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Iran and Iraq are already one you fool. So is Iran and Syria. Same with Iran and Lebanon, and soon Iran and Yemen. Open your eyes.........

Oh really! When did that happen & how? Can you explain to me please, How they are one?

One of the only stark similarities between Iran and Iraq is its shared national religion of Islam, with 90% of Iran and 60% of Iraq following Shia tradition, while 8% and 37% follow Sunni, respectively. Apart from this there are many historical & cultural differences between Iran & Iraq.

And why did Iraq invade Iran in 1980 & engaged with them in war for 8 long years where half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers, with an equivalent number of civilians, are believed to have died, with many more injured.

Why do they all have different Flags, rulers & presidents or leaders.

Iran speaks Persian & Iraqis speak Arabic/Kurdish.

Hassan Raouhani (Persian): is the 7th President of Iran, who holds the current position since 2013

Mumahhad Fuad Masum (Kurdish): is the current President of Iraq, from July 2014. Masum is the second non-Arab president of Iraq, and is a confidant of Talabani.

There is no Prime Minister in Iran if I am not wrong.

Haider jawad Kadhim Al-Abadi is an Iraqi politician who has been Prime Minister of Iraq since September 2014.

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei (Persian): is the current Supreme Leader of Iran & a Marja (is a title given to the highest level Shia authority)

Eshaq Jahangiri Kouhshahi (Persian): is the First vice President of Hassan Rouhani's government


Am I wrong. Request Iranians or anybody to add some light. This man is also claiming Iran & Syria, Iran & Yemen as one :wacko:& also calling me a fool, without explaining why. o_O
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You are a joker. Read more........even mainstream media might give you more clues:


Iran is already dominating the ME.

And more:

Oh really! When did that happen & how? Can you explain to me please, How they are one?

One of the only stark similarities between Iran and Iraq is its shared national religion of Islam, with 90% of Iran and 60% of Iraq following Shia tradition, while 8% and 37% follow Sunni, respectively. Apart from this there are many historical & cultural differences between Iran & Iraq.

And why did Iraq invade Iran in 1980 & engaged with them in war for 8 long years where half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers, with an equivalent number of civilians, are believed to have died, with many more injured.

Why do they all have different Flags, rulers & presidents or leaders.

Iran speaks Persian & Iraqis speak Arabic/Kurdish.

Hassan Raouhani (Persian): is the 7th President of Iran, who holds the current position since 2013

Mumahhad Fuad Masum (Kurdish): is the current President of Iraq, from July 2014. Masum is the second non-Arab president of Iraq, and is a confidant of Talabani.

There is no Prime Minister in Iran if I am not wrong.

Haider jawad Kadhim Al-Abadi is an Iraqi politician who has been Prime Minister of Iraq since September 2014.

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei (Persian): is the current Supreme Leader of Iran & a Marja (is a title given to the highest level Shia authority)

Eshaq Jahangiri Kouhshahi (Persian): is the First vice President of Hassan Rouhani's government


Am I wrong. Request Iranians or anybody to add some light. This man is also claiming Iran & Syria, Iran & Yemen as one :wacko:& also calling me a fool, without explaining why. o_O
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محمد صالح سلجوقی نماینده مردم هرات در مجلس افغانستان: اتمام راه اهن ایران به حرات افقانستان
Mohammad Saleh Seljeqi, Representative of the People Herat in the Parliament of Afghanistan speaking to Afghanistan Tolo TV said: we are very final stages of Iran Railway track to Herat Afganistan

حکمت الله قوانج سخنگوی وزارت ترانسپورت افغانستان:افغانستان از زندان ترانسپورتی خارج شد بعد از بندرچابهار ایران
Afghanistan Transport Ministry spokesman Hikmatullah Qawanich speaking to Afghanistan Tolo TV said Afghanistan has left the transport prison after stablition and flow of trade true Iran Chabahar Port
Oh really! When did that happen & how? Can you explain to me please, How they are one?

One of the only stark similarities between Iran and Iraq is its shared national religion of Islam, with 90% of Iran and 60% of Iraq following Shia tradition, while 8% and 37% follow Sunni, respectively. Apart from this there are many historical & cultural differences between Iran & Iraq.

And why did Iraq invade Iran in 1980 & engaged with them in war for 8 long years where half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers, with an equivalent number of civilians, are believed to have died, with many more injured.

Why do they all have different Flags, rulers & presidents or leaders.

Iran speaks Persian & Iraqis speak Arabic/Kurdish.

