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Injured Pakistani Sanaullah stable--India

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May he gets well soon, i was wondering how can one get to be stable after being 'Brain dead', sorry for acting like a noob in medical terminology.
Sanaullah should be repatriated back to Pakistan. He already served more than 15 years in jail.
If this happened as a reaction for sarabjeet singh, then it is utmost shameful.
yes it was a revenge attack, the attacker was criminal and victim was random pakistani. Only shameful bit was stupidity/incompetence of jailer.

how many he was given?

I guess 15
Good news. Nobody deserves to die like this.

Remember what Parvateshwar says in Immortals of Meluha - ''They may be terrorists, but we are Suryavanshis''!

They keyword here is may be.
Had they sent Injured Sarabjit to Indian hospital for treatment he would have been alive today.

Oh pleeeease get over yourselves. When did Indians become such braggarts? This is a trait I don't recognise in my Indian friends.

Please go and check and you will see that the medical facilities available to the Indian populace are no better than in Pakistan. At the very high end and expensive part of the mix, India may have some more specialists but the number of doctors per 1000 is still very low. Pakistan still produces good doctors which is why it is the 4th largest contributor of medical professionals to the USA. Both countries have their good and bad side but rest assured Sarabjit received excellent care, it is possible, that his injuries were much worse than Sanaullah. So if Sanaullah dies what would be your judgement on the state of Indian medical abilities, would you suddenly state that Indian hospitals are shite or would you maintain your unjustified and illogical judgement that Pakistan has no medical facilities?
Hope GOI repatriates him and avoids petty politics, let saneness and humanity win for once.
They keyword here is may be.

Agreed, I'm not generalising anyways, I was only urging my fellow countrymen to have higher standards.

Heard the guy is dead. A shameful event for Indians that we could not protect someone who was under our protection.
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