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Insensitive remarks about Hindus on Pakistani channel

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they've just been brainwashed to believe that, because it brings them one step closer to coming to terms and being able to gulp down the reality of partition and the peaceful spread of Islam in the sub-continent

it's strange to see bhartis here concerned about "anti hindu remarks" when in fact the biggest culprit of racism against hindus are hindus themself (for example, caste-based discrimination)

1.caste based discrimination is slowly getting old fashioned...there are more and more people have started to know that varna system is the truth and not the caste system...We at least do not kill each other in riots and wars like muslims are doing world over...

2.there is nothing like peaceful spread of islam...all the temples broken and mosques built over it are proof of it...taxes like jiziya are proof of it...and i won't start with verses from religious books..
Now, you don't have anything to prove. So started Trolling ??

Truth hurts, get use to it because this is History and it will never change even geography changes.

You can stop 180 Million people with wrong knowledge , But you can't stop 6 Billion people in world who knows everything.

But whatever happened, You are facing the never ending problem. You can't be Islamic country and successful as you don't have Crude Oil. :tup:

See Turkey and Indonesia. :tup:

I am a student of history no need to teach me this!!! :)
Problem: You have problem with the content shown on Pakistani media?

Solution: Control your obsession with Pakistan and stop searching for such videos on youtube. Thank you.

Simple. :rolleyes:

We don't watch anything related with Pakistani. There is not a single channel or anything related with Pakistan in India. This is just you tube video for Anti-Hindu, so few people do get access from various social networking sites. Indeed, you people are highly obsessed with Bollywood and Hindi channels. Check Google trend, who are obsessed :tup:

Please post if any Indian channels debating any Anti-Muslims programme. There is not a single programme on Indian channels who discuss anything against any religions. This is difference.

Both are Muslims and talking about Muslims. Nothing about Anti-Muslims. keep doing more research, when you will complete the research and able to post few, I will reply with 1,000 of Pakistani videos talking about religions and hatred.:tup:
What Rubbish :hitwall: By the same yardstick ,one could also say the British taught us "victorian manners" , build railways , schools , universities , factories , and gave the "heathen Hindoos and Mohammedans of the subcontinent" civilization and culture .

Does it mean the people had no culture before the advent of the British ?????

Moghuls from the Timurid line were outsiders , just like the British were outsiders and if subcontinental people are proud ---they should be proud of the tremendous achievements of their Hindu/Vedic ancestors and not any invader .

the different communities have their own cultures and sub-cultures

i fail to see what point (if any at all) you were attempting to make
We don't watch anything related with Pakistani. There is not a single channel or anything related with Pakistan in India. This is just you tube video for Anti-Hindu, so few people do get access from various social networking sites. Indeed, you people are highly obsessed with Bollywood and Hindi channels. Check Google trend, who are obsessed :tup:

Actions speak louder than words. Quit the forum and particularly this thread. Or else you are lying. :)
the different communities have their own cultures and sub-cultures

i fail to see what point (if any at all) you were attempting to make

Point being that its ignorant and fallacious to go by the presumption that invaders who had an Arabic or Nomadic ( central Asian) culture and who just coincidentally happened to follow the religion Islam ---had a "superior" culture in any way to the Vedic peoples who just happened to follow the religion Hinduism during that time in history.

Please read the original poster i was replying to. Its the point he made which I refuted.
Then tell all Pakistani member to quit Indian forum. There are many Pakistani on Indian forums. Even the Admin and Mod of PDF also on..... :tup:

Talk with some sense and not with troll. :no:

Set an example for us. ;)

By the way I am not present at that forum so your post is meaningless at least for me.
STFU those dirty ****** mughals came too loot my country, they didnot come here for social works..They gave us roads, we didnot have progress, wow as if we hindus donot know what civilization is.. Who wants Taj mahal?? there r even talks that its not taj at all and is a temple let there be an archaeological survey and then decide..Akbar gave hindus equality ??Oh my oh my he could not even give muslims equality and him self left islam..:rofl::rofl:

& i stand vindicated! thank you!

so you denounce all the cultural work that moghuls did! moghul influence in indian cuisine,dressing,architeture. then why6 was india dying to get taj mahal the unesco wonder of the world world heritage site status???

please tell me about the great indian culture before the moghuls! bcause to me it was internal quarrells between different villages and rajs!
So you are obsessed with multiple nations!!! Interesting. :azn:

Anyways I have set the example for you by not joining any of the indian forum now you have to get lost from this forum to proof that you aren't obsessed with Pakistan.

By the way no obsession no complaining. :)

Don't indulge in obsession, I can prove who is more obsessed in few minutes. When I will do, You will see the magic. So, Don't allow me to post such things here :no:

Post reported for personal attack. Hope Mod/Admin will take action against you.
Don't indulge in obsession, I can prove who is more obsessed in few minutes. When I will do, You will see the magic. So, Don't allow me to post such things here :no:

Post reported for personal attack. Hope Mod/Admin will take action against you.

As I said quit the forum to prove your point or else accept that you are obsessed with Pakistan.

Set the example please just like I did. :)
As I said quit the forum to prove your point or else accept that you are obsessed with Pakistan.

Set the example please just like I did. :)

I am setting an example, Stop posting in any Indian thread, You do 24x7. You are so obsessed that you watch our entertainment stuff everyday. You can check more Pakistani people do search than Indians. You don't have anything which any Indian will be obsessed. Do some Google search !!

I am here because of few sensible member like Roy, Muse. and not like you. Also, to check, some news which effects India. :tup:
no; some of those countrymen of yours have been polluting this forum for years on years and they are still posting here.

though, to be quite honest, i doubt you'll last too long here, kid.

again --- worry about the racism against Muslims, Christians and low caste hindus before worrying about "anti hindu remarks" on a bloody satirical/comedy show --one that has made fun of Muslims too.

ha ha ha this is wat i hear from one who fails in a debate..Anyways i knew ur not even worth of a debate u lack the standards..I just showed u the mirror..As afar as racism against christians and muslims goes i heard a heated debate b/w muhammed and jesus could lead to the dearth penality of the christian, heck forget hindus/sikhs in pakistan they are not even considered humans u guys dont even spare fellow muuslim with slight modifications(shias, sufis) shame on ur culture and ppl like u man..

Gimme ur adress ill courier u a mirror as a gift...
please tell me about the great indian culture before the moghuls! bcause to me it was internal quarrells between different villages and rajs!

Are u so ignorant dude?? or u blind with hatred??

Are u saying that indian's did not have culture before mughals came...

The great Asoka, Buddha, King Bharat, Chandragupta Maurya, Prithviraj Chauhan lived long before Mughals came...

what has quarrels to do with culture..Muslims had a civil war in just 50 yrs after Prophet Muhammed's death...so what culture is that then??
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