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Interesting Article on Dawn : Pakistan - India or China ?

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Jan 16, 2012
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Pakistan, we are told, has an archenemy and a steadfast friend at its borders. Telling them apart, however, may not be that easy.

One neighbour, where Muslims are a minority, has declared Eid festival a national holiday for all. The other neighbour discourages Muslims from fasting and attending mosques during working hours. One neighbour allows Muslim to practice their faith as they see fit; the other tries to regulate Islamic practices. One neighbour facilitates Muslims’ annual pilgrimage to Makkah by building dedicated complexes near airports. The other permits only the elderly, or those who the State finds patriotic, to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage) . Pakistanis share culture, cuisine, and history with one neighbour.With the other no extensive cultural bonds exist.

Despite the State’s tight clamp on the 23 million Chinese Muslims in the northwest, Pakistanis continue to consider China a steadfast friend. Whereas, Indian Muslims practice their faith without government meddling, Pakistanis consider India an archenemy.

It was only in 2009 when 150 people died in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang, when the Muslim Uighurs demanded greater religious freedoms. While the protest-happy Jamat-i-Islami has been quick to condemn the Burmese authorities for ill-treating Burmese Muslims, Jamat and other ‘champions’ of Muslims causes remained eerily quiet on Uighurs. With China officially designated as a friend, even the religious zealots in Pakistan willingly ignore China’s indiscretions against the Muslim minority.

Despite the violence against Muslims in India, and Muslim-led attacks on Indian Parliament in New Delhi or on hotels and other landmarks in Mumbai, the Indian government has not instituted policies to regulate religious practices of minorities. Muslims are free to attend mosques and shrines, observe religious ceremonies in open, have their internal disputes settled as per Islamic laws, and lobby for greater Muslim rights within the Indian federation.

I have visited the Jamia mosque in New Delhi and the imambargahs in Lucknow. There were no signs of any restriction near mosques or shrines in India. In fact, weeks later when I arrived in Pakistan I saw heavy police guards around imambargahs where security forces were deployed to protect Muslim places of worships against attacks by fellow Muslims.

China, unlike India, is struggling with the very concept of religion. It is not just Muslims, but Christians, Buddhists, and several others who have been subjected to the State’s heavy handedness. As incomes rise and information flows more freely to China, the State will come under immense pressure to allot religion some space in the body politic, which has not been the case to date.

The Pakistan-China ‘friendship’ represents more of a strategic defence partnership between Pakistan and China than a grassroots movement based on people-to-people cultural ties. Pakistan has, until recently, served the same purpose for China’s ‘strategic depth’ vis-à-vis India as Afghanistan has served for Pakistan. By having an unsympathetic Pakistan on the India’s western borders, China must have found it convenient to deal with India from the other side, especially after China’s war with India in 1962.

Pakistanis in the short run may not see India in a different light given that they see Indo-Pak relations mostly in Kashmir’s context where a lot remains unresolved. Indians also remain suspicious of Pakistanis when they see armed militants from Pakistan landing at a beach in Mumbai.

Despite the mutual misgivings, Indians and Pakistanis cannot break free of the shared history, heritage, and culture. There is much in common between the two peoples to be able to seek common ground on all outstanding matters. Pakistan’s long-term relations with China, however, may need a serious rethink even at the official levels because other than the mutual distrust of India, not much is common between the Chinese and Pakistani peoples.

In the absence of a common language, music, or cuisine, it is hard to see why Pakistanis and Chinese would see each other as bosom buddies. There exists a formal relationship between the two States, which may not be confused with steadfast friendship between the two peoples. As Ahmad Faraz once wrote: Not everyone who shakes your hand is a friend.

Full article on : Dawn.com - Mistaking handshakes for friendship
How the writer forget to mention that one neighbour has never tried to occupy territory of Pakistan but the other neighbour had occupied 3 provinces/states/territories of Pakistan since 1947.

