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Inkar - True Story of a Suicide Bomber !

you are a big lier , your jahil kin from south waziristan had made one , Pakistan Army went in and dismantled it.

And 20% of army and 90% of Fc belonging to my 'kin' went to waziristan, my grave-worshiping friend.
Your so called "jahil" qabaili or my jahil kin ,general tariq khan, a pashtun from tank , led operation zalzala in south waziristan and bajaur operation.
An ISPR propaganda.....................far less effective and convincing than Taliban's propaganda, they need to polish it more.

1- Taliban in Pakistan , of every kind, are not against sports including cricket, they are against gambling on it. Infact Taliban are big fans of cricket.

2- They dont need to stalk boys to convince them for becoming taliban, that would be a tedious and time consuming job. In most of the cases the recruits are from madrassas, already brainwashed since childhood by maulvis........maulvis themselves send boys to taliban ranks.

3- Not every boy is considered for task of suicide bombing, the ones with good fighting spirit and mind are assigned to fighting quids. The dull minded and stupid ones are trained for suicide bombing.......believe it or not, clever and intelligent ones among taliban are valued.

4- A young suicide bomber is naturally anxious and some times may be scared................he is sent with lot of 'love' and protocol to ease his tension and anxiety (videos are available on internet), he is only sent for mission when he is fully ready. He is dull minded and slow, he doesnt care about reason and logic.

5- Suggesting beard is not Taliban-specific, it is a norm of pashtun society to grow either beard or mustache....a clean-shaver is criticized by society.

6- Unlike this fictional tv episode, pashtun women of culprit or suspected taliban are not interrogated in police station or any other investigation cell, only males...............

7- In most of the cases , parents, especially in tribal areas, are fully aware of their son's involvement with taliban......the parents of "fidaaeen" are contacted by superiors of taliban and are given mubarakbad.

@Armstrong, @mafiya @Oscar, @balixd, @nuclearpak, @Silverblaze, @Abu Zolfiqar, @Secur, @RescueRanger, @Major Sam, @Argus Panoptes

Well I would say a job well done considering the fact that it was produced by Military, had the job been done by some professional studio / media house, it would have been different, but guess what our media is less interested in our own problems than the domestic problems of every household (saas baho, pyar mihabat).

- no where in the series it was portrayed that Taliban hate sports- infact Gulbaz Khan was well aware of Lala afridi, he acted this way to lure away the kid into his trap. otherwise I am sure Cricket is the game played at every madrasa in the country -karachi to bajur,

- it is not necessary that the fighting force will be recruited from madrasas, locals from deprieved class can also be recruited as Sucide bombers - just as in this case, sometime hatred against the military can also be a fodder, and i don't thnk i need to speak about why hatred against military.

-had the beard been the norm for taliban than the handlers of the bomber would have a beard too however that was not the case - infact according to Abbotabad report OBL himself was clean shaven when moving from swat to haripur.

- every maulana will suggest to grow a beard as its a Sunnah
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No. The solution is actually the opposite: The State has NO business imposing, interfering or influencing religion. No business at all. Leave religion for the people as the personal matter it rightfully is.

it has been a personal matter for past 3 decades, i don't see anyone regulating the madrasas infact let alone madrasas just go to your local wahabi mosque and see what maulana sab has to say on friday prayer during zikar.

in normal days i avoid going to this mosque which is just 100 meters away from my house just because of maulana sahab and his hatred speech. but unfortuantely i missed the eid prayer from other mosque so had to offer my namaz there and to my amazement Maulana sab started the namaz 20 minutes late and delivered his Zikar which was about how muslims fought during Partition and how muslims need to wake up and bring those glorious days - am serious sir no joke here :angry:

what part did I miss? come ' on bro everyone deserves to make a good quality post- infact the job of TT is to inspire others and increase their post quality, so what wrong is that if he is trying to make good points
@Slav Defence .. are you trying to be some kind of jr TT or something.. keep your posts concise bro.. and dont go in the same path that fakehistorian, havizsultan or kalu mian have gone.. its boring seriously.. :offpost:
@Armstrong @Dillinger @Secur .. your view on this phenomena will be appreciated.
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Had it been a mandir, a shopping mall in Islamabad, believe me, he would have blown himself up.

@Slav Defence btw bro its a must watch for you
and imam bargah, shrine or jamat khana for X2 amount of virgins
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A very heart moving & insightful story of a Suicide Bomber who refused to blow himself up ! It traces his transformation as a simple boy who loved cricket to someone who was sent to blow himself up in a Mosque.

Its an ISPR Production based on the True Story of Rahim Gul !

Remarkably so for an Institution - the Army - most maligned of being oblivious to the ground realities of what is happening in those areas, where things went wrong & whether there is an appropriation of blame towards the State & her Institutions or not , this drama provides a refreshing insight !

For those of you who've seen it before because its an earlier production - See it once more....its good ! :P

For the rest - See it in its entirety ! :)

' @Pak-one @TaimiKhan @Spring Onion @Hyperion @Marshmallow @Talon @Secur @Dillinger @ZYXW @balixd @Abu Zolfiqar @Xeric @Icarus @Irfan Baloch @Argus Panoptes @Luftwaffe @RescueRanger @mafiya @genmirajborgza786 @Umair Nawaz @JonAsad @PWFI @Imran Khan @hinduguy @cb4 @niaz @SHAMK9 @HRK @Ayush @Raja.Pakistani @Aeronaut @Ghareeb_Da_Baal @474474 @F.O.X @Leader @Jazzbot @fatman17 @Farah Sohail @Pakistanisage @darkinsky

dunno how many ppl are brainwashed like this:undecided:....those who use these innocent ppl for criminal activities should rot in hell!
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how about a full documentry on artificial jannat , complete with hoors and lakes , just like the one numrood made



is that realistic and close enough to ttp/pashtun cluture ?

Mr.Pak-one,you have answered yourself!

TTP is an advanced version of Hashashins of past,let me recall it again,this is not a pashtun culture which even clear out this fact more then before that TTP are not one of us,they are our worse enemies and their version of Islam is hostile to actual version,and their annihilation is necessary.
I blame their families and their slave mentality. Not being able to think logically or clearly on their own. Such people either become people like exhibit A, or they live life as outcasts. Losers.

Not fair. Those families are stuck with the mentality because that is the way they've been taught, their elders were taught and the ones before them were taught. This isn't about one's own capacity to think logically or even think at all. This is about certain mentalities incubating in cordoned off parts of the society and areas of our country. They've never been reached out to. No one's ever tried to help them. Running an ad about how education is a God sent does not do jack (and the kind of education mostly available isn't much either). Its easy for us to sit in Lahore and Karachi and Islamabad, and criticize if not make fun of the draconian 'mentality' of the tribals but we've never thought about doing anything for it. These mentalities will obviously be resistant to change and evolution; that is what mentalities are, it's inherent in them, they don't change by themselves or easily. It's the responsibility of the ones who broke free of those mentalities to go back and help, preach and educate the ones who are still stuck there. Because if they don't then jeans will still be haram and math would still be sorcery.

The West did not reach 'enlightenment' because they were genetically more prone to rationality but because their radical thinkers didn't stay quiet and run into their rooms. They fought the prevalent mentalities and very many of them lost their lives in the process, but they broke them every single time, slowly but surely. And here we make a puffy face and walk away cursing when someone doesn't agree with us. These hyenas are out there effortlessly brainwashing them to such an extent that little kids are willing to blow themselves up, and we couldn't make them desire education?

To be honest had someone not done this for our ancestors, we'd be no different.
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