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IOK...Kashmir....Cruelty of barbaric forces of evil.


Aug 24, 2015
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Another young man crushed under the vehicle of evil Indian armed forces.

@Burhan Wani @war&peace @tps77 @Mentee
Photo: Aman Farooq/GK

Even as the authorities boasted to have ensured ‘truce’ in and around Jamia Masjid on Friday, a youth was crushed to death, while another sustained injuries after being run over by a paramilitary CRPF vehicle after the congregation prayers concluded.

A police official told Greater Kashmir that a youth identified as Kaiser Bhat, 21, of Fateh-a- Kadal succumbed to his injuries at SKIMS Soura here late in the night.

The deceased youth is survived by two teenage sisters and had recently started Kashmir art business. He along with his sisters was living with his aunt in Dalgate for the past four years as both his parents had died.

A witness said, “After the prayers young boys assembled outside the mosque and staged a peaceful demonstration against the last Friday’s police action inside Jamia Masjid. Soon a CRPF vehicle that came from Khanyar drove into the mob of over 500 people. The boys got agitated on the vehicle’s presence and it led to fierce clashes,” the eyewitness said.

The CRPF vehicle, according to several eyewitnesses, in order to wriggle out of the mob sped on, knocking down two boys Younis Ahmed s/o Nisar Ahmed, and Kasier Bhat. They were rushed to SKIMS. “Kaiser had suffered internal injuries,” a hospital source said. The images of the boys being overrun by the CRPF vehicle went viral on social media, evoking sharp reactions with many mocking at the ‘truce plan’ offered by the police.

Talking to Greater Kashmir, CRPF spokesman in Srinagar Sanjay Sharma said a group of over 500 protestors surrounded the CRPF vehicle that was ferrying a senior officer. The officer, according to Sharma, was supposed to check the deployment in the area. “The mob tried to open the back door of the vehicle that was closed from inside and lynch the CRPF men. They broke the window glasses of the vehicle,” Sharma said while claiming that the driver of the vehicle “slowed down his speed and didn’t run over the youth.”

Police sources, however, said there was no deployment in or around Jamia Masjid. “The CRPF vehicle left Khanyar and was on way to eastern zone. It took a wrong turn near Nowhatta and fell in the net of protesters.” The incident sparked massive protests in the area and the clashes grew fiercer, lasting till late evening. “Five youth sustained pellet and tear gas shell injuries in the clashes,” a witness said.

The incident clouded the otherwise peaceful atmosphere that was witnessed during the Friday congregation, which after so many years was held without the presence of police and paramilitary personnel. Police authorities, as per a ‘truce plan’ had agreed with the mosque management not to deploy any police or paramilitary personnel closer to Jamia Masjid.

“It was unusual not to spot uniformed security personnel or armored vehicles circling Jamia Masjid on Friday. Worshippers walked past the mosque’s fence without facing the sneering security men at the gates,” said Noorul Hassan, an elderly worshipper.

He said the people were busy shopping when the CRPF vehicle zoomed into a group of boys who were peacefully staging a demonstration outside Jamia Masjid. As per the agreed plan, volunteers from the Anjuman-e-Auqaf stood on guard at the entry and exit gates while the authorities did not deploy any security personnel in or around the mosque.

General secretary Anjuman-e-Auqaf Jamia Masjid Altaf Shah said that volunteers at the Jamia Masjid were conducting their work at free will. “We always do this job to ensure smooth conduct of prayers at the Jamia Masjid. Deputing volunteers has been a tradition of the Auqaf during Ramdahan,” Shah said in a statement here.

Meanwhile, former chief minister and leader of the main opposition National Conference Omar Abdullah expressed anguish over the incident saying, “Ceasefire means no guns so use jeeps.” Addressing directly to chief minister Mehbooba Mufti, Omar tweeted, “Earlier they tied people to the fronts of jeeps and paraded them around villages to deter protesters. Now they just drive their jeeps right over protestors. Is this your new SOP @MehboobaMufti sahiba?”
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