Also someone tell this dumb writer that all indian govt doing efforts to make Muslims in india happy is a move & desperate attempt to show Two Nation Theory as unvalid. Muslims in india must understand this situation & use this to develop themselves very fast, any attack/incident(like gujarat) by hindu exteremist/(terrorists) groups such as RSS etc, should be made a very big issue. Inshallah than Muslims of india will get india back which was lost after overthrow of Mughul Empire.
Pakistan, we are told, has an archenemy and a steadfast friend at its borders. Telling them apart, however, may not be that easy.

One neighbour, where Muslims are a minority, has declared Eid festival a national holiday for all. The other neighbour discourages Muslims from fasting and attending mosques during working hours. One neighbour allows Muslim to practice their faith as they see fit; the other tries to regulate Islamic practices. One neighbour facilitates Muslims’ annual pilgrimage to Makkah by building dedicated complexes near airports. The other permits only the elderly, or those who the State finds patriotic, to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage) . Pakistanis share culture, cuisine, and history with one neighbour.With the other no extensive cultural bonds exist.

Despite the State’s tight clamp on the 23 million Chinese Muslims in the northwest, Pakistanis continue to consider China a steadfast friend. Whereas, Indian Muslims practice their faith without government meddling, Pakistanis consider India an archenemy.

It was only in 2009 when 150 people died in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang, when the Muslim Uighurs demanded greater religious freedoms. While the protest-happy Jamat-i-Islami has been quick to condemn the Burmese authorities for ill-treating Burmese Muslims, Jamat and other ‘champions’ of Muslims causes remained eerily quiet on Uighurs. With China officially designated as a friend, even the religious zealots in Pakistan willingly ignore China’s indiscretions against the Muslim minority.

Despite the violence against Muslims in India, and Muslim-led attacks on Indian Parliament in New Delhi or on hotels and other landmarks in Mumbai, the Indian government has not instituted policies to regulate religious practices of minorities. Muslims are free to attend mosques and shrines, observe religious ceremonies in open, have their internal disputes settled as per Islamic laws, and lobby for greater Muslim rights within the Indian federation.

I have visited the Jamia mosque in New Delhi and the imambargahs in Lucknow. There were no signs of any restriction near mosques or shrines in India. In fact, weeks later when I arrived in Pakistan I saw heavy police guards around imambargahs where security forces were deployed to protect Muslim places of worships against attacks by fellow Muslims.

China, unlike India, is struggling with the very concept of religion. It is not just Muslims, but Christians, Buddhists, and several others who have been subjected to the State’s heavy handedness. As incomes rise and information flows more freely to China, the State will come under immense pressure to allot religion some space in the body politic, which has not been the case to date.

The Pakistan-China ‘friendship’ represents more of a strategic defence partnership between Pakistan and China than a grassroots movement based on people-to-people cultural ties. Pakistan has, until recently, served the same purpose for China’s ‘strategic depth’ vis-à-vis India as Afghanistan has served for Pakistan. By having an unsympathetic Pakistan on the India’s western borders, China must have found it convenient to deal with India from the other side, especially after China’s war with India in 1962.

Pakistanis in the short run may not see India in a different light given that they see Indo-Pak relations mostly in Kashmir’s context where a lot remains unresolved. Indians also remain suspicious of Pakistanis when they see armed militants from Pakistan landing at a beach in Mumbai.

Despite the mutual misgivings, Indians and Pakistanis cannot break free of the shared history, heritage, and culture. There is much in common between the two peoples to be able to seek common ground on all outstanding matters. Pakistan’s long-term relations with China, however, may need a serious rethink even at the official levels because other than the mutual distrust of India, not much is common between the Chinese and Pakistani peoples.

In the absence of a common language, music, or cuisine, it is hard to see why Pakistanis and Chinese would see each other as bosom buddies. There exists a formal relationship between the two States, which may not be confused with steadfast friendship between the two peoples. As Ahmad Faraz once wrote: Not everyone who shakes your hand is a friend.