Hassan Raouhani (Persian): is the 7th President of Iran, who holds the current position since 2013

Mumahhad Fuad Masum (Kurdish): is the current President of Iraq, from July 2014. Masum is the second non-Arab president of Iraq, and is a confidant of Talabani.

There is no Prime Minister in Iran if I am not wrong.

Haider jawad Kadhim Al-Abadi is an Iraqi politician who has been Prime Minister of Iraq since September 2014.

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei (Persian): is the current Supreme Leader of Iran & a Marja (is a title given to the highest level Shia authority)

Eshaq Jahangiri Kouhshahi (Persian): is the First vice President of Hassan Rouhani's government


Am I wrong. Request Iranians or anybody to add some light. This man is also claiming Iran & Syria, Iran & Yemen as one :wacko:& also calling me a fool, without explaining why. o_O
Tell you what,why dont you start by googling "shia crescent" or "shiite crescent" that should give you some of what you`re looking for.
As for the iran-iraq war or more correctly saddams war of aggression,in 1980 iraq was a minority sunni ruled baathist dictatorship that was completely dominated by the al tikriti family,by comparison iraq today is a majority shia state which has very strong religious,political,economic and military links with iran,a good analogy would be nazi germany in 1940 compared to west germany in 1960.
Tell you what,why dont you start by googling "shia crescent" or "shiite crescent" that should give you some of what you`re looking for.
As for the iran-iraq war or more correctly saddams war of aggression,in 1980 iraq was a minority sunni ruled baathist dictatorship that was completely dominated by the al tikriti family,by comparison iraq today is a majority shia state which has very strong religious,political,economic and military links with iran,a good analogy would be nazi germany in 1940 compared to west germany in 1960.

I may not know everything about Middle East. So even in the case of Iran, I may not have detailed knowledge of what's happening out there. But I keep updated with regional politics. And I very well know Iraq is a shia majority country.

I also know Sunni & Shiites are fighting a proxy war in the Middle East, led by Saudi Arabia & Iran. I also know the history of the rivalry.

All I said was Iraq & Iran is not a single country & India can help or broker a truce between US, Saudi, Israel & Iran, as we have good relations with most of them including Russia. We may even play a part in uniting both the countries. They are 2 different countries with own separate Governments & separate rule. Both speak different languages too.

This cartoon Tokme Khar is calling me a fool & joker & telling me they are already one & also pulls in Syria & Yemen. I don't know what national he's. I didn't want to argue with somebody who can't explain what he's saying, so just left him, because it will only lead to exchange of words & abuses, after my reply & it's utter waste of time. If you can't explain why you say what you say, you have no right to mock at others or call names.

The Saudis dictate the oil market, when to cut or increase production & the pricing of oil. Previously Iraq was under Saudi banner till Saddam (a sunni ruler of shia majority country) invaded Kuwait & annexed it in 1990. This is where the problem of Middle East crisis started. The US attack was also backed by the Saudis, due to their fear if Saddam is not neutralized, he can later become ambitious of invading Saudi Arabia like Kuwait.

If Iran & Iraq is united as one country, there is a fear in the Saudis, it can lead to the collapse of Saudi Arabia. That's the reason both Iran & Saudis are fighting proxy wars in Syria & Yemen.

Saudis have the highest oil around 267 Billion barrels of reserves. Iran has around 151 Billion barrels of reserves. Iraq has around 143 billion barrels. Iran & Iraq combined will be 293 Billion barrels, which will shift the balance of power, which the Saudis dominate now.

I can also tell you or give my analysis, what the future operations planned by the west against Iran, Iraq or the Middle East as a whole.
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American plan was after Saddam is gone, to privatize the oil & keep it under the control of UK & US. And the next step once they get a base in Iraq they focus on attacking Iran or bringing them & their oil also under their control. All plans got spoiled because what followed was civil war & they got stuck there for over a decade with no end to the turmoil, backfiring & damaging their entire calculation & expectation.

Worst was the people of Iraq & the parties who stood up against US & privatizing the oil. Iraq ended up having different corporations Chinese, Korean, Japanese & Russians taking over most of its projects.

The Trump administration is again trying to accomplish this old unfinished agenda by building up relations with the Saudis again. The Saudis inability to give a crippling defeat in all the proxy wars against Iran or at least neutralize it, is a big worry for them. This Saudis fear of Iran gaining power & influence, will always help the US to play this to their advantage, so as to meet its objectives.

Trump's agenda is to go back to Iraq & pursue their old game. For this they need the Saudis on board & for which he has to give them something, because if you don’t, you will have the Sunnis attacking the US in Iraq & on the other hand Shiites also attacking failing this entire program. They can push back the Iranians with the Sunni support, because they have ample leverage in Iraq with its Shiite influence.

