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And once this young man or woman, de-radicalized comes in to the army, he or she can then be indoctrinated by the Jihad stuff? Why such resistance friends? If De-radicalization is good for society, why is it bad for the army? And if De-radicalization is a general good, why not have it as soon as possible??

You misread my post..
You may deradicalize the army.. but you cannot make it a single target approach.
The Army must be deradicalized, but at the same time.. its future recruits may bring in more radicalism.. so one must tackle both.
However.. you may clean a bowl of grime spick and span, but it the water coming in is bringing in grime anyway.. you wasted a lot of effort. The best thing is to have clean water coming in, when that happens any leftover grime in that bowl will be washed away eventually.
The best thing is to have clean water coming in, when that happens any leftover grime in that bowl will be washed away eventually.

Agreed - yes, "eventually".
I'm not thanking him for jack --We'll get there - but only if we keep shining a light, so as to illuminate, these issues. Of course we are not forgetting that it was the army of all institutions, that brought out the whole De-radicalization issue.
What is more worrying than the radicalization of the army is the reality of a far more radicalized general population. What we see in the army is a mere byproduct of a nation that has taken a completely different route than could have ever been predicted before Zia and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. A nation with liberal leanings, that may have manifested itself into a more secular and forward society have been replaced by intolerance and an unerring belief in a form of Islam that is not only highly politicized, but leaves no place for "non believers", another word for any one who isnt an over the top muslim.
Reversing this trend towards extremism in our populace is the only way we have any chance of succeeding in ridding the army of similar factions. But it is a problem that is larger than many people realize. With the war on terror on going, and the general negative perception towards muslims in the world... we have seen a creation of a population that is not only very defensive, but also one that is increasingly perceiving the ways of the liberals and the educated and the moderates as directly contradictory to their own. How do you convince a person to become more like the people he/she thinks they are fighting against...who knows.
Don't think it matters now - Look Soldiers also come from this society so they are also confused but now they are all well aware of the threat and are tackling the threat.Now only those people join Army who wants to die for this country.Someone who wants a better living standard would not want to go to Waziristan to fight.I think Army is in much better shape now professional.Thanks to COAS.Of course some people will always bash our Armed Forces.Muse I totally agree with your view points but what you are suggesting will take long long time - don't expect it to happen over night.Changing mindset takes a lot of time.
I think people were confused by my earlier post, the majority of officers and men are neither very religious or liberal but somewhere in between.
If it was that easy to de-radicalized individuals and the indicators are the ops in Swat etc. than we are basically fooling ourselves. It took one year for some 12 odd boys out of 100 to be sent back to their home after de-radicalization in a military supervised, civilian taught dorm school in Swat valley. The teachers themselves came under attack and one of them died. The program is still on.

It is a long haul thing. Undoing 31 years in 3 is not possible. It requires the following step for starters after imposing a State-of-Emergency:

1. Unified syllabus for all schools, both Government, or Madressahs.
2. Revamp of education thru establishment of day dorm schools and incentives like regular supply of Wheat, Ghee, Milk, Sugar to families sending their kids to school. This should be on per child basis.
3. Enhance the teaching level with better trained teachers.
4. Vocational training after tenth grade in Plumbing, Mechanics, Electrician, lock smith, drafting, typing, land survey, paramedic, paralegal, nursing etc. i.e. trade training in sync with rural and urban needs.
5. Re-registering and running background check by Federal Agencies of all types of charities should be the prerequisite to receive charitable donations. All donors, by law should be required to disclose the amount and the recipient otherwise a heavy jail term will be in the works. This disclosure can be attached to sales and Income tax returns.
6. All mosques have to be registered and should have license to operate/commence building. The Fatawa can be issued by Mufti Munib-ur-Rehman. Unlicensed/unauthorized/illegally built on occupied land mosques should be demolished . Let the Chief Justice take up these cases – let him also shoulder some responsibility of correcting this country.
7. A strict Code of conduct should be put in place by PEMRA on channels to only air programs of religious nature which have religious scholars and not quasi political/religious scholars on their shows.
8. Banning and making of all FATWAS and publishing/airing them a criminal offence with heavy jail sentences. Fatwas can only be issued by Govt. appointed Religious Team.
8. Airing of Taliban/Al-Qaeda interviews/literature shoul be banned.
ETC. etc. etc.

The basis of these steps, Choke off funding, remove the supply of readymade recruits due to poverty for these madressahs, discourage use of Islam to further the political agendas of quasi religious parties on air. Discourage sowing of confusion and discord in the masses.

These an many more are some of the possible steps that can be taken to De-radicalize our Army!!! Yes our Army -- it should start from our homes and not the barracks.

My 2c worth of spin.
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