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Iran: A "Role Model" For Pakistan To Get Self-Reliance in Defence

iran's is far behind in technology from west

malaysia is role model for islamic countries, turkey is not a islamic country
Unfortunately, Pakistan has been mostly dependent on American and Chinese weapon systems and missiles and therefore have not found it expedient to spend money on its own research and development for indigenous design and production. The same goes for India too which procured most of its weapon systems from the Soviet Union and now Russia.

However, things are changing now, with India going ahead with a massive R&D spending for indigenous design and production of weapon system and missiles. Perhaps its time for Pakistan to do the same.
The corruptions in India prevent it from getting self reliant could same to Pakistan.
Iran is a super oil rich nation..!! So the same model cannot be applied to other countries who do not sit on huge pile of crude oil..!! Simple as that..!!
Just like u indian u sit on big resources but rather u spend it on hardware from russia and europe if and only if u use the money u spend on buying 5 subs from france to do better R&D you'll be in good shape but that IF.
we dont have oiol but we have gas, lots of unexplored gas, and oil we can order from saudiarabia, no body wants iranian oil

next time iraanians will be drinking oil instead of water because there will be no trade from them in future, if they make enemies like this
I bet you you're one of the Wahhabis the Muslims hater.
I bet you you're one of the Wahhabis the Muslims hater.

yoo buddy no worries. india will buy your oil no matter what. just keep sending

iran's is far behind in technology from west

malaysia is role model for islamic countries, turkey is not a islamic country

:cheesy: really i thougt it was. anyways what techs malaysia has that Iran doesnt. i agress malaysia has some sexy buildings in their cities. but u know that iran has a billion more resources, military techs, scientfic knowledge than malaysia will ever have.
and learn to make ur own role model. 60 yrs after independence u guys r looking for role models.
You only wish that. Copper and Lithium are exactly oil and gas in international trading. Both are highly south after commodities with high prices. Iran is doing trade with India and so does Pakistan infact recently India became MFN with Pakistan in terms of trade something Iran has never been. We already been under sanctions in 1990's and during that time Pakistan developed most of its arms industry from ballistic missiles to overhaul heavy mechanical complexes.

And how is begging to negotiate with Taliban going? Any luck to find them in mountains?
So why don't Pakistan start mining them for export.
If Pakistan leaders were not bribed by Americans etc Pakistani people would love to have a defense treaty with Iran and we should follow Iran's example and live with some dignity
pro taliban was also because of nationalism, as more pashtuns are in pakistan than afghanistan, talibans played important part in freeing afghanistan from soviets

it was pro shia, and anti sunni matter, religion was in it, also talibans are not anti iran, they are just anti northern alliance which were used by both iran and america to occupy afghanistyan, if there was no northern alliance afghanistan would have been free.
---------- Post added at 03:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 AM ----------

i have not read any of their post, im speaking for pakistan, we dont need alliance with these isolated guys who are going crazy day by day, its just natural to leave iran what ever relations we do share with them right now.

the relations are only because of shia bhutto family, and i hope the relations will finish as soon as there are another elections early this year

i dont favour any sunni from shia and vce versa, irani killing our people and violating our border is the same as nato attack, you are going emotional over muslim brotherhood and shia brotherhood

i have no sympathy feeling for any muslim country who doesnt respect us and kill our innocents
So taliban and jundallah are innocent are you in your mind the one that killing innocent Pakistanis based on there background religious are good???????????????????????????????????????????????????????.
Regret to advise that Iran should not be our role model. Iran’s’ foreign as well domestic policies leave a lot to be desired.
I speak passable Farsi and I talk to Iranians both inside and outside Iran at least twice a weak.

Here is country blessed with huge natural reserves of oil as well as natural gas. Iranians in general are also cultured and educated people. Shah’s policies in the early 60’s ensured that literacy level is almost 100% and standard of education is pretty good. Economy is however in the ****.

Population is only about 80-million and with the oil income alone of nearly $80-billion Iran should be a very rich country. I visited Iran first time in 1962, at that time one Tuman was equal to 1 PK Rupee it means that one dollar equalled about 5 Tuman. Now there are about 2000 Tuman to one dollar against about 92 Rupees to one dollar

Whatever the faults of Pahlavi dynasty, Iran was then a rich country. Mullahs have made a mess of the economy. Regret to say to say the Mullah whether Shia or Sunni, is equally inept at running a modern country.

Iranians are however good at propaganda. Please dot make Iran a role model for anything thing. It is a road to oblivion. Iranians have gotten away with it to some extent because of their oil wealth, Pakistan following Iran’s example will be in ruins.

