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Iran admits unintentionally shooting down Ukrainian airliner

Death Professor

Sep 3, 2018
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Iran has admitted its military made an “unforgivable mistake” in unintentionally shooting down a Ukrainian jetliner and killing all 176 people onboard, after days of rejecting western intelligence reports that pointed to Tehran being responsible.

A military statement on state TV early on Saturday blamed “human error” for the downing of Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 on Wednesday in the tense aftermath of strikes on US targets. It was followed by an apology from Iran’s president and condolences from the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, responded on Saturday morning that Iran must make an official apology and agree to a full investigation and compensation, as well as cooperating with Ukraine’s own investigators. “Our 45 professionals should have full access and cooperation to establish justice,” a statement from the presidency said.

The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau ,also said his country’s focus remained on “closure, accountability, transparency and justice” for the families of the 57 Canadian victims.

Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian president, wrote on Saturday: “The Islamic Republic of Iran deeply regrets this disastrous mistake. My thoughts and prayers go to all the mourning families. I offer my sincerest condolences.”

Hassan Rouhani



The Islamic Republic of Iran deeply regrets this disastrous mistake.

My thoughts and prayers go to all the mourning families. I offer my sincerest condolences. https://twitter.com/HassanRouhani/status/1215856039997984768 …

Hassan Rouhani


Armed Forces’ internal investigation has concluded that regrettably missiles fired due to human error caused the horrific crash of the Ukrainian plane & death of 176 innocent people.
Investigations continue to identify & prosecute this great tragedy & unforgivable mistake. #PS752


9:43 AM - Jan 11, 2020
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The Iranian foreign minister, Javad Zarif, wrote: “A sad day. Preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by armed forces: human error at time of crisis caused by US adventurism led to disaster. Our profound regrets, apologies and condolences to our people, to the families of all victims, and to other affected nations.”

The plane was mistaken for a hostile target after it turned towards a sensitive military centre of the Revolutionary Guards, according to the military statement, carried on the official IRNA news agency.

“The military was at its highest level of readiness” amid the heightened tensions with the US, it said, adding: “In such a condition, because of human error and in an unintentional way, the flight was hit.”

The military apologised for the disaster and said it would upgrade its systems to prevent such mistakes in the future. The responsible parties would be referred to a judicial department within the military and held accountable, it said.

Javad Zarif



A sad day. Preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by Armed Forces:

Human error at time of crisis caused by US adventurism led to disaster

Our profound regrets, apologies and condolences to our people, to the families of all victims, and to other affected nations.


9:05 AM - Jan 11, 2020
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A fuller explanation and apology would be forthcoming from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards later on Saturday, IRNA news reported, citing an informed source within the Guards.

The jetliner, a Boeing 737-800, went down on the outskirts of Tehran during takeoff a few hours after Iran had launched a barrage of missiles at US forces in Iraq in the early hours of Wednesday.

The strikes on two US bases were in retaliation for the US drone strike that killed the al-Quds force leader, Qassem Suleimani, in Baghdad on 3 January – the culmination of a recent series of tit-for-tat attacks that threatened to push Washington and Tehran into war.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...oting-down-ukrainian-airliner-unintentionally


Now this a SLAP on the face of Pakistani talking down on the USA---and all the pakistani news media and youtubers---.

The were talking about how scared the US is of Iran's retaliation---.

Kids---now did you see how dumb you parents and adults are in pakistan about the strength of the USA---.

Here is what happened---the US aircraft were in the air and very close to striking at Iran when the call came to abort the mission---abort-abort-abort---.

Why---the US govt had learnt that Iran had shot down a civilian aircraft---and assessed that the consequences that Iran would be facing afterwards---there was no good reason left for the US to strike at that time---.

So---the fools here on this forum and in pakistan---just put your heads down in shame and stop telling lies to the public---.
Why---the US govt had learnt that Iran had shot down a civilian aircraft---and assessed that the consequences that Iran would be facing afterwards---there was no good reason left for the US to strike at that time---.


What on earth are you talking about?

Now this a SLAP on the face of Pakistani talking down on the USA---and all the pakistani news media and youtubers---.

The were talking about how scared the US is of Iran's retaliation---.

Kids---now did you see how dumb you parents and adults are in pakistan about the strength of the USA---.

