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Interview of Desperate Female Controller Guiding WC Abhinandan

The obvious fact is that this is the first time a Lady Officer is being awarded a battle honor. Hence the publicity.
Where in the world does the victor of a battle hide, while the pilot shot down is seen all over Whatsapp with his juniors, Indian ministers and bureaucrats. Abhi's wingman is seen in nightclubs partying .

What is the PAF mourning, in your opinion ? If you don't get it yet....

They are active duty pilots. We don't parade them out as trophies for media attention. India is doing North Korea level of propaganda since they have nothing actual to show.
I think the biggest propaganda fail for the Indians is that they are trying desperately to promote Abhinandan as a valiant killer of F-16s but he is himself conspicuously absent from the media. I have no proof, but my feeling is that he is not willing to come on TV and state something he obviously know to be a falsehood and then when the truth comes out, as it always does, be forever labelled as a liar (even by his own ppl).
So have to respect that this fellow has some integrity which a lot of other Indians seem to be lacking.
I think the biggest propaganda fail for the Indians is that they are trying desperately to promote Abhinandan as a valiant killer of F-16s but he is himself conspicuously absent from the media. I have no proof, but my feeling is that he is not willing to come on TV and state something he obviously know to be a falsehood and then when the truth comes out, as it always does, be forever labelled as a liar (even by his own ppl).
So have to respect that this fellow has some integrity which a lot of other Indians seem to be lacking.

Same question I asked earlier : where are the interviews of the PAF pilots? Never have "victorious" pilots gone into hiding, while the "vanquished" are seen everywhere in public !
Same question I asked earlier : where are the interviews of the PAF pilots? Never have "victorious" pilots gone into hiding, while the "vanquished" are seen everywhere in public !
Except in the case of PAF, unlike the IAF, clearly shot someone down. Also our interviews have been with retired personnel that gave their opinions and not serving officers. But here, you clearly have a serving official in IAF that is flat out lying at worst, or at best agreeing that there is no proof of IAF shooting down a PAF jet, yet has no qualms about doing it in front of cameras. So it clearly is not against IAF policy to let serving officials give interviews. So again, my question is, where is Abhi?
our interviews have been with retired personnel that gave their opinions and not serving officers.

Seriously ?!?!?

Can you confirm that ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan was retired at the time of this interview ? :no:

Alan Warnes


Interviewed the Pak AF Chief, ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan today at AHQ Islamabad. As you can imagined we talked about a lot of things including some of the events on Feb 27, JF-17 Block 3, next generation fighter aircraft etc.
Seriously ?!?!?

Can you confirm that ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan was retired at the time of this interview ? :no:

Alan Warnes


Interviewed the Pak AF Chief, ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan today at AHQ Islamabad. As you can imagined we talked about a lot of things including some of the events on Feb 27, JF-17 Block 3, next generation fighter aircraft etc.

Is that a TV interview for propoganda
O joy, another Vir Chakra to give away to this brave lady.

What 'bout the moron who shot down the Mi-17? Which medal is he going to be bestowed upon him.
Repeat the lies so that it becomes the truth.
All our F-16s are accounts.for by US audit.
They are active duty pilots. We don't parade them out as trophies for media attention. India is doing North Korea level of propaganda since they have nothing actual to show.
They bring a controller but not pilots... Lolll

A controller whose conversation was already recorded by us and our ex-PAF pilot told the media how she was asking Nandu to calm down and turn back... But her yelling couldn't convince the dead ears because Nandu couldn't hear anything... Ahhhh then he got the beating of his life on the ground.

Later, international journalist reported that the count of our F-16 is complete... Then bhundians started saying US observers don't include Jordanian Jets. She again confirmed, the count included all F-16s. Then some bhundians started saying that it was a copy of a F-16 made by Chinese for the count... Then came the shahzazuddin in picture... Then came a story of the son of a PAF AVM (because Nandu was also a son of one Indian high ranking official), then Americans become liers because they couldn't sell F-21s to India so they supported pakistan's claims. Then Pakistan showed all four unfired missiles of Nandu.

Bari mushkil se award mila hai Nandu ko... Because he took away something back to India which the rest of the Indian Air Force couldn't: A fantastic tea that too in a PA facility...

Tell me, is this less than bravery that you go in an enemy territory, get shot down, receive beating of your life from villagers, still have a fantastic cup of tea? :partay:
Indian Wing Commander Abinandan Varthaman, whose aircraft was shot down on February 27 during a dogfight with Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jets and he was captured subsequently, could not hear instructions asking him to turn back because his communications system was jammed by Pakistan, the India media claimed on Wednesday.

“If his MiG 21 Bison had been equipped with anti-jamming technology, Varthaman may have turned around when instructed to,” the report claimed, adding: “That would have prevented him from being shot down and taken captive by Pakistan.”

However, the reports said that the Indian Air Force (IAF) did not respond to queries.

Responding to the IAF violation of Pakistan airspace on February 26, PAF hit back by sending fighters to hit Indian targets the following day. In the pursuit, a PAF fighter jet downed at least one Indian MiG-21 aircraft and captured its pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan.

In an ironical development, Abhinandan will be conferred with the Vir Chakra, India’s third-highest wartime medal, on its Independence Day for “shooting down a Pakistan F-16” jet, the Indian government announced on Tuesday.


Source : PakistanToday
Haha what a shameful nation that lives by lies and teaches their dumb public lies just pure pathetic !!
Another Source


Indian Fighter Pilot Abhinandan Could Have Escaped Being Downed, Captured by Pakistan - Report

New Delhi (Sputnik): An Indian government official has revealed that better anti-jamming technology could have prevented Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Abhinandan Varthaman from being shot down and captured by Pakistan in February this year.

IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who is to receive India’s third-highest military honour the “Vir Chakra” for shooting down a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) F-16 aircraft on 27 February, would not have been captured if his MiG Bison 21 supersonic aircraft had been equipped with the latest communication system, Indian daily the Hindustan Times quoted a government official as saying on Wednesday, requesting anonymity.

The official revealed if the aircraft had state-of-the-art anti-jamming technology, Wing Commander Abhinandan would have heard War Room instructions to turn back.

His inability to hear instructions because PAF aircraft had jammed his communication systems during a dogfight over the Line of Control (LoC) that separates India and Pakistan, led to him getting captured.

“We may not have lost Wing Commander Varthaman had drawbacks not been there,” the official said.

According to the daily, the IAF had flagged the need for better, more secure communication systems as far back as 2005. The IAF maintains communications cannot be intercepted or blocked if appropriately secured. It also says that aircraft commanders are trained to know when to engage and disengage in combat with the help of quality communication systems.

Following the Indian Air Force strike on an alleged Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terror camp in Pakistan’s Balakot regionon 26 February, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jets attempted to hit Indian targets the next day.

IAF aircraft were successful in chasing them across the LoC. During the dogfight, IAF pilots had been instructed to “turn-cold” –meaning to abandon chase of enemy aircraft in aviation parlance.

Wing Commander Abhinandan, however, continued chasing the Pakistani fighter. He shot down a US-made F-16 before being shot down and taken prisoner.

He was released after 60 hours of detention in Pakistan. The 27 February dogfight followed a buildup from the 14 February Pulwama terror attack allegedly carried out by Pakistan-based JeM in which more than 40 Indian soldiers had died.
He is india in a nutshell

You won't believe this guy. Repeated rejections. He is India
He is deluded beyond words but that's called being Indian
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