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Intense police gun battle.

This is anyway better than people blowing themselves up and killing more than 100 innocents at a time.

Society was much worse back in history, it is much much better now even with so many issues.
The two officers failed to subjugate and control the suspect,as I see in a matter of seconds things went wrong and they lost control of the situation. Clearly it was handled badly,I don't know if any were injured,but they were lucky enough as the situation could have ended very badly for them. Let alone if there was only one cop as most patrol alone.

The 2 major mistakes that were made were 1) The shorter cop, once he discovered the perp's gun fall out of his leg pants became way too distracted by it. He went into unnecessary anal mode, checking to see if it's loaded, then when he tries to pull the clip out which he had a hard time doing so because I'm sure the gun was a POS, then he spends another few seconds trying to pop out the round in the chamber when all he needed to do was kick it away. That's all. Instead, he left his partner to struggle with this cretin criminal all that time. 2) They both let him get away. There is absolutely no reason for them to have let him push them off (especially when one of them looks to be 6'-7" tall and 250lbs. How does a drunken criminal push off almost 400lbs of humanity on top of him? That was their 2nd and critical mistake. I've seen clips where 1 guy stayed on top of a bigger criminal than him for over 10 minutes until backup showed up and these two couldn't subdue 1 drunk?

Shows though what cops in America have to go through as a simple routine traffic stop can go out of control with almost people being killed. This guy clearly escalated things for nothing and will have even bigger problems now.

Oh he's going to jail for the rest of his life. They'll never let him out. There's a certain place for cop killers, even those who only attempt to kill cops. We run into them all the time, even the water police since we're out on the water a lot and those guys tend to be much cooler. But these guys, highway patrol troopers we call State Police here in MA are some of the toughest bastards you'll ever run into.
I can understand why American police might be so apprehensive, but it doesn't excuse some of the clear cut police brutality you see. In this instance the smaller of the two police officers panicked and it led to them getting shot. It's unfortunate and easy for us to judge from behind a screen.

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