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Invincible Resolve - Documentary to Honour our Heroes for Operation Swift Retort

"Invincible Resolve"

On this very day of February, exactly 1 Year ago, the Modi regime challenged Pakistan, the Pakistan Armed Forces, especially the Pakistan Air Force rose up to the occasion and delivered the collective response of the Pakistani people by taking the fight to the aggressor. This documentary tells the story of heroes who were there, who made it all happen.

Ladies & Gentlemen, to honor our heroes, we present you the "Invincible Resolve".

Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:

Please add a youtube link. Our FB page is banned in neighboring country :D
Bhai, give yourself a +ve rating from my side!!!!

Refreshing man !!!! You have no idea how pumped up i am right now after watching it, as if today is 27 Feb 2019. Video has been made perfectly, a video depicting and narrating the Proceedings of Op Swift Retort post Balakot.

  1. IAF Mirages approach Pak, PAF scrambles jet, IAF gets nervous, launches 6 Spice 2000 in desperation, chickens out
  2. DG ISPR Threatens them
  3. They expect a reply at night
  4. Our Mirages armed with H-4 SOW escorted by Thunders armed with BVRs and WVRs most probably approach India, Target multiple locations including the proximity of Brigade HQ.
  5. Upon detecting our incoming Mirages and Thunders, MKIs are scrambled, F-16 comes in the second wave, launches AMRAAM, IAF communications jammed by our Talented EW team and AWACS, MKI shot down, Panic among the ranks.
  6. Upon getting shot down, multiple Bisons go in the air, again, the jamming was in effect, communications cut, F-16 shots down Bison inside PAF territory, Abhinandan Captured
  7. Second successive failure of countering incoming PAF jets (First being the Mirage+Thunder combo resulting in the shoot down of MKI, second being the Revenge Intended launch of bisons to shoot down our F-16s/Fighters, Yet again they get shot down), this left them with no chance of further engagement as again the results would be the same.

Excellent Man, just excellent.

Keep it up !!!

Here are some important captures i made from the video, Of concern to us.

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A very good summary. Appreciate.
Please add a youtube link. Our FB page is banned in neighboring country :D

Waiting for upload to be completed on YT. You are right.

Excellent Man, just excellent.

Execution was so perfect that even Former/Ex Services were surprised by the quality, skills & perfection. Why not to honour the day, then. Alan Warnes, Kaisaer Tufail and all; are found explicitly enjoying every single details from that day. That's the fact as only people in knowledge cherishes Operation Swift Retort.
Waiting for upload to be completed on YT. You are right.

Execution was so perfect that even Former/Ex Services were surprised by the quality, skills & perfection. Why not to honour the day, then. Alan Warnes, Kaisaer Tufail and all; are found explicitly enjoying every single details from that day. That's the fact as only people in knowledge cherishes Operation Swift Retort.
Indeed, it really is like a sunshine on us after a very ling dark, a spark of hope, that even from the most corrupt people from most of us, We can have Perfect Professional people with dedication and understanding of their job, The execution, of PAF was so perfect that many would call that “Just Luck” while it clearly wasn’t.

Reminds me, i replayed Alan Warnes’s statement 8-10 times but didn’t understand the word he said after “When i saw the news, PAF had shot down two IAF jets, I was “xyz””, could you help ?
Waiting for upload to be completed on YT. You are right.

Execution was so perfect that even Former/Ex Services were surprised by the quality, skills & perfection. Why not to honour the day, then. Alan Warnes, Kaisaer Tufail and all; are found explicitly enjoying every single details from that day. That's the fact as only people in knowledge cherishes Operation Swift Retort.

Video production quality is great. Only little lacking in audio quality. At some points audio is over lapping and back ground music is too loud when people are talking at some points. And be careful on YouTube because you are using AC/DC background music. You may get strike on your channel and I think after two strikes your channel is gone forever.
"Invincible Resolve"

On this very day of February, exactly 1 Year ago, the Modi regime challenged Pakistan, the Pakistan Armed Forces, especially the Pakistan Air Force rose up to the occasion and delivered the collective response of the Pakistani people by taking the fight to the aggressor. This documentary tells the story of heroes who were there, who made it all happen.

Ladies & Gentlemen, to honor our heroes, we present you the "Invincible Resolve".

Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:
Exactly one year ago on this day at around 3am i listened fighter jets passing over my house at a very high speed, i woke up at 9am and found out that Indian jets bombed balakot area,they achieved nothing in that attack despite few trees and a crow the fact that this was the first time they crossed the loc and Kashmir area and bombed a area which is our KPK province deep inside pakistan made my blood boiling with anger.I was thinking if we don't reply this time there will be no pride left and the whole world will see pakistan as a sissy nation.
But the very next day at around 11 am after I was done with my breakfast I turned on TV few minutes later a breaking news came that PAF strikes back and shot down two indian jets. I was filled with joy and happiness but I was thinking there will be casualties on our side as well and we are still on a defensive mode but later I found out we went deep inside indian territory bombed them,and when they responded they ended up losing two jets and shot down 6 of their own. Our casualty rate was zero . Oh my God that was the moment of such a pride ,a pride for being a Pakistani and for belonging to a airforce community (father is a retired PAF officer) ,I have heard many such PAF stories of previous wars with India but seeing a live one was a different thing for me,I cannot explain that feeling in words. But worries were still there ,that insult to India was too much and everyone was speculating it's not over and India will retaliate ,next few days were tense.But India learnt her lessons well and did not date to mess with us again . That was the best attitude swift adjustment ever handed down to Indian air force. Not only that the whole world saw how incompetent they are ,acheived nothing in balakot and next day shot down six of their own.
The 23 March day was a most prideful moment for all pakistanis,we it was all over and we were victorious. Our response was actually disproportionate ,the punishment was more than India asked for.
Disappointed that they didn’t show any actual mission footage especially the communications interception.
Waiting for upload to be completed on YT. You are right.

Execution was so perfect that even Former/Ex Services were surprised by the quality, skills & perfection. Why not to honour the day, then. Alan Warnes, Kaisaer Tufail and all; are found explicitly enjoying every single details from that day. That's the fact as only people in knowledge cherishes Operation Swift Retort.

This day reminds me of the Champions trophy 2017 final where each and everything was in Pakistan's favour.

Disappointed that they didn’t show any actual mission footage especially the communications interception.

The flight and impact site of the H4 is real footage. Not sure about anything else.

could you help ?

Remember being absolutely gobsmacked.
One question, hope i don't sound dumb but was some of the RADAR footage and RT real or was it all reenacted?

Could be from an AWACS or could be Definitely made up later on.

@Windjammer @Hodor @airomerix ?

@Mangus Ortus Novem @jaibi @Slav Defence @Socra @SIPRA @Retired Troll @Khafee @Verve @PakSword @cabatli_53 @Hakikat ve Hikmet @dBSPL @Deino @LKJ86 @Trailer23

Checkout this documentary guys, The documentary is quite interesting and perfectly made.
Its not the original RT rather from a handheld transceiver aka walkie talkie,the click sound gives it away.

Original RT has a lots of noise in it and its not easily understood.
I am watching it right now.

First impression.
It is about time, Pakistanis came up with some of their own point of view in English.
We need to inform the world and show Indian's dirty face to them.
An intolerant, racist ,cesspool of lies and low lives, country. Which shouldn't not be allowed to exists in today's world.

There is no place for Indian arseholes in 21st century.
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