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Dec 26, 2005
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United States

I just came across this bit of information----what do you guys think of it

" Blacks are ----. IQ tests measure the innate and immutable mental capability that involves abstract thinking, logical reasoning, ability to solve novel problems and comprehend complex ideas. Intelligence is inherited and not equally distributed among the races. IQ by race: • Ashkenazi Jews = 115 • East Asians = 106 • Whites = 100 • Inuits and Eskimos = 91 • South-East Asians = 87 • American Indians = 87 • Non-White Hispanics = 86 • American Blacks = 85 (average 24% White admixture) • Middle East and North Africans = 84 • African Blacks = 67 (only 2% of Whites score this low) • Australian Aborigines = 62 • Kalahari Bushman = 54 • Congo Pygmies = 54 Asian IQ scores cluster around the mean; thus, the cognitive variation among Whites produces more geniuses, but also more morons. IQ studies are normed for every conceivable variable and have been conducted on twins and trans-racial adoptions, but the racial IQ gap persists, including on non-verbal tests such Raven's Matrices, digit span, and mental chronometry. No Black civilization has ever independently developed. No modern creations exist in sub-Saharan Africa that were not brought there by Whites. Without continuous intervention, Blacks cannot even maintain what Whites gave them. 19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African. There are no White Third-World nations, but all Black ones are. Highest National IQs: • 108 Singapore • 106 South Korea • 105 Japan • 105 China • 102 Italy • 101 Iceland • 101 Switzerland • 100 Austria • 100 Netherlands • 100 Norway Lowest National IQs: • 68 Somalia • 67 Guinea • 67 Haiti • 67 Liberia • 66 Gambia • 64 Cameroon • 64 Gabon • 64 Sierra Leone • 64 Mozambique • 59 Equatorial Guinea Blacks are proto-humans; modern man evolved from Blacks by hybridizing with the large-brain Neanderthals: • Blacks = 2% Archaic admixture • Whites = 4% Neanderthal • Asians = 5% Neanderthal + Denisovan Genetic distance is a measure of the genetic divergence between populations. Blacks have a genetic distance of 0.23 from Whites and Asians, but only 0.17 from Erectus. That means Blacks are more genetically proximate to archaic man than to modern man. Blacks are the only race with no DNA from the large-brain Neanderthals. Civilizations didn't begin until the Neanderthal hybridization created the larger brains in modern man: Brain Size by Race: • Blacks = 1267 cm • Whites = 1347 cm • Asians = 1364 cm Whites' brains are faster, larger, denser, and more complex than Blacks' brains: • 7% larger • 126 grams heavier • deeper fissuration in the frontal and occipital regions • more complex convolutions • larger frontal lobes • more pyramidal neurons • 16% thicker supra-grandular layer • one standard deviation more cerebrum • react faster on mental chronometry tests • 600 million more neurons Whites are only 10% of the world's population, yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known. Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA, and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, and orbit it by spacecraft, to walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths... yet Blacks still can't even feed themselves. Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks cannot survive without White charity. Blacks became an out-of-control invasive species after Whites domesticated them. No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device. Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago. Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all. Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years; so they cannot blame slavery, racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures. Simply, life is an IQ test. In 156 American studies that have reported the IQ means of a Black and a White sample, the mean Black-White difference is 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), or about sixteen IQ points. In 1980, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth administered the largest and most carefully selected national sample of 6,502 Whites and 3,022 Blacks an IQ test and found a difference of 1.2 SDs. An IQ gap of at least 1.1 SDs for American Blacks (average 24% White admixture) and Whites has been present for the entire 100+ year history of IQ tests. The gap between African Blacks and Whites is 2.0 SDs. Black-White IQ Distribution: Blacks: 5% above 110 IQ 16% above 100 IQ 40% above 90 IQ 60% above 80 IQ 40% below 80 IQ 18% below 75 IQ 10% below 70 IQ Whites: 10% above 120 IQ 18% above 115 IQ 27% above 110 IQ 40% above 105 IQ 50% above 100 IQ 60% below 105 IQ 35% below 95 IQ 15% below 85 IQ As the New York Times put it, "...the difference in IQ points between the groups is quite significant. It means that the top sixth of Blacks score only as well on IQ tests as do the top half of Whites." The least intelligent 10% of Whites have IQs below 80 (low functioning); 40% of Blacks do. Only one Black in six is more intelligent than the average White; five Whites out of six are more intelligent than the average Black. Incidently, Black female IQ is 2.4 points higher than Black male IQ. There are twice as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 120, and five times as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 140. About 2.3% of Whites have an IQ of at least 130 (gifted), 20 times greater than the percentage of Blacks who do; only 0.00044% of African Blacks have an IQ over 130. 80% of gifted American Blacks have White admixture. Geniuses by Race (IQ 140 or higher): • African Blacks 1:3,500,000 (0.000003%) • American Blacks 1:218,000 (0.0004%) • Whites 1:83 (1.2%) So, the per capita genius rate for Whites is 41,000 times higher than it is for African Blacks. If all Whites in America were replaced by Blacks, the number of geniuses in the country would fall from about 2.4 million to only about 1,000. The so-called "achievement gap" by SAT scores: Year White Black Gap 1985 1038 839 199 1990 1031 849 185 1995 1052 857 195 2000 1060 859 201 2005 1061 863 197 2010 1063 855 208 2015 1047 846 201 This gap is so significant that colleges award Blacks 230 SAT "race bonus" points to help them qualify for admission. The Black-only National Achievement Scholarship was created because Blacks are not competitive for the National Merit Scholarship. IQ by Race and Highest Degree Earned (1972 — 2014): Highest Degree White IQ Black IQ Gap High School Drop-out: 89 82 7 High School Diploma 98 90 8 Junior College Degree 102 95 7 Bachelor's Degree 108 100 8 Graduate Degree 113 102 11 Therefore, a Black with a graduate degree has an IQ equivalent to a White with a junior college degree. Blacks can only achieve because they are mixed with White genes or because they reside in White societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve. The American Psychological Association declares, "...large differences do exist between the average IQ scores of Blacks and Whites, and that these differences cannot be attributed to biases in test construction."
We reject it with all the contempt it deserves. All the races on this earth go thru ups and downs in their history. Same has been the case with the west. They may be at the pinnacle of their power today, but that was not always the case, as we all know. What do they have to say about their dark ages, and the muslim rule over europe etc. What happened to their IQ then.
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Logically, the only thing that IQ tests can prove, is how good someone is at doing IQ tests.