For now it seems Trump wants to keep its old ally Saudi. So the plan would be to convince the Abadi Gov.t, its cabinet & the parliament to bring back more US Troops, in the pretext of fighting the ISIS & build American Military bases in Iraq & to get US oil corporation to control most of the Iraqi Oil. There are also lot of oil in the southern part of Iraq, which are still not explored. The US wants to get hold of this new projects more than the existing. Get contract for next 20-30 years & try to dissolve the Shiite Militants & integrate them in the Iraqi army to push back against Iranian influence.

For this they have to give something to the Saudis. That’s reason Trump cleared the 100bn$ arms concessional deal with the Saudis, which the Obama administration was hesitant. So it will have the GCC countries & also Egypt, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan under its control to encircle Iran.

The Saudi led Arab NATO also is with the interest of targeting Iran which suits the US. By this if they don't make war at Iran, but at-least will keep threatening Iran till it surrenders, by this encirclement. To do this, the Americans & this group will also have to deal with Russia as Iran is its ally. So they will have to offer something to the Russians & then Syria which they will do. Not sure how successful this will be, but I think this is one of the plan

The Saudis also fear that the long term foreign policy of the United States, If it shift away from Saudi Arabia to Iran which will make them lose Iraq to Iran. If it happens, the Saudis will be surrounded with Yemen also in South making them more vulnerable. The Obama regime was already testing Saudi's nerves by indicating his frustration & support for Iran.

Saudis also always played the double game of aligning with US & at the same time have their own concrete interests in the region. They pursue their own policies, when they see fear threat to their rule/ kingdom or policies. That’s reason time & again, you see them reach out to France, Russia or China to play them against the US to sustain their dominance in the region.

Another strategy or Plan B is Breaking up of Iraq. Kurdish state in the North. Middle & the South the Shiite controlled regions, eastern part of Iraq border to Iran to be merged or to be under the influence of Iran. On the southern & western part of Iraq which is controlled by the nomadic forces, mostly Sunni to be merged or controlled by Saudis. Also here you have most of the oil too. How do you achieve this. Escalate the hostility in such a way, Iran is compelled to come for negotiations & accept US control & designs. Russians will have Syria.

It's to push Iran to give concessions to US to use its bases militarily, so as to achieve its greater game to encircle China eventually. For which they already have India on board, who would get Kashmir & Pakistan merged back, where in Iran gets part of Balochistan & Afghanistan gets KPK. So this is a win win situation for all & ultimately strangulating China & taking it down.

If Iran rejects & moves to ally with China, It will also be disaster for Iran like Pakistan. Russia will feel threatened of losing its control to China, which it already is feeling with many other countries. Given the economic conditions of Russia, it would be forced to ditch China & ally with the west eventually, which is what the US is expecting. This will also be a win win for Russia who can dominate Asia again along with it's old ally India. Russian sanctions would be lifted & given it's share & its status of superpower along with the US.

Anyway this is not my view, it's based on some think tanks & my study
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u stupid joker:

Iran appoints Iraqi leaders. Not just these days, but since 2003. Khamenei already since decades now has his hand on Iraqi oil. The PMU's are far more powerful than the Iraqi Army. Mr Abadi, like Mr Maliki are Iranian appointees.

Same for Syria. Shia control of Syria is almost absolute. Mr Assad a close Iranian ally controls 86% of Syrian territory now.

Hezb in Lebanon is the most powerful organization........by far! Iran controls Lebanon by default.

Same in Yemen.........after 2 years of full on U.S. support and using F-15's and Eurofighters and what not, Iran allied Houthi's are untouchable.

The IRGC and Shia Hezb's are in all these countries.......tens of thousands of them.

Iran runs the show, and has been for longer than a decade now in all these countries.

You should just admit that u know sweet fukk all joker.............lol

I may not know everything about Middle East. So even in the case of Iran, I may not have detailed knowledge of what's happening out there. But I keep updated with regional politics. And I very well know Iraq is a shia majority country.

I also know Sunni & Shiites are fighting a proxy war in the Middle East, led by Saudi Arabia & Iran. I also know the history of the rivalry.

All I said was Iraq & Iran is not a single country & India can help or broker a truce between US, Saudi, Israel & Iran, as we have good relations with most of them including Russia. We may even play a part in uniting both the countries. They are 2 different countries with own separate Governments & separate rule. Both speak different languages too.

This cartoon Tokme Khar is calling me a fool & joker & telling me they are already one & also pulls in Syria & Yemen. I don't know what national he's. I didn't want to argue with somebody who can't explain what he's saying, so just left him, because it will only lead to exchange of words & abuses, after my reply & it's utter waste of time. If you can't explain why you say what you say, you have no right to mock at others or call names.

