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Inkar - True Story of a Suicide Bomber !

And only conclusion comes in mind, State should regulate religion like how Middle east states regulate all the molvis and religious education in their respective countries. They hand out the friday sermons which arab maulvis deliver every week. They educate and indoctrinate Imam e masjid ina state run religious schools. If they receive some maulvi going bonkers in friday sermons, they sent their Intel guys to observe his speeches in friday sermons so to observe him

Hajjaj bin Yousaf likes are need of time who can keep every one in line through some heavy hitting
And only conclusion comes in mind, State should regulate religion like how Middle east states regulate all the molvis and religious education in their respective countries. They hand out the friday sermons which arab maulvis deliver every week. They educate and indoctrinate Imam e masjid ina state run religious schools. If they receive some maulvi going bonkers in friday sermons, they sent their Intel guys to observe his speeches in friday sermons so to observe him

Hajjaj bin Yousaf likes are need of time who can keep every one in line through some heavy hitting

No. The solution is actually the opposite: The State has NO business imposing, interfering or influencing religion. No business at all. Leave religion for the people as the personal matter it rightfully is.
An ISPR propaganda.....................far less effective and convincing than Taliban's propaganda, they need to polish it more.

1- Taliban in Pakistan , of every kind, are not against sports including cricket, they are against gambling on it. Infact Taliban are big fans of cricket.

2- They dont need to stalk boys to convince them for becoming taliban, that would be a tedious and time consuming job. In most of the cases the recruits are from madrassas, already brainwashed since childhood by maulvis........maulvis themselves send boys to taliban ranks.

3- Not every boy is considered for task of suicide bombing, the ones with good fighting spirit and mind are assigned to fighting quids. The dull minded and stupid ones are trained for suicide bombing.......believe it or not, clever and intelligent ones among taliban are valued.

4- A young suicide bomber is naturally anxious and some times may be scared................he is sent with lot of 'love' and protocol to ease his tension and anxiety (videos are available on internet), he is only sent for mission when he is fully ready. He is dull minded and slow, he doesnt care about reason and logic.

5- Suggesting beard is not Taliban-specific, it is a norm of pashtun society to grow either beard or mustache....a clean-shaver is criticized by society.

6- Unlike this fictional tv episode, pashtun women of culprit or suspected taliban are not interrogated in police station or any other investigation cell, only males...............

7- In most of the cases , parents, especially in tribal areas, are fully aware of their son's involvement with taliban......the parents of "fidaaeen" are contacted by superiors of taliban and are given mubarakbad.

@Armstrong, @mafiya @Oscar, @balixd, @nuclearpak, @Silverblaze, @Abu Zolfiqar, @Secur, @RescueRanger, @Major Sam, @Argus Panoptes
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An ISPR propaganda.....................far less effective and convincing than Taliban's propaganda, they need to polish it more.............

I agree with the fact that ISPR needs to do a better job of promoting its points of view. But not the rest of your post.
This is soo very true. This problem is not only in FATA & Waziristans but in every part of Pakistan. The ages in between 08-12-16-18(Bold one the most) are very raw kind, what ever you feed them they will grow up like that & will remain of that mentality forever.

Pakistan has huge young population & if govt won't take care of it someone else will - if you know what i mean. Allah bless Pakistan.
An ISPR propaganda.....................far less effective and convincing than Taliban's propaganda, they need to polish it more.

1- Taliban in Pakistan , of every kind, are not against sports including cricket, they are against gambling on it. Infact Taliban are big fans of cricket.

2- They dont need to stalk boys to convince them for becoming taliban, that would be a tedious and time consuming job. In most of the cases the recruits are from madrassas, already brainwashed since childhood by maulvis........maulvis themselves send boys to taliban ranks.

3- Not every boy is considered for task of suicide bombing, the ones with good fighting spirit and mind are assigned to fighting quids. The dull minded and stupid ones are trained for suicide bombing.......believe it or not, clever and intelligent ones among taliban are valued.

4- A young suicide bomber is naturally anxious and some times may be scared................he is sent with lot of 'love' and protocol to ease his tension and anxiety (videos are available on internet), he is only sent for mission when he is fully ready. He is dull minded and slow, he doesnt care about reason and logic.

5- Suggesting beard is not Taliban-specific, it is a norm of pashtun society to grow either beard or mustache....a clean-shaver is criticized by society.

6- Unlike this fictional tv episode, pashtun women of culprit or suspected taliban are not interrogated in police station or any other investigation cell, only males...............

7- In most of the cases , parents, especially in tribal areas, are fully aware of their son's involvement with taliban......the parents of "fidaaeen" are contacted by superiors of taliban and are given mubarakbad.

@Armstrong, @mafiya @Oscar, @balixd, @nuclearpak, @Silverblaze, @Abu Zolfiqar, @Secur, @RescueRanger, @Major Sam, @Argus Panoptes

There is a certain accuracy to what you say, however there are fallacies in the highlighted.