And since IQ tests tend to focus on things like math, logic, etc. then they usually correlate with education levels, rather than race.

The high scores for Ashkenazi Jews is indicative of this, since in racial terms, Ashkenazi Jews are a mixture of Semetic DNA from the Middle East and Eastern European DNA. There is no racial reason as to why they would score so much higher than other Westerners, it's almost certainly due to their higher education levels, on average.
Logically, the only thing that IQ tests can prove, is how good someone is at doing IQ tests.

And since IQ tests tend to focus on things like math, logic, etc. then they usually correlate with education levels, rather than race.

The high scores for Ashkenazi Jews is indicative of this, since in racial terms, Ashkenazi Jews are a mixture of Semetic DNA from the Middle East and Eastern European DNA. There is no racial reason as to why they would score so much higher than other Westerners, it's almost certainly due to their higher education levels, on average.
We reject it with all the contempt it deserves. All the races on this earth go thru ups and downs in their history. Same has been the case with the west. They may be at the pinnacle of their power today, but that was not always the case, as we all know. What do they have to say about their dark ages, and the muslim rule over europe etc. What happened to their IQ then.


Talk intelligent youngman---talk intelligent.

Conquest of one group of people is a different thing---. IQ wise---the chinese were far superior to the mongols.

Races may go thru ups and downs in their power positioning---but still move forward with development or the effort they put into.

Logically, the only thing that IQ tests can prove, is how good someone is at doing IQ tests.

And since IQ tests tend to focus on things like math, logic, etc. then they usually correlate with education levels, rather than race.

The high scores for Ashkenazi Jews is indicative of this, since in racial terms, Ashkenazi Jews are a mixture of Semetic DNA from the Middle East and Eastern European DNA. There is no racial reason as to why they would score so much higher than other Westerners, it's almost certainly due to their higher education levels, on average.


The reason they do is because for centuries they could not own property---or fight---all they could was to own businesses and money handling---money managers---consultants to the court etc.
This information is not in synchronized form. It's very difficult to read for me.