Here is what happened---the US aircraft were in the air and very close to striking at Iran when the call came to abort the mission---abort-abort-abort---.

Why---the US govt had learnt that Iran had shot down a civilian aircraft---and assessed that the consequences that Iran would be facing afterwards---there was no good reason left for the US to strike at that time---.

So---the fools here on this forum and in pakistan---just put your heads down in shame and stop telling lies to the public---.


U.S bases had 20 ballistic missiles fired at them and you think the possible fall out of a civilian plane being hit held them back?

If Iran was Iraq, Afghanis or Libya we would now have witnessed a week of air raids

Iran has the ability to hit back and target U.S and its allies forces and assets

This in one sentence is why the U.S hasn't attacked iran

U.S bases had 20 ballistic missiles fired at them and you think the possible fall out of a civilian plane being hit held them back?

If Iran was Iraq, Afghanis or Libya we would now have witnessed a week of air raids

Iran has the ability to hit back and target U.S and its allies forces and assets

This in one sentence is why the U.S hasn't attacked iran

why destroy iran by throwing bombs at them and by incurring more debt.. why not keep iran where it is and make the GCC and Saudis pay for all the money by giving them new weapons with the pretext of iran being their problem .. sometimes u have to step back and let the bogey man live... let two theocracies saudi and iran figure it out .. most of us are so gullible ... always follow the money ..
Iran has said that there will be a "severe revenge" and the missiles were a "slap in the face" for the US.

I wonder what terms they will use to address the 100 plus innocent lives that were lost due to the Iranians so called missile capabilities.
I know my friend, but you're trying to tell us that US did not respond because of it? come on, you seriously believe that?


Why else would I write that if I did not believe that---.

You have to know the americans to understand their way of thinking---.

Iran has said that there will be a "severe revenge" and the missiles were a "slap in the face" for the US.

I wonder what terms they will use to address the 100 plus innocent lives that were lost due to the Iranians so called missile capabilities.


Iran's claims are just for local consumption---they are totally confused and lost at this moment at what happened with the airliner and how are they going to react to the public---.
Iran realised it was them almost instantly, hence why they refused to release the black box and have within days admitted their mistake publically.

India shot down their own helicopter in February, yet couldn't figure out it was themselves for many months.

Iran's claims are just for local consumption---they are totally confused and lost at this moment at what happened with the airliner and how are they going to react to the public---.

I understand that Iran is a proud country and I am sure there are many proud Iranians on this forum. There is nothing wrong with that or being a patriot.

Iran needs to understand that their military power is limited and when faced against the military might of the great Satan, they need to acknowledge that the gap is too great. By chanting "Death to America, "Severe Revenge"and "slap in the face" doesn't make Iran stronger or make it a reality.

This just shows to the world how naive Iran is. Only chant phrases if you are sure that you can make it a reality.

They mentioned the ultimate revenge is to kick the US out of the ME region. That is all fine if they have the capability, unfortunately, they don't and it is all a pipe dream.

Many people thinks that the US is arrogant, there is nothing wrong with that thinking.

The reality that they need to understand is this...the US can be arrogant not because we want to, it's because we can.
They mentioned the ultimate revenge is to kick the US out of the ME region. That is all fine if they have the capability

2 trillion spent in Afghanistan and Iraq in addition to about 7000 U.S soldiers killed says otherwise
2 trillion spent in Afghanistan and Iraq in addition to about 7000 U.S soldiers killed says otherwise


You dumb moron---2 million afghans killed---2 1/2 million iraqis killed---2 1/2 million syrians killed &---over 750 thousand Libyans killed and all of these still dying---after the US invasion of the region---nations destroyed---heritage and culture destroyed for ever---precious volumes of books literature and artifacts destroyed forever.

For what---killing 7000 american soldiers and getting close to 8 million muslims killed by them---.

More muslims killed and nations destroyed than the mongol invasion---.

And you kids still have the audacity to open your mouths---. You kids are the true enemy of Islam and not Israel or America---.

You kids are mentally sick perverts---. Building your fanatical religious palaces of the dead bodies of innocent victims so that your religious sect may get glorified---.

This is the true begining of the end of Iran---. Khomeini and islamic revolution is finished now---if iranian civilians have any bot of character---they will kick out the mullahs now---.
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