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Innocent man beaten and tasered by California police for signaling he is deaf

Well, now you know that Police can use any means necessary to apprehend a fleeing suspect.
Well it is sad you are blind to humanity....the guy just wanted to give space so he can sign language them while they violated his rights and you see nothing wrong with it....That is probably the price one has to pay for supporting America blindly no matter what....

It is pure disgusting what the police did and couldnt bother apologizing until sued! That is either how dumb they are or they simply think they are above the law and dont require to show they are human!
Well it is sad you are blind to humanity....the guy just wanted to give space so he can sign language them while they violated his rights and you see nothing wrong with it....That is probably the price one has to pay for supporting America blindly no matter what....

It is pure disgusting what the police did and couldnt bother apologizing until sued! That is either how dumb they are or they simply think they are above the law and dont require to show they are human!

What rights did the Police violate? How could they know the intent of the person fleeing from them? They have a sworn duty to apprehend suspects too. The training of the Police will be updated if needed so that the chances of a similar incident in the future are reduced as much as is possible.
What rights did the Police violate? How could they know the intent of the person fleeing from them? They have a sworn duty to apprehend suspects too. The training of the Police will be updated if needed so that the chances of a similar incident in the future are reduced as much as is possible.
Does that sworn duty also indicate beat the person with your feet?

How difficult is it for you to say a wrong is a wrong when America does it? Or is it that to you America is incapable of doing wrong?
Does that sworn duty also indicate beat the person with your feet?

Apprehension of a suspect using any means of reasonable force is allowed. The final investigation report will reveal all.
Innocent man beaten and tasered by California police for signaling he is deaf — RT USA


JEW USA don't have enough democracy, we must bring it for them

NOOOOOO! you revived the horrible memories of the horrible Green Lantern movie.

Is there no end to your moral depravity.

I thought it was a nice movie, given that the premise of the Green Lantern itself is so weak.:p:
People ignore him and contribute to the thread based on the article...unless even that is fake ...

A California man was allegedly beaten and tasered multiple times by four police officers while attempting to signal that he was deaf. Now, he's suing local law enforcement.

The suit was filed on behalf of Jonathan Meister by the Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, and claims police used excessive force and violated Meister’s civil rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The incident took place on February 13, when Meister visited a friend to pick up snowboarding equipment that was stored in his home. Suspecting a burglary, a neighbor called out to the man, who didn’t respond because he cannot hear.

When two officers arrived at the scene shortly after, Meister reportedly put his boxes down and tried to use hand gestures to tell them he was deaf. As he approached police, though, the officers supposedly grabbed his hands, turned him around, and attempted to handcuff him.

“Because he is deaf, Mr. Meister depends on using his hands while facing a person to communicate,” the lawsuit states, according to a local publication called the Daily Breeze. “The officers’ sudden aggression, which both caused pain and interfered with his ability to communicate, caused Mr. Meister reflexively to pull his hands away, hop back over the fence and step toward the gate ... to create some space so that he could communicate.”

Police then became more physical with Meister, taking him to the ground with a stun gun. Two other officers had arrived at the scene by this time, and helped the other officials by striking Meister with their fist and feet. The Courthouse News Service reported that in the lawsuit, Meister said police then subjected him to multiple "punishing shocks" with tasers and were purposely "burning his flesh."

Meister was eventually knocked unconscious and taken to a hospital, where he was charged with assault. Police described him as “aggressive and violent” in their report, but ultimately ended up dropping the charges and releasing him.

According to Courthouse News, Meister’s lawsuit claims the entire confrontation could have been avoided if Hawthorne police were trained to properly communicate with deaf individuals.

“We’re really concerned about the problem of law enforcement and people who are deaf,” said Meister’s attorney, Paula Pearlman, to the Daily Breeze. “He wasn’t doing anything other than trying to get away from people who were hurting him.”

The Hawthorne Police Department declined to comment on the situation.

Innocent man beaten and tasered by California police for signaling he is deaf — RT USA

I didnt know police could use fist and feet?! I thought that is why they carry stun guns so they dont go overboard but these policemen went overboard with fist, feet and stun gun ....

Cops in America are different than other industrialized nations. I do occasionally interact with tourists from Europe, I do advise them the police here are not like in Europe where some don't even carry firearm on them. Complying with police is the best way to deal with them even if the cops sounds unreasonable.

Police face threats here in U.S much different than anywhere else.
Sad event.

I hope US police gets better training so that they can realize whether the suspect is deaf or not and handle situation accordingly.

In fact all police forces over the world should get such training.
Big deal in Africa they kill people and eat them everyday. :closed:
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