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Intense Firing By Pakistan In Akhnoor And Nowshera; Indian Army, Reports.

Latest report: Indian Media

India violated cease fire in Nowshera Sector.

Nowshera Sector of Indian under heavy fire

Pakistani fire intensity increased in Jhangar, Laam, Kalsiyan and Kalal areas. The areas are being heavily shelled.

Another Indian Army Jawan lost his life

The deceased soldier has been identified as Signalman Chandan Kumar Rai, 25, of village Nadesar in Uttar Pradesh’s Chandauli district.

Indian Jawan death toll has risen to 12 now.

But river crossings are always hard
Indians are posted between the river and border so this is a chocking point for India most of the fighting is done east and south in Akhnoor. If India try to attack from the river side they are targeted from the other side of the border Akhnoor is a very strategic location you need to see the full map for a bigger picture.
Spot on. This is designed by India and USA to pressure Pakistan. In fact it's uniting Pakistan.
Military seems to hit both borders and the people of Pakistan love them even more.

Pakistan has shown its resolve to defend itself. If Indians would be smart they would take a hint from it and stop with the foolishness at LOC which they were doing for sometime.

If they don't. We would continue in the similar manner like we have in past few days. War however is not coming as some people are suggesting on this thread.
Pakistan has shown its resolve to defend itself. If Indians would be smart they would take a hint from it and stop with the foolishness at LOC which they were doing for sometime.

If they don't. We would continue in the similar manner like we have in past few days. War however is not coming as some people are suggesting on this thread.
they have deployed Tanks:what::what:
Civilians need to be evacuated. If the Indian minister is threatening to push forward I'm sure the average young men from the Pakistani villages of Punjab will be eager to get their AK47s, rifles and handguns out to go hunting.

Yes, during the 2001-02 India Pakistan standoff civilians were evacuated and I along with a few of my cousins stayed behind, in our village, to fight alongside our troops in case the Indian Army tried to invade .... The percentage of households with guns in our area is almost 100 %
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