The data is from IQ and Global Inequality book (2002)
If the iq of west and china is more then there would be no it professionals in lakhs. This is a bs survey.

Iq also depends on foods we eat.
Iq also depends on foods we eat.

IQ depends on everything, nature (genes) AND nurture (food, studying, hardship, other environmental factors).

However genes set the limit. Environmental factors can be changed to reach closer to the limit.
Do not show this to trump. Like literally i kid you his orange here not

Who the hell takes an IQ test designed by someone else?

Ahhhh my southerners how scientifically racist are thee.
I think working memory test are far more reliable than these so called intelligence tests.

--Well since it's one of my field of work... Here some Enlightment for some of you...
--Those IQ test are mostly based on so called "Intellegence" test... or mostly common labeled in our field as "efficient test". The Most used test are either called WISC or WAIS... those "test" are not meant to evaluate that's so called "Intellegence" , but mostly our cognitive capacities...

--First of all, let's me give you an answer to what intellegence is... Intellegence is the capacity to Approach; Understand and Adapt to new situations in a given environment... Therefore it's NOT only a "cognitive" process...

--Intellegence is based on 2 types of Intel... The First is a called "FLuid Intellegence", it's an process based on reasoning and Primary Cognitive ( MEaning, it's mostly based on our Educational/social LVL) and the Second is " Crystallized Intelligence" it's based on our experience, our ability to use what make us, like our culture/perso etc... to answer a situation.
--Therefore Intelligence is a dual-phased process, A psycho-emotional + Cognitive.
-- What I want to say, is that intelligence is not based on how good you can answer a cog problem...but more on how good you can "use+think+answer" a specific situation.

--So now, we've got an answer to what is the meaning of Intelligence... we can go ahead and speak about those "Test"... Those test are made of few "Sub-test", like Cubes ( you need to reproduce a pattern with solid cube), Vocabulary, Similitude, Matrice... . Like I said before, those sub-test is mostly based on a cognitive approach... meaning, only "half" of our intelligence is tested. Like stated before, there is a correlation btw ... High Cog= Higher Education/School/social lvl.

--As a Result, those IQ test... are "Half" evaluating our Intelligence. Therefore the result of our IQ is also biased. In the End the Intelligence word for those test should be changed ( actually, they are thinking of changing it...) and not used as a scale of that process...

--In Conclusion, Intelligence has nothing to do with Race; Blood; or Religion or whatever... it's just that everyone is "Cognitively" capable to answer a problem... What could differ from others, is the capacity to "USE" what you know to answer. Per exemple, we've got ppl who have the "Capacity" to fully answer every sub-test perfectly...but since their "Crystallized/ psycho-emotional" Intelligence is not properly used... They can't...therefore obtain a low IQ result.
Most common exemple, is from those youngster in school, who has the potential to be geniuses but don't... because one side of their Intellec is not properly used, whatever it's personal life related ( like parenting problems, bullying etc...) or psychological related ( depression, border line etc...)

-- Hope you've got an picture of those so called IQ Test...

-- Last note, those test are also, mostly used to evaluate neuropathological disease, When we are unsure of our result after we're passing a Rorschach ( the Ink test :) or TAT test...

--Anyway if you have more Q about it , feel free to ask...
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Talk intelligent youngman---talk intelligent.

Conquest of one group of people is a different thing---. IQ wise---the chinese were far superior to the mongols.

Races may go thru ups and downs in their power positioning---but still move forward with development or the effort they put into.
Nothing cud be more shocking for me than to know that u also subscribe to their version. One area where their IQ is spent the most is the armament industry. But were not the muslims the first to invent the gunpowder, becoming in the process the pioneers of the modern day defence industry. Was it not the use of a compass that set them on the road(or rather the sea) to conquer the world, which again was a muslim invention. Have we already confined our great scientists to the dustbins of history just because there was no one to measure their IQ then. Was the muslim conquest all about sword and not the science.
Time for a change in avatar sir. Has been years.
Do uneducated and illiterate people have more IQ than vise versa?

Where does the DNA vs IQ come from?
An illiterate & uneducated person with a competent DNA traces may lose the IQ test to other worthy candidate.

Its a misnomer.
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