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IOK Civilians: Indian Army is Shelling IOK Civilians and Killing Them

Mortar firing? because the range is justifying it.. plus locals can here the launch sound and incoming sound and compare that to conclude that it is a local fire. More details needed. Anyway, in such polarised conditions, IA can do that too..
The IndianTerroristArmy is building a Narrative of PakArmy shelling the PakKashmiris.... so that this TerroristArmy force them to leave their land and become Internally Displaced Persons.... @BHarwana @Champion_Usmani @Areesh please, keep an on eye on it...

On cue the FacistIndiaMedia is going to run stories of attacks on the TerroristArmy and PakArmy bombing PakKashmiris in IoJK.

There seems to be a GamePlan behind all this
... @Slav Defence

@StormBreaker @SIPRA @Blacklight @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @DESERT FIGHTER @Reddington @Behram Khilji

Very important point and consideration. This Hindutvadi scum, which is ruling India, since 1947, can go to any extent, without any iota of shame or morality. Allah innain ghaarat karay.
They shelling Kashimiris because they want to blame Pakistan, PA is targeting and killing innocent Kashmiris and poses that we are innocent:angel:
The IndianTerroristArmy is building a Narrative of PakArmy shelling the PakKashmiris.... so that this TerroristArmy force them to leave their land and become Internally Displaced Persons.... @BHarwana @Champion_Usmani @Areesh please, keep an on eye on it...

On cue the FacistIndiaMedia is going to run stories of attacks on the TerroristArmy and PakArmy bombing PakKashmiris in IoJK.

There seems to be a GamePlan behind all this
...then those newly constructed IndianConcentrationCamps become handy to lock up PakKashmiris...and blame it on Pakistan @Slav Defence

@StormBreaker @SIPRA @Blacklight @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @DESERT FIGHTER @Reddington @Behram Khilji
Our fault, we should have made these sob's lives miserable all along LOC / IOK & IB. Tit for tat doesn't seem to be working.
She doesnt even know where the LOC is...how can she be so sure...in her hate against India she is not even willing to verify her doubts....this is the reason indians in general have no sympathy for kashmiris....if indian can fire pakistan from kupwara and destroy their army ammunition on the other side ,why can't pakistan do it...I have no mercy for such people who blame army who are fighting there risking their lives..
She doesnt even know where the LOC is...how can she be so sure...in her hate against India she is not even willing to verify her doubts....this is the reason indians in general have no sympathy for kashmiris....if indian can fire pakistan from kupwara and destroy their army ammunition on the other side ,why can't pakistan do it...I have no mercy for such people who blame army who are fighting there risking their lives..

This is a proof that you are the one who are illegitimate occupiers if kashmir and not Pakistan

Every kashmiri has similar sentiment for you. Live with it and stop killing them to pin blame on Pakistan
This is a proof that you are the one who are illegitimate occupiers if kashmir and not Pakistan

Every kashmiri has similar sentiment for you. Live with it and stop killing them to pin blame on Pakistan
This incident showed pakistan is only interested in land of kashmir..not the people there.
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