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Interpol notice against 2 Pak Army majors in 26/11 case

Many of my Indian and Pakistani friend's children graduate from the school here attend Harvard, Princeton etc.. It is not the school system. If it is per your statement, how come the Asian population that comes out US secondary schools are very successful?

In fact I would say schools in India coaches purely academic and the guys who come here for higher education lacks social, leadership, sports skills. They don't have any of those. That is the primary reason for most Indians (who did schooling in India) doing lower level work here - programmers etc. Most are narrow minded with poor leadership qualities.

Most Asian parents will never go back to the native country for schooling. Because it is like hell there

Your're obviously divorced from reality....

Why not comment on the report as opposed to your "keen observation" of Indians in the US....

You're clearly derailing the subject as well as the tone of this discussion..

My replies to you on this matter end here...
There you go again...

You're talking about South Asians living in america
Why do they specifically go to their native country for schooling?

before you rebuut me with "but why do them go to US universities"....Schools here don't offer boarding facilities nor scholarships

Because of the parental pressure, of people that have attended high school originally in south asia ;)

You have to admit you're schooling system is bad, the subject you guys are taught in 12th standard, we do them in 9th standard. People who give SAT (including me) joke often about the syllabus.


The failure here is mostly because of parenting, i mean lack of. Asian parents are strict and they don't let their children fail. The native population has become lazy and irresponsible

It is a great system here in schools where the classes you opt to take are based on your achievement level. (aka gifted)

It is not the school, it is the social values that is destroying the school kids.
RCNs can not force a country to take any tangible action against an alleged suspect

that's right, ''alleged'' --even in the Western system, an arrest warrant is not an immediate ''sign'' of guilt. A warrant can be issued to a flight-risk, to he/she that has dodged a court case (a bench warrant would be issued then), many different scenarios exist.

as these men are in Pakistan, it would be prudent to allow the courts under which there is jurisdiction to ascertain and determine whether carrying through would be legally (beyond a reasonable doubt) be justified. Even when a RCN is issued, the local courts have the jurisdiction; not the guys reporting to work in Lyon. Therein, I suppose, lies the flaws with Interpol itself.

hindustan failed to provide sufficient evidence against HS, therefore the case was tossed out. Either hindustan does NOT have the evidence, and/or they expect Pakistan to simply (blindly) do as "instructed"......unfortunately for you, things will not transpire that way.

i can also, again, assure you that no Pakistani serviceman (Retired, or active) would ever be 'relayed' to hindustan --which is an enemy country.

It wouldnt be good for national security reasons, national prestige, and as importantly --concerns of torture or mistreatment would also come into play.

there are 2 ways to handle your constant complaints on this subject; send the evidence, or continue to point fingers and act immaturely

in short; it's nothing more than a ''diplomatic boost'' to the enemy, but in practice & in reality, it doesn't mean much else. From time to time there are reports about "rogue ISI officials" assisting "terrorists" --- they come, and as is always the case -- they go (sometimes re-emerging again and being forgotten).

no need to worry over this minor inconvenience

Your're obviously divorced from reality....

Why not comment on the report as opposed to your "keen observation" of Indians in the US....

You're clearly derailing the subject as well as the tone of this discussion..

My replies to you on this matter end here...

Throw me some freaking bone here.

There are 13 pages of discussions on this 2 Pak Army majors and there is NO WAY Pakistan is going to send them to India. If you have the bones try to get them by all means. What we are discussing here is the necessity of attitude change required in India for solving Kashmere, Afghan, Terrorism etc... I am not derailing discussions here
Throw me some freaking bone here.

There are 13 pages of discussions on this 2 Pak Army majors and there is NO WAY Pakistan is going to send them to India. If you have the bones try to get them by all means. What we are discussing here is the necessity of attitude change required in India for solving Kashmere, Afghan, Terrorism etc... I am not derailing discussions here

OK, now we're talking. So tell me, what, in your opinion must India's attitude be, in order to get those two Majors here?
you'll never get them....make an inflatable doll of them and parade those in the streets

that's the closest you'll ever get (to them, not intercourse -- mind you)
OK, now we're talking. So tell me, what, in your opinion must India's attitude be, in order to get those two Majors here?

