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Inside China: PLA says war with U.S. imminent


Dec 15, 2011
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Inside China: PLA says war with U.S. imminent

A Chinese general recently offered an alarming assessment that a future conflict with the United States is coming as a result of U.S. “containment” policies.

The release last week of a transcribed speech by People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Maj. Gen. Peng Guangqian revealed the harsh words toward the United States and those in China he regards as muddle-headed peacenik intellectuals.

Gen. Peng, a well-known PLA strategist, has a hawkish reputation and a large following in China. The speech was given in December at an event hosted by Xinhua news agency in Beijing. An abbreviated transcript was published June 21 on the Chinese military website Leiting, or Thunder.

“The United States has been exhausting all its resources to establish a strategic containment system specifically targeting China,” Gen. Peng said.”The contradictions between China and the United States are structural, not to be changed by any individual, whether it is G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush or Barack Obama, it will not make a difference to these contradictions.”

The general specifically criticized two views prevalent among some analysts in Beijing and Washington that a U.S.-China military conflict will not happen anytime soon because of mutual economic dependency between the two nations. He also attacked the popular view that the U.S.-China relationship can’t be too good but can’t be too bad, either.

Gen. Peng criticized what he sees as an all-out endeavor by the United States to encircle China. “Some people keep saying that we have friends all over the world. But I have used a magnifying glass trying to find some friendly countries on a world map. And I kept looking and looking, but failed to find any except a containment circle around us longer than the Great Wall of China!” Gen. Peng said.

“The reason why China does not have an especially strong sense of crisis is that we chant ‘peace and harmony’ everywhere in the world, which was originally intended for the world to hear, but such chanting has left us kidding ourselves and paralyzed. Now no one is willing to think about war,” he said.


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently demanded that all PLA senior officials disclose their personal assets, a measure that appears aimed at curbing rampant corruption within the communist military hierarchy, according to the official military newspaper PLA Daily.

The Communist Party’s ultimate regime support comes from the People’s Liberation Army. Founding CCP dictator Mao Zedong famously coined the phrase, “Political power comes from the barrel of a gun.”

Many analysts think this is a key reason why the PLA is notorious for having extraordinary access to privileges and special perks denied to most Chinese and that this necessarily led to rampant corruption within the PLA.

The PLA at one time operated tens of thousands of businesses, easily evading Chinese customs and tax authorities in large-scale smuggling and tax-evasion schemes. Corruption within the PLA was so widespread that in the late 1990s, the ruling Politburo stepped in and banned the PLA from operating any businesses.

But loopholes to operating military-run businesses remain and are growing.

In 2006, the Chinese navy’s second in command, Vice Adm. Wang Shouye, was found to have kept five mistresses and embezzled public funds estimated to be worth millions of dollars.

In February, Lt. Gen. Gu Junshan, deputy chief of the PLA’s general logistics department, was purged after it was discovered he was linked to illicit real estate schemes and for what state media called “self-aggrandizement.”

Inside China: PLA says war with U.S. imminent - Washington Times
War has been part of universe the day universe born.... Light vs dark.... There are war between galaxies, war between planets and then there is war between nations on planet earth.... If anyone thinks that having nuclear weapons will make them safe from war then its biggest mistake.... War will be faught till universe is alive.... Theres no stoping to it. Recently in uk scientists found out that reptilians lives among us.... They have full control on humans and they are the one wants war between humans. Humanoids want us to stop killing each other. They want us to join them and fight reptilians. Humanoids use to fight each other multi million years ago.... Now they live peacefuly and their mission is to fight reptilians.... Humans are still kids who fight each other. America and china will war. America totaly got edge and will win by the blessings of the satan.... China too alot important for draconians because draconians are them self the real flying dragon race but america got total support.... Reptilians might not attack directly. They will attack by controling humans. America been controled by reptilians and greys.... i have given details in other thread where i proved how world powers worship satan and how obama is the real reptilian himself. He was king of egypt 1000s of years ago....
Obama is the real king of egypt.... He the most important card of reptilians.... Obama and his family born again for something most important.... America will defeat china and push back china few decades like it did to russia.... Obama the real reptilian....
must view pic.... http://api.ning.com/files/-dc0HG0fO...LP*9UWA/ObamaReincarnatedKing2collagehorz.jpg
look how world powers are under reptilian control. Must visit to expand ur knowledge.... The only way u can help humanoids is by positive thinking.... No panic, no fear, no threats, no hurting, no tension, no tears, etc etc. Spread only love and wish for happiness. u will get happiness. Must visit to see how reptilians are all around us....
Reptile eyes
Gen. Peng criticized what he sees as an all-out endeavor by the United States to encircle China. “Some people keep saying that we have friends all over the world. But I have used a magnifying glass trying to find some friendly countries on a world map. And I kept looking and looking, but failed to find any except a containment circle around us longer than the Great Wall of China!” Gen. Peng said.