- Certain Taliban cmdrs disallowed sports in favor of P.E because they considered them to be foreign in origin.

- Some member's are recruited for particular connections or local knowledge, other's might find it easier to pass off through an area due to their being locals.. those are recruited.

-There are more than just a few cases where sons lied to their parents about going to work in a factory where in reality they were part of militant organizations. This trend was not limited to any region of Pakistan and families in cities like Karachi have had the shock of finding out that their son who supposedly went to Doha was infact fighting the Americans or PA.
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I agree with the first part that the Education system needs to be regulated, there should be a strict check on what is being taught in Madrasas, infact Ministry of Religious Affairs along with Ministry of Education needs to come up with a syllabus for madrasas, which should be and must be the standard syllabus for every madrasa in the country.The problem is not the religion but the Version of religion being taught.
One can see in the drama that, A seed of religion was planted in his mind by the Teachers at school & his Mother, he had the basic idea of islam, however before that seed could nourish Gulbaz Khan got to him first, and he planted his own seed in the Boy's mind. Gulbaz Khan gave him books to read, nutrition for that seed to grow.
And to turn this plant into a full tree and bare fruits it was important to take him away from His mother & the School, thats why he was taken to the Terror camp.
The reason he did not blow himself up in the mosque is because he saw everyone praying in the mosque , the namaz which he himself have led not too long ago, so how could they be Kafir, so he ran.
Had it been a mandir, a shopping mall in Islamabad, believe me, he would have blown himself up.

@Slav Defence btw bro its a must watch for you

Thank you balixd,it is indeed a very nice presentation by ISPR:
You have typed every point very effectively,if I have seen that before,I would have typed same,very good analysis.
That is why I always raise my voice against THIS corrupted version of Islam,which is introduced by hypocrites,extremists.
My brother,organizations and mindsets such as TTP are not resulted at once,and NOT due to few problems only,a lot problems are inter-related to each other,due to which we are facing such monstrous organization,and let us face it,we have created this monster.
My,brother,before suggesting solution,I must recall/highlight the inter related problems again due to which we are dealing such mindset:

--Lack of proper education.
--Unequal distribution of quality of education,ie
>Poor class studies in government schools with low quality education
>Upper class in Cambridge/O-levels,matriculation in institutions of good reputations
>Middle class in average institutions

--Promotion of extremism,promotion of false conception about Islam by hypocrites.
--Security lapses,ie foreign sources funding masterminds to increase the rate of extremism,various foreign think-tanks of opposing intelligence agencies working on empowering such mindsets by funding etc
--No proper policy by government of Pakistan to stop such mindsets and people

If such problems are solved in very first step,then we can handle situation,but we don't seek solution as a result of which they malign us.

Here are few solutions are suggested:

As we all have analysed that how our ignorance at small level can help us to grow such monster till the big ones,therefore we must take every slightest problem to bigger one seriously,here are solutions:

--Goverment must work hard to balance the quality of education,equal,high quality education must be provided to all classes of a country,from minister's son to that of labours'
--Law and enforcement agencies must make strict,clear policy about those mindsets who are working on sabotaging the country's assets(that is man power ie civilians)in such a way that those hands who are responsible to nourish them,funding them must be treated in strict manner,for this civil sectors of government must support the security sectors.
--The elected authorities of a specific party of different sectors of city (ie Gulshan,defence,maymar,jauher,Mehmoodabad etc) must create committees who are responsible to check their 'imams' local mosques:
>Their eligibility
>Their reputation
>Their mentality

--Only muftis are allowed to take charge of mosques rather then anonymous so called labelled mullas
--Civil government must support agencies by providing them proper technology and better arms and ammunition.

Best Regards,
Slav defence
@Secur @Last Hope @Hyperion @Aeronaut @Awesome and others...
your views and further addition will be very much appreciated.
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This is soo very true. This problem is not only in FATA & Waziristans but in every part of Pakistan. The ages in between 08-12-16-18(Bold one the most) are very raw kind, what ever you feed them they will grow up like that & will remain of that mentality forever.

Pakistan has huge young population & if govt won't take care of it someone else will - if you know what i mean. Allah bless Pakistan.

I completely agree with you! That is why I feel that pakistan can be changed if we manipulate the media to our advantage and change the education system. @Armstrong...what do you think? :P
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@Slav Defence .. are you trying to be some kind of jr TT or something.. keep your posts concise bro.. and dont go in the same path that fakehistorian, havizsultan or kalu mian have gone.. its boring seriously.. :offpost:
@Armstrong @Dillinger @Secur .. your view on this phenomena will be appreciated.
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@Slav Defence .. are you trying to be some kind of jr TT or something.. keep your posts concise bro.. and dont go in the same path that fakehistorian, havizsultan or kalu mian have gone.. its boring seriously.. :offpost:
@Armstrong @Dillinger @Secur .. your view on this phenomena will be appreciated.

I am serious right now hinduguy kindly let me contribute.
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