If US wants two Indian Majors, will India send them? You are never going to get Pakistan send them. If you have the balls like Israel mosssad, you could take them out. It will be an inside job. You need some Pushtun moles in Pakistan. Can RAW handle it?
The mission is simple get your back hand dirty while keeping palms clean.

Though the bigoted posts of Hawkish are not at all new from the big Uncle Sam he has got a point.

However i would like to clear certain doubts here from what i have read till now:

Does the RAW have covert operations capability: yes it does. Any freaking agency worthy of its salt has at least some sort of such capability.

But doest the Indian political establishment has the balls to do this???? NO

This is where truly and truly (i never agree with her on any other point) i miss her..... INDIRA GANDHI yes she is the woman with balls of steel to stand up and say i want this and i will get it in anyway.

Till then this sob story will continue. The same rona dhona, these bloody bastard politicians have made us jokers.
Throw me some freaking bone here.

There are 13 pages of discussions on this 2 Pak Army majors and there is NO WAY Pakistan is going to send them to India. If you have the bones try to get them by all means. What we are discussing here is the necessity of attitude change required in India for solving Kashmere, Afghan, Terrorism etc... I am not derailing discussions here

My honest take on things.....

The 26/11 trial has nothing to do with "redemption"......if punishing the guilty and the masterminds was the objective, Hafiz Saeed would be chilling with 72 virgins already....

Indian objective here is to expose the Pakistani state and its policies as much as possible....the more internationalized the issue becomes...the better...
The NATO alliance is already vary of the Pakistani commitment to WOT....such revelations will only make them introspect into the role of their WOT ally.....

The point here is.....India wants to malign the image of Pakistan as much as possible, denying them any support whatsoever....

Now this all relates back to Kashmir.....Would the world allow Kashmir to fall into the hands of a nation that has been using terrorism as a tool for over 3 decades now? Do we want Kashmir to be another Afghanistan?
India is trying to influence public opinion wrt Pakistan, less punish these puppets of the Pak state who are as dispensible to Pakistan as they are for India...

Although a very underhanded way, I think its better than conventional war at the expense of Indian man and money.....
If US wants two Indian Majors, will India send them? You are never going to get Pakistan send them. If you have the balls like Israel mosssad, you could take them out. It will be an inside job. You need some Pushtun moles in Pakistan. Can RAW handle it?

Based on Pakistani POV.....the current mayhem in Pakistan is an Indian making...

I am not a fan of this theory.....but if one takes pride in killing thousands of innocents to target a few....then maybe this is for you....

As for "Mossad style" hunt.....I think Hafiz Saeed and the bunch are more valuable alive than dead....
Even if we accept that Pakistan has stopped supporting Kashmiri terrorists (which it has not).....Hafiz Saeed and the bunch are like a latent cancer that will always haunt the Pakistani state whenever terrorism and Pakistan are brought into discussion.....ones past always catches up with their present.....(case and point TTP)

How can India not use this to their advantage?
This is where truly and truly (i never agree with her on any other point) i miss her..... INDIRA GANDHI yes she is the woman with balls of steel to stand up and say i want this and i will get it in anyway.

Well she had to paid for her steel balls and her steel balls were broken into pieces by her own bodyguards. Later on her son also tried those balls strategy and paid for it.
Well she had to paid for her steel balls and her steel balls were broken into pieces by her own bodyguards. Later on her son also tried those balls strategy and paid for it.

Exactly the reason why we conisder her and her son (and grandson) to be brave. They knew that they may be killed, but still did what they thought was best for the country. Rest as they say is fate..
Exactly the reason why we conisder her and her son (and grandson) to be brave. They knew that they may be killed, but still did what they thought was best for the country. Rest as they say is fate..

Every terrorist knows he would be killed like a r@t but still goes for it. Nothing heroic their.

Every terrorist knows he would be killed like a r@t but still goes for it. Nothing heroic their.


To each his own, I guess.. We find their acts (some of them if not all) overall benefited India.. And hence the heroism..And there is a difference between doing whats right and being a fanatic.
For keyboard warriors like you may be the Indra might be a hero but in my view she is in the class of Bait ullah Mehsood.

And you are a real warrior ;)?

Lets avoid name calling of national leaders since Pakistan like India also have respected leaders in Pakistan who one can compare to terrorists, starting from 1947.

So lets keep it civil and restrict the jibes at one another only...

btw, you got the spellings wrong..
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