The Saudis dictate the oil market, when to cut or increase production & the pricing of oil. Previously Iraq was under Saudi banner till Saddam (a sunni ruler of shia majority country) invaded Kuwait & annexed it in 1990. This is where the problem of Middle East crisis started. The US attack was also backed by the Saudis, due to their fear if Saddam is not neutralized, he can later become ambitious of invading Saudi Arabia like Kuwait.

If Iran & Iraq is united as one country, there is a fear in the Saudis, it can lead to the collapse of Saudi Arabia. That's the reason both Iran & Saudis are fighting proxy wars in Syria & Yemen.

Saudis have the highest oil around 267 Billion barrels of reserves. Iran has around 151 Billion barrels of reserves. Iraq has around 143 billion barrels. Iran & Iraq combined will be 293 Billion barrels, which will shift the balance of power, which the Saudis dominate now.

I can also tell you or give my analysis, what the future operations planned by the west against Iran, Iraq or the Middle East as a whole.

Opening a new trade route to Afghanistan that bypasses Pakistan, India has dispatched its first consignment of wheat to the war torn country via the Iranian port of Chabahar.

The strategic sea route is a significant step in bolstering trade with Kabul that has been hampered because rival Pakistan does not allow India to transport goods to Afghanistan through its territory.

After the shipment was seen off by Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj and her Afghan counterpart Salahuddin Rabbani via a joint video conference Sunday, the Indian government called it a “landmark moment.”

In the coming months, six more consignments of wheat totaling 1.1. million tons will be sent from India’s western port of Kandla to Chabahar. From the Iranian port it will be taken by road to Kabul.

The shipment comes days after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, on a visit to New Delhi, allayed concerns that the Trump administration’s tough stand on Iran could pose a fresh stumbling block to India’s plans to develop the strategic Iranian port as a regional transit hub.


Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, right, shakes hand with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in New Delhi, India, Oct. 25, 2017.
Easier connectivity to Afghanistan is key for India to step up its economic engagement with Kabul, which Washington has called for as part of its new policy to stabilize the war torn country.

And Chabahar port, in which India is investing $500 million to build new terminals, cargo berths and connecting road and rail lines, is the centerpiece of the strategy to improve linkages not just with Afghanistan, but also to resource-rich Central Asian republics.

“This is the first time that we are getting into Afghanistan through a route different than what traditional routes have been,” said South Asia expert Sukh Deo Muni at New Delhi’s Institute of Defense Studies and Analyses.

Indian leaders expressed optimism about the project, which is still a work in progress. Minister Swaraj called it the starting point of a journey that would spur the unhindered flow of commerce and trade throughout the region. Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted the launch of the trade route, "marks a new chapter in regional cooperation & connectivity."

The sea route via the Iranian port is the second step taken by India to increase connectivity with Kabul. In June it opened an air freight corridor to provide greater access for Afghan goods to the Indian market.

The Chabahar port is seen as India’s answer to the Gwadar port in Pakistan being developed by China.


FILE - A Pakistan soldier stands guard while a loaded Chinese ship prepares to depart Gwadar port, about 700 kilometers (435 miles) west of Karachi. Pakistan, Nov. 13, 2016.
The project was conceived almost 15 years ago, but the plans were stalled for years due to U.S. led international sanctions on Iran. Their easing prompted India to sign a trilateral pact with Iran and Afghanistan last year to develop the port.

U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson indicated in New Delhi last week that fresh sanctions on Iran by the Trump administration would not pose a stumbling block to those plans.

“It is not our objective to harm the Iranian people, nor is it our objective to interfere with legitimate business activities that are going on with other businesses, whether they be from Europe, India or agreements that are in place that promote economic development and activity to the benefit of our friends and allies as well. We think there is no contradiction within that policy,” he told reporters in India.

Those words have been welcomed in New Delhi said analyst Muni. “I think there is a far more reassuring feeling in India vis-a-vis the Trump administration than what the initial thought was,” he said.

The shortest and most cost effective land routes between India and Afghanistan lie through Pakistan. However, due to longstanding rivalries between the two countries, India is not allowed to send any exports through Pakistani territory and Afghanistan is only allowed to send a limited amount of perishable goods through Pakistani territory to India.

ایران افتتاح رسمی فاز نخست بندر شهید بهشتی چابهار
ایران هندوستان افغانستان عمان
Iran official opening of the first phase of Shahid Beheshti Foreign-Trade Zone, Chabahar sea port
Iran India Afghanistan Oman
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