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Inside Pakistan's Sharp Sword - The Special Service Group (SSG).

It would be a waste if SSG was being trained up only on the role you describe. Any good Special Force should be able to adapt and employ itself in the roles needed and that is exactly what the SSG has done. Counter Terrorism is a very narrow definition of something as broad as sub-conventional warfare. The SSG as a force is involved in the latter while it regularly trains for operating behind the enemy lines. The actual counter-terrorism operations role is fulfilled by a small number of cadres (specialized units such as Zarrar ATU).

SSG detachments are rotated constantly along the LoC and in the FATA to expose the troops to both operating environments. Prior to GWOT and in the days of the Soviet-Afghan war, the SSG was rotated across three or four different operational environments ranging from LoC, Afghanistan, Siachen and even Balochistan.

If AT is limited to Zarrar ATU, then thats fine.
If AT is limited to Zarrar ATU, then thats fine.

Consider the type of training required for AT: CQB, hit and run, ambush execution and protection, VIP protection, kinetic entry, sniping. All of this forms the groundwork for behind enemy lines action.
Consider the type of training required for AT: CQB, hit and run, ambush execution and protection, VIP protection, kinetic entry, sniping. All of this forms the groundwork for behind enemy lines action.
Thats all training.

A lot of BEL took place in 1980's and 1990's.
Check out the Wiki page, a lot of interesting edits which make organization of SSG more clear. However it i believe Tarbela Brigade is also known as 22nd SS Brigade.
Check out the Wiki page, a lot of interesting edits which make organization of SSG more clear. However it i believe Tarbela Brigade is also known as 22nd SS Brigade.
I correct myself, i believe the Cherat Brigade is 22nd SS.
Major Khalid Aziz
2nd Commando Rehbar
3rd Commando Battalion
Based at Tarbela
33rd SS Brigade

Operation Qiadat, 1987- versus all odds

Powindahs bravely charged in subzero conditions to eliminate IA posts in the Bilafond sector and gain a foothold on the Saltoro Ridge. Several enemy posts were eliminated but the assault stalled and was aborted following lack of reinforcements and casualties.

This Operation earned 18 martyrs for us, including :

Captain Iqbal Khan HJ
Captain Salik Cheema SJ

En lost 21 men.
2nd Commando Battalion
11th SS Brigade

'We Lead The Way'

17 x Sitara-e-Jurat
8 x Tamgha-e-Jurat
17 x Sitara-e-Basalat
60 x Tamgha-e-Basalat
30 x Imtiazi Sanad
40 x COAS Commendation Cards

Quaid Company
Ghazi Company
Jangju Company
Tipu Company
HQ Suleman
Naib Subedar Atta Muhammad (SJ) was commanding a 7-8 man SSG team, manning the Quaid OP in Bilafond La sector of the Saltoro Ridge, in the spring of 1987.

This team was responsible for the deaths of 18 Indian troops in action even as it was pitted versus intense artillery and superior enemy numbers. 5 of them including NbSub Atta were martyred and the OP eventually fell, with munitions and supplies on a low after the rope link to Ali Brangsa (basecamp) was cut off by Indian artillery shelling and surrounding of the OP.

What's a naib subedar in english/US ranks???
Staff sergeant???
Naib Subedar Atta Muhammad (SJ) was commanding a 7-8 man SSG team, manning the Quaid OP in Bilafond La sector of the Saltoro Ridge, in the spring of 1987.

This team was responsible for the deaths of 18 Indian troops in action even as it was pitted versus intense artillery and superior enemy numbers. 5 of them including NbSub Atta were martyred and the OP eventually fell, with munitions and supplies on a low after the rope link to Ali Brangsa (basecamp) was cut off by Indian artillery shelling and surrounding of the OP.

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