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Intellectually Disabled PTI Worker Had Torture on More than 25 Places on His Body Including "Sensitive Parts" that Resulted in his Death

damn the PDM gormint, why could they not wait until after he had posted my 7th Ph.D to me?

curse them to hell. 10s of thousands of honest halal-khor graduates/academics from the sub-continent with amreeki and eu degrees might lose their livelihoods if these evil nasty PDM decide to look back at the history of gil sahibs bestie, let's hope gil sahib did not buy any of his certificates from this selfless humanitarian

No real review took place , in courts

No Evalution was done on quality of training / court / work being done

Today there are many websites where degrees are granted

  • Coursera , gives out Degree / Course certificates but they also have a disclaimer the degrees are not equal to In person university
  • However they do confirm the course is valid training and in most cases you can get some recognition from Host University who sponsors that course

Without due review and study no one can be held responsible , for opening a TV channel which was at that time not in hand of Political entities

There are countless Indian training institutes which also give our training courses and their own certification for completing online studies, and they make billions of these training.

When Metric fail , people are in decision making position such blunders do happen
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The issue of Axact is is not related to what is currently going on

However the TV channel owned by Axact was reporting news without censorship that is why the owner of the channel was put under pressure

A review will have to be made to figure out the true nature of issue
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I know but I want an amreeki or eu certification. in which that PTI/BOL man excelled.

then on 2nd thoughts.....
an irani refugee left New Zeland with a fail in uni entrance course. but by the time she arrived in England she was a qualified shrink with a Ph.D and much more. worked for NHS drawing nearly £2 million in salary.

then she got more ambitious and tried to steal a million in cash and property from a senile ole patient. her badluck that he was just sad not senile.

locked-up for fraud and forgery then will be sent back to Iran to face proper justice

Never been reviewed in Pakistan. Thus, the person is not guilty till proper review happens

Tabloids run "many" stories UK is knows to create fascinating stories.

How about extraditing Nawaz Sharif first ?
Lets see how quickly UK acts to shut down Nawaz Empire
lights are on but I don't think anyone is in :rofl:

Just like any claim on Axact CEO

People can claim one thing or other, but unless it is reviewed by intellects in Pakistan on truth of all the tabloid stories, without a full investigation can't claim anything

a) Coursera sells online course / degree . but bottom of page they have statement not full status as On campus education or Accreditation.

b) Many training sites who sell training for $300-$500 per year per subscription exist world wide they offer you web training and you get a certification of completion of training

The reason why those entities are legal is because they are bringing money to US/UK economies.

India sells training to world same principle they create own certificate of trianing , these are now shared on LinkedIn (Fact)

However because Axact also offered training certificates they were claimed to be illegal.
If their business was not disrupted today they would have been making millions as Indian Companies do

Today all those Indian Online training companies are ahead ,

if Axact was allowed to work , they might have competed for training space with Indian companies

However Axact also had a dynamic that they were in News Channel space and Private entity, so they had a very open minded reporting ideals

They were taken off air for their uncensored reporting

What happened to axact is not new in 60's -70's Pakistani Banks were doing tremendous business and growing globally. If you review many stories of Pakistani banks in 60's and 70's you will find a common element , and that was after 70's the pressure mounted to kick out Pakistani Banking presence in Europe

They were also forced with fines and forced to quit their presence in Europe

Note: Mean while Switzerland operated in same Europe , allowing complete anonymous presence to any foreign resident to maintain a Bank account in their country, Again this was acceptable, Today Switzerland lives off the interest from all the Money of World sitting in Swiss banks. They are self-sufficient they make so much money , they don't even think their popuation need to work anymore government can just pay the people money to stay home

If Pakistani Banks continued their growth in Europe they would have been bigger then many world banks today

Today Chinese corpoations are facing same on slaught but China is more capable to protecting their own Corporations.
  • Huawei Corporation was unwelcomed in USA/Canada recently just politics.
  • These days Tiktok is being targeted.