You must be a secular junky, or someone who likes to twist the truth to his likings.
Iran is a role model for all Muslim nations to follow, given the wealth of the Muslim Ummah is shared equally between its nations.
In the time of the shah only a few could live beyond the poverty edge, and those were so utterly rich by corruption and secular to the point of being alcoholics and sexually devious the American way. it is so nostalgic for some people it became pathetic.
After US imposed Sanctions on Iran, It was a very much difficult task for Iranian Govt in general and Defence forces in particular even to Import a small nut & bolt which might be used/utilized for Defence purpose. Almost none of the world provided any solid support for keep up to date its defence inventory. Initially Iran had no other option available for its defence except produce/manufacture required spare parts and equipment by employing "Reverse Engineering" technique (also informally called COPYING) BUT with the passage of time gradually Iran not only got capability to manufacture Defence products But also design & produce new items . . . Hence getting almost Self-Relience particualrly in Defence Production.
Manufacturing Iran-140 passenger plane with Ukraine Cooperation.
Design and manufacturing Ababil drone.
Manufacturing Shahed-278 helicopter
Manufacturing Zafar-300 helicopter
Manufacturing Shahed-274 helicopter
Manufacturing Shahed-285 helicopter
Manufacturing propeller with composite materials
Hovercraft repairs
Manufacturing parts
Saeqeh (Fighter jet)
IAMI Shafaq
Simorgh: a HESA built two-seat Northrop F-5A to F-5B conversion

It is, therefore, Iran is a "Role Model" for Pakistan regarding its Aims & Objectives for getting Self-Reliance particularly in Defence Productions.


I believe that you have some misunderstandings---pakistan is well ahead in defence technology with the limited resources that it has---. Defence weapons manufacturing is not just a neccessity in itself----. You make or procure weapons depending upon with whom you are going to go to fight with----. Your quality of weapons would depend on multiple factors---but there is one thing for sure---when you have an opponent the size of india, you want to go for proven weapons systems from known manufacturers.

Iran---technically has no enemy as of now----iraq is neutralized---other than that iran has nothing to fear except for its own shadow---the quality of their weapons system is not known.
iran's is far behind in technology from west

malaysia is role model for islamic countries, turkey is not a islamic country

And you are so negative minded (Every statement you made is negative).

Iran is very advanced technology wise and in most other fields.

Malaysia sounds like -malade=Ill- in French and can not be a role model for anyone at this moment (you like sex too much, maybe due to some frustrations,you don't like your beauty even if it is a beauty or maybe too obsessed by other beauties from elswhere) and a lot of Malaysians are a bit devious, While the real Muslims are very much appreciated.

Some Turks are devious too but the majority are good Muslims.

So get your facts straight before posting anything please.

We are only happy when see positive advances in all Muslim countries.
You must be a secular junky, or someone who likes to twist the truth to his likings.
Iran is a role model for all Muslim nations to follow, given the wealth of the Muslim Ummah is shared equally between its nations.
In the time of the shah only a few could live beyond the poverty edge, and those were so utterly rich by corruption and secular to the point of being alcoholics and sexually devious the American way. it is so nostalgic for some people it became pathetic.

Anyone who has had the opportunity to visit Iran during the Shah and now will agree that Iranian economy and general well-being of average Iranian was far better before the Islamic revolution than it is now. Besides, I love Persian poetry especially of Saadi, Hafiz and Omar Khayyam. I therefore have a little soft spot for the Iranians.

I have been visiting Iran since my student days. Once during summer holidays I drove to Pakistan via Turkey & Iran with a few friends. On the way I had the good fortune to visit rural Iran as well as the major cities. That was in 1964; a few decades later I had the chance to visit some places such as Esfahan and Persepolis again. I was shocked at the decline in urban upkeep as well as an increase in the poverty level. This after oil prices and increased about twenty fold!

Regret to disappoint you but I am not secular but I don’t like religion forced down my throat be it Shia or Sunni. Ultimate aim of any regime is welfare of the people, both in this world and hereafter. Having both Shias and Sunnis in my family, I am not anti-Shia either, if anything I am anti Wahhabi/Salafin; thus my comments about Iran are not religiously motivated but based upon personal observation. However, I don’t care about any Mullah dominated regime that cares less about the spirit of the religion but more about the rituals. Everything is dominated by the dogma with little regard or knowledge of the politics or economics.

Here is a very rich country sitting on top of huge reserves of gas and oil and blessed with educated and literate population. Why then is the country lagging behind and not having the best economy in the Middle East? Just go to Tehran and compare it with Dubai or Abu Dhabi or Doha and ask yourself the question, why isn’t Iran doing as well? It is because of the inept rulers and wrong domestic and foreign policies.

However, no one can argue with a blinkered approach to ‘Cause & Effect’ analysis. You are welcome to your opinion. Suppose you would also like Pakistanis to put US Embassy under siege as Iranian did under Khomeini?

I for one wouldn’t want Pakistan to use Iran as a role model for anything.
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