banu Ummayah got blessed with the honour of the final prophet (PBUH)being born there. Now they could not compete, they could compete with wealth or generosity (try to) but not with prophet hood. Hence the rivalry continued with Abu sufyan and the holy prophet (PBUH) that’s why they even tried to bribe the holy prophet (PBUH) in their ignorance that take the chiefdom of Quraish, the most beautiful women and/or the most money. What you see happening after the holy prophet(PBUH) is just a continuation. With Imam Ali and the enemity with him you need to understand the Battle of Badr, imam Ali and banu hashim killed Utbah bin rabiah (father in law of abu sufyan and father of Hinda) Walid bin utbah ( brother in law of Abu sufyan and Brother of a Hinda) and Shayba bin Rabiah ( uncle of Hinda and husband to abu sufyan sister) . Imam Ali was cursed during the reign of umayyads for 70’years on the pulpits of mosques during Friday prayers It is a unanimous fact. What Hinda did with hazrat hamza is also a unanimous fact. So it’s not exactly all black and white sir. @M. Sarmad @Mentee correct me where I am wrong sirs.

Your analysis is right on the mark
Sunni Muslim see Muthah married as Haram.

LOL that Quran verse cannot be used to make mutah as Halal. It is very logic to see Muthah married as prostitution. The same thing, no different. I need to say this since the action can made any Muslim go to hell.

I have explained this as well to Bangladeshi in other forum.

Here I show you the explanation

This is Quran, An Nisa verse 24

Also ˹forbidden are˺ married women—except ˹female˺ captives in your possession.1 This is Allah’s commandment to you. Lawful to you are all beyond these—as long as you seek them with your wealth in a legal marriage, not in fornication. Give those you have consummated marriage with their due dowries. It is permissible to be mutually gracious regarding the set dowry. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.


The Quran doesnt talk about Mutah, it is about normal marriage. In Islam of course the men needs to spend some money when they want to marry a women, it is called as Mahar

Maher (alternately transliterated as mahr, mahar, mehr, or mehrieh) is a contract some Muslims enter into upon marriage. In Islamic law, it is a gift or contribution made by the husband-to-be to his wife-to-be, for her exclusive property, as a mark of respect for the bride, and as recognition of her independence

And of course men needs wealth to marry any woman since in Islam men is responsible on the financial of the family while women dont have obligation for that matter. We cannot marry women if we dont have jobs, unless we are ready to have family under fragile situation and men is not really respected if they cannot become the source of income of their family.

Giving mahar in Islam is similar like Western/Modern time men give wedding ring to propose their girl freind



The reason there is religion is also to make us control our desire, dont let desire (dunya) above faith, Iman, etc

Well, my friend, I don't think you have actually read Sunni Qur'anic exegesis of the verse in question (i.e. 4:24). A lot of early Sunni scholars have accepted that the verse indeed talks about Mutah marriage. They rather claim that the verse/order was later abrogated
Well, my friend, I don't think you have actually read Sunni Qur'anic exegesis of the verse in question (i.e. 4:24). A lot of early Sunni scholars have accepted that the verse indeed talks about Mutah marriage. They rather claim that the verse/order was later abrogated
One thing I disagree with the dear brother on is when he says if somebody married
Your daughter via mutah and then left her after a couple of days then what? My counter sir is the logic is flawed. What if somebody divorced somebody’s daughter after a 2
Months of marriage then what? Should I start calling her a prositute and start degrading her?
One thing I disagree with the dear brother on is when he says if somebody married
Your daughter via mutah and then left her after a couple of days then what? My counter sir is the logic is flawed. What if somebody divorced somebody’s daughter after a 2
Months of marriage then what? Should I start calling her a prositute and start degrading her?

Mutah, although a Qur'anic concept, has come to be associated with Shia and that's the sole reason many Sunnis ridicule and insult the concept (by equating it with prostitution etc) without realizing that it has been allowed by the almighty in the Holy Qur'an (whether or not the verse/order has been abrogated is another debate) and that there are authentic reports that Mutah was practiced by several pious noblemen and noblewomen (Sahaba/Sahabiat) during the lifetime of the prophet (pbuh) and even after his death. Ironically, while Shia do consider Mutah to be permissible (based on Qur'anic injunctions), practice of Mutah is extremely rare among Pakistani Shias
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Bad news for USA and Israel. Can't imagine them sitting idle.

Good move in rebuilding the diplomatic relationship and it is about time Alhamdulilah.

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