Full article on : Dawn.com - Mistaking handshakes for friendship

Seems like all Pakistanis are not as enamored by China as most Pakistani members on this forum are ... :)
How the writer forget to mention that one neighbour has never tried to occupy territory of Pakistan but the other neighbour had occupied 3 provinces/states/territories of Pakistan since 1947.

Also someone tell this dumb writer that all indian govt doing efforts to make Muslims in india happy is a move & desperate attempt to show Two Nation Theory as unvalid. Muslims in india must understand this situation & use this to develop themselves very fast, any attack/incident(like gujarat) by hindu exteremist/(terrorists) groups such as RSS etc, should be made a very big issue. Inshallah than Muslims of india will get india back which was lost after overthrow of Mughul Empire.

Your comment is as stupid as me suggesting that Hindus of India will get back Hindu territory which was ceded to form Pakistan.
We have a free media, even the dirty 5th column can express it's views. - india is and will remain the eternal enemy.
How the writer forget to mention that one neighbour has never tried to occupy territory of Pakistan but the other neighbour had occupied 3 provinces/states/territories of Pakistan since 1947.

Also someone tell this dumb writer that all indian govt doing efforts to make Muslims in india happy is a move & desperate attempt to show Two Nation Theory as unvalid. Muslims in india must understand this situation & use this to develop themselves very fast, any attack/incident(like gujarat) by hindu exteremist/(terrorists) groups such as RSS etc, should be made a very big issue. Inshallah than Muslims of india will get india back which was lost after overthrow of Mughul Empire.


:blah: :blah: :blah :blah: :blah :blah: :blah: :blah:
And yet ppl call "India is enemy of islam"... How Naive they are....
How the writer forget to mention that one neighbour has never tried to occupy territory of Pakistan but the other neighbour had occupied 3 provinces/states/territories of Pakistan since 1947.

Also someone tell this dumb writer that all indian govt doing efforts to make Muslims in india happy is a move & desperate attempt to show Two Nation Theory as unvalid. Muslims in india must understand this situation & use this to develop themselves very fast, any attack/incident(like gujarat) by hindu exteremist/(terrorists) groups such as RSS etc, should be made a very big issue. Inshallah than Muslims of india will get india back which was lost after overthrow of Mughul Empire.

Yeh Yeh Yeh..... :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:

And yet Pakistan send her so called Non state actors who are trained like commandos without involvement of any seciruty agency!!!!!!!!
Pakistan, we are told, has an archenemy and a steadfast friend at its borders. Telling them apart, however, may not be that easy.

One neighbour, where Muslims are a minority, has declared Eid festival a national holiday for all. The other neighbour discourages Muslims from fasting and attending mosques during working hours. One neighbour allows Muslim to practice their faith as they see fit; the other tries to regulate Islamic practices. One neighbour facilitates Muslims’ annual pilgrimage to Makkah by building dedicated complexes near airports. The other permits only the elderly, or those who the State finds patriotic, to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage) . Pakistanis share culture, cuisine, and history with one neighbour.With the other no extensive cultural bonds exist.

Despite the State’s tight clamp on the 23 million Chinese Muslims in the northwest, Pakistanis continue to consider China a steadfast friend. Whereas, Indian Muslims practice their faith without government meddling, Pakistanis consider India an archenemy.

It was only in 2009 when 150 people died in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang, when the Muslim Uighurs demanded greater religious freedoms. While the protest-happy Jamat-i-Islami has been quick to condemn the Burmese authorities for ill-treating Burmese Muslims, Jamat and other ‘champions’ of Muslims causes remained eerily quiet on Uighurs. With China officially designated as a friend, even the religious zealots in Pakistan willingly ignore China’s indiscretions against the Muslim minority.

