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IOK...Kashmir....Cruelty of barbaric forces of evil.

You are not posting an opinion but enjoying and advocating the death of innocents...have some shame but not expected from Indian Hindus...who stooped too low to be called even animals.
Did you hear me pop open my champagne?
Or did the fireworks set you off?
How exactly did you come to the conclusion that I was enjoying this?
Or even better, how did you even determine I was a Hindu?

Your argument is generalized to the extreme and full of holes.
Good idea....wait some more days...when they armed with ATGM and anti aircraft weapons.
And we will respond with carpet bombing and napalm.
When you bring in big toys like ATGM and MANPADS, it's not a weekend rebel role playing anymore. The army might actually get serious.
And we will respond with carpet bombing and napalm.
When you bring in big toys like ATGM and MANPADS, it's not a weekend rebel role playing anymore. The army might actually get serious.
Lols....first grow pair of balls and then talk about napalms.
Well if Kashmiri people had access to Anti Tank and RPG , the land would be free long time ago
They had access to these things in 80's ,still they couldn't do a thing

If that was the case, we would've started an operation to carpet bomb them and give it a fancy name like "War on Terror"
We should've done that a long time ago !(in the 80's )
These jihadis wouldn't be here to bother us

you can't teach humanity to indians and israelis. its useless wasting time arguing with them over topics like peace , humanity,brotherhood etc
First you teach it to your own kind

Arbitrary definition of a 'peaceful' demonstration.....View attachment 478005 View attachment 478006 View attachment 478007
These fools were trying to stop the vehicle! If the driver stopped his gypsy he would in fact put his life and the life of other people in danger

They should have started to use molatev cocktail to gave best Antim Sanskar to cowards.
If they used Molotov cocktails we will just shoot them ,and you will start another thread
If they used Molotov cocktails we will just shoot them ,and you will start another thread
We will help Kashmiri brothers and will provide them necessary equipment to roast barbaric pig forces....now cry me a river.
View attachment 477992
Another young man crushed under the vehicle of evil Indian armed forces.

@Burhan Wani @war&peace @tps77 @Mentee
Before calling us evil forces look at the picture you've just posted ,see the stone markings on the gypsy ?
And watch the full video where it is clear that the driver was just trying to get out of there but the peters were trying to stop the vehicle
Imagine what would have happened if the driver stopped his vehicle ?

We will help Kashmiri brothers and will provide them necessary equipment to roast barbaric pig forces....now cry me a river.
Do whatever you want now don't cry about stone peters on this thread
You are in fact a terrorists sympathiser
What do you think we will be doing while you arm these jihadis? Force will be met with force
We will help Kashmiri brothers and will provide them necessary equipment to roast barbaric pig forces....now cry me a river.
You will help no one. You will sit here and bark like you always do. And the people higher up your ranks cry out loud through UN or other agencies. India or any country will not give two hoots about this. Whoever take arms or stones against the country will be shot, crushed, pelleted to death. Rule of law is too damn luxury for savages.
The day we start helping Kashmiris martially barbaric forces will start vanishing rapidly.....People like you suffering from Stockholm syndrome since living long under oppressors make you coward and the day is not far when Hindu starts to kill you and rape your women in front of you.....still have time to rise against cow piss drinkers.
You tried you failed. It's been 70 years. The result will be the same. No matter whoever is ruling. Congress - BJP - 3rd side nothing will change the decision on Kashmir.

And speaking of living under some imaginary oppressors you seem to be spouting out a lot. I don't how you get the idea of the oppression and stuff. I guess through selective news of someone kicking a Muslim. That's not the case of nearly 200 millions of us. Also, worry about the sorry state of your Sunni country. :rolleyes:
Well if one is deliberatly going to come in front of a speeding vehical this is bound to happen.

In what universe this was peaceful protest?this violent mob is ready to lynch anyone in sight, am glad CRPF zoomed past this hordes of pigs, its India which is tolerating such shit inside country, if only it would have been China or USA people would have been shifted to detention center or concentrated camps by now.
Havaldar Rajpal Singh (No:15467450 K unit 3 cavalry,Rashtriya Rifles)
son of Rouf Singh,Kanpur #Bihar
did suicide by shooting himself with his rifle in #Ganderbal on #Saturday
He was part of atrocities done by #IndianArmy in #Kashmir but can't do more killings .
#GUILTY #Karma https://t.co/kseEqYydpQ
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