Inside China: PLA says war with U.S. imminent - Washington Times

I think Maj. Gen. Peng Guangqian is correct in his observation that China has no friends. China has mastered the art of making enemies of her neighbors. China also has a long list of border and maritime disputes. China need to show respect to the international laws instead of flaunting its military supremacy over other countries.

If China wants to be portrayed a dragon that protects and support the asian region, then they should do so by example. China should stop her aggression and bullying of her neighbors or history will remember China as a dragon, who upon waking up, brought terror during a time when peace and civility prevailed.

Example of China's bullying that backfired:

Limits to Beijing Bullying

You may remember how in 2010, an independent Norwegian panel considered giving the Nobel Peace prize to a Chinese dissident. Despite intense pressure from Beijing, it wanted to make a decision it thought was right. But Liu Xiaobo wasn't allowed to go to Oslo to receive his award, so the committee went ahead and presented the prize to an empty chair.
Beijing of course, wasn't pleased. So it decided to make Oslo pay. It pressured its friends to abandon the event. The likes of Russia, Iraq, and Cuba didn't attend.
But Norway didn't flinch. So Beijing suspended talks on a free-trade agreement and barred imports of salmon from Norway. The two countries stopped talking.
But this is perhaps where Beijing overstepped its reach. China's economy may be 15 times the size of Norway's, but it accounts for less than 2% of Norway's exports. The two are about 4,000 miles apart. So consider the irony now. China wanted to bully Norway to do its bidding. Now, when China wants to join the Arctic Council, a powerful forum, which controls energy and security around the North pole, it needs all eight of the Council's members to vote "yes". China really wants this membership, so it can chart shorter routes to Europe and discover new energy sources.
But guess who could vote "no"? Yup, Norway.
We always hear the narrative of how China's global clout is increasing. But it has its limits. And the more aggressive and bullying Beijing gets, the more it will discover that being the biggest bully on the playground isn't the only thing that matters.

Zakaria: Limits to Beijing's bullying – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs
Isro is high..buddy..change yor flag and name..you are giving Isro a hard time.. :rofl: :rofl:
Fight come on bash each other to stone henge... would be good for depopulation as both countries are 1st and third in terms of population, about time Earth needs rest and nuclear cool down after hot hot global warming...
Besides I want to see all those black projects US and CHina has under their sleeve. Hey black projects are just too awesome to witness such as the abotabad incident those stealth helicopters were just to good and sick looking so come on bash each other out
I would give this sad world a change
War has been part of universe the day universe born.... Light vs dark.... There are war between galaxies, war between planets and then there is war between nations on planet earth.... If anyone thinks that having nuclear weapons will make them safe from war then its biggest mistake.... War will be faught till universe is alive.... Theres no stoping to it. Recently in uk scientists found out that reptilians lives among us.... They have full control on humans and they are the one wants war between humans. Humanoids want us to stop killing each other. They want us to join them and fight reptilians. Humanoids use to fight each other multi million years ago.... Now they live peacefuly and their mission is to fight reptilians.... Humans are still kids who fight each other. America and china will war. America totaly got edge and will win by the blessings of the satan.... China too alot important for draconians because draconians are them self the real flying dragon race but america got total support.... Reptilians might not attack directly. They will attack by controling humans. America been controled by reptilians and greys.... i have given details in other thread where i proved how world powers worship satan and how obama is the real reptilian himself. He was king of egypt 1000s of years ago....

:rofl: Your posts are always so hilarious. You got the title of PDF's biggest nutjob. :D
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