Despite the violence against Muslims in India, and Muslim-led attacks on Indian Parliament in New Delhi or on hotels and other landmarks in Mumbai, the Indian government has not instituted policies to regulate religious practices of minorities. Muslims are free to attend mosques and shrines, observe religious ceremonies in open, have their internal disputes settled as per Islamic laws, and lobby for greater Muslim rights within the Indian federation.

I have visited the Jamia mosque in New Delhi and the imambargahs in Lucknow. There were no signs of any restriction near mosques or shrines in India. In fact, weeks later when I arrived in Pakistan I saw heavy police guards around imambargahs where security forces were deployed to protect Muslim places of worships against attacks by fellow Muslims.

China, unlike India, is struggling with the very concept of religion. It is not just Muslims, but Christians, Buddhists, and several others who have been subjected to the State’s heavy handedness. As incomes rise and information flows more freely to China, the State will come under immense pressure to allot religion some space in the body politic, which has not been the case to date.

The Pakistan-China ‘friendship’ represents more of a strategic defence partnership between Pakistan and China than a grassroots movement based on people-to-people cultural ties. Pakistan has, until recently, served the same purpose for China’s ‘strategic depth’ vis-à-vis India as Afghanistan has served for Pakistan. By having an unsympathetic Pakistan on the India’s western borders, China must have found it convenient to deal with India from the other side, especially after China’s war with India in 1962.

Pakistanis in the short run may not see India in a different light given that they see Indo-Pak relations mostly in Kashmir’s context where a lot remains unresolved. Indians also remain suspicious of Pakistanis when they see armed militants from Pakistan landing at a beach in Mumbai.

Despite the mutual misgivings, Indians and Pakistanis cannot break free of the shared history, heritage, and culture. There is much in common between the two peoples to be able to seek common ground on all outstanding matters. Pakistan’s long-term relations with China, however, may need a serious rethink even at the official levels because other than the mutual distrust of India, not much is common between the Chinese and Pakistani peoples.

In the absence of a common language, music, or cuisine, it is hard to see why Pakistanis and Chinese would see each other as bosom buddies. There exists a formal relationship between the two States, which may not be confused with steadfast friendship between the two peoples. As Ahmad Faraz once wrote: Not everyone who shakes your hand is a friend.

Full article on : Dawn.com - Mistaking handshakes for friendship

using that logic US and Russia would be best of friends, both neighbors are christian
what our neighbor is doing is accommodating their huge minority, they are not doing it as a favor to us
Your comment is as stupid as me suggesting that Hindus of India will get back Hindu territory which was ceded to form Pakistan.

All Hindus in Pakistan had converted to the religion of light "Islam" so all Pakistanis are on their land just converted, we Pakistanis are proud of our land history, early civilization, language as well as religion. So please go ahead & try to get your land back from Pakistan & don't cry calling your c1@c1c1y UN or US for cease fire as you ppl do always.
All Hindus in Pakistan had converted to the religion of light "Islam" so all Pakistanis are on their land just converted, we Pakistanis are proud of our land history, early civilization, language as well as religion. So please go ahead & try to get your land back from Pakistan & don't cry calling your c1@c1c1y UN or US for cease fire as you ppl do always.

Delusions n more Delusions...

From where you get tihs stuff?
How the writer forget to mention that one neighbour has never tried to occupy territory of Pakistan but the other neighbour had occupied 3 provinces/states/territories of Pakistan since 1947.

Also someone tell this dumb writer that all indian govt doing efforts to make Muslims in india happy is a move & desperate attempt to show Two Nation Theory as unvalid. Muslims in india must understand this situation & use this to develop themselves very fast, any attack/incident(like gujarat) by hindu exteremist/(terrorists) groups such as RSS etc, should be made a very big issue. Inshallah than Muslims of india will get india back which was lost after overthrow of Mughul Empire.

Hindus never attack first..... Gujarat riot was started only after Muslim burned 250 Hindus alive.....After all you are minority and if you burn 250 majority alive you have to pay price for it....

Otherwise Muslim are more safe in India than in Pakistan.....
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