I feel based on evidence from past I find sufficient evidence that Axact was mistreated. Locally in Pakistan
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We will know if someone is hanged or not if PTI comes in power .

Noone will be..he will be forgotten like all others

IK is no leader he is a pacifist
yeah last time when to came to power in punjab, heads should have rolled, everyone knew the names of officers in punjab policew and yet they did nothing!
yeah last time when to came to power in punjab, heads should have rolled, everyone knew the names of officers in punjab policew and yet they did nothing!

Model town killers are well known, even have videos available but no action was taken by PTI government, infact the officers involved were given promotions. Who was responsible? IK was the PM and had the government, provisional government was also under his control. The question is why should we bring back PTI government?
Model town killers are well known, even have videos available but no action was taken by PTI government, infact the officers involved were given promotions. Who was responsible? IK was the PM and had the government, provisional government was also under his control. The question is why should we bring back PTI government?
the answer is the rest is far far worse. i have realized it with each day that Ik is no revolutionary but given ample time, he will be the catalyst for one!
I use to defend Pak fauj when talking to Indians and Bangladeshis. I use to take selfies with them in my last trip to Pakistan. I also remember that as a kid I would wave at them and smile out of joy. I use to be so proud of our fauj. All of this is changed now. I hate them for destroying our country. May Allah swt destroy these firouns and give hidayath to a few sensible that may be left in the most crooked entity in Pakistan.
Welcome. We were all in the same boat.
I dont get it. What does hafiz get by making the great majority of people hate the fauj?
No need to torture

I don't get what is achieved by torturing and killing. The hallmarks look like an agency job, is it to strike fear in those who are against them?
Need to be more humane

Model town killers are well known, even have videos available but no action was taken by PTI government, infact the officers involved were given promotions. Who was responsible? IK was the PM and had the government, provisional government was also under his control. The question is why should we bring back PTI government?
Imran khan let Nawaz sharif go aswell to uk a big mistake
Establishment fanboys

- Arshad Sharif forced exile - Not us
- Arshad Sharif being martyred- Not us
- Other Journalists forced exile - Not us
- Violence on PTI May ‘22 protests - Not us
- Death of a PTI protester - Not us
- Torture of Azam Swati and others - Not us
- Firing on IK - Not us
- RCO - Not us
- Talking to industrialists - Not us
- Rigging elections - Not us
- Propping up PMLN - Not us
- Bringing back PTM and Murderers - Not us
- Opening courts in the middle of the night - Not us
- Propping up Naqvi to become a CM - Not us
- Meeting Shahbaz when he used to come under the hood of the car - Not us
- Making videos - Not us

The list is too damn long.

I hope the army in this form disintegrates and we start with a new one. There is no course correction here.
Army is being blamed and rightly so. But what about the judiciary?

In the court of law and in front Judge Zeba Chaudhry, Shebaz Gill was literally begging for court's protection. Yet that MFB handed Shebaz Gill back to his torturers. And when IK rightly called out the judge for abetting torture, IK's erstwhile ally, Athur Minallah put a muqadma of tauheen-ay-adaluth on IK. If instead, judges had thrown the book on torturers of Shebaz Gill, this beautiful soul would have likely been alive today.

Battle Pakistan faces is not against personalities such as Hafiz Whisky, Instead this fight is against a mindset which says Pakistanis are a nation of serfs who exist to provide sustenance to their lords and masters. Enablers of the lords exist in all tubquas such as in media, in judiciary, in bureaucracy and among the industrial and commercial elite. And we must not ignore their foreign masters who deserve the greatest blame.

Battle Pakistan is fighting today is a battle that has been fought in all societies that have achieved progress and where citizens live with dignity. The side of haq will prevail. It is a question of when because historical processes can never be stopped. The more this process gets delayed, greater the intensity of reaction. Bolsheviks succeeded after failure of multiple moderate led uprisings. Something similar happened in Iran. Americans restored the Shah but the next wave swept all before it.

It is in the interest of ancien regime to reach an understanding with IK because during the next wave, their families will become fair game. We have seen this story multiple times. We know how this will end.
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