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Initiative to buy 16 warplanes for Tk 25,000 crore

The Ronin

Mar 24, 2017
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Google Translation:-

Forces Goal-2030 has been formulated to ensure the geopolitical security of the country. The plan, adopted to ensure a strong national defense system, emphasizes the need to strengthen the Bangladesh Air Force. That is why the Air Force has been told to build multiple squadrons with multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) or warplanes capable of performing a variety of roles. Initiatives have already been taken to procure these state-of-the-art warplanes capable of providing all possible assistance on land and at sea. The Armed Forces Department has also given policy approval for the purchase of 16 such warplanes.

The total cost to buy the warplanes will be Tk 25,200 crore. Of this, Tk 7,300 crore will be required for one-time payment in the first year. The Air Force Headquarters has requested the Ministry of Defense to include the issue in the forthcoming budget (FY 2021-22). A copy of the proposal has also been sent to the finance secretary, sources in the finance department said.

The proposal calls for the purchase of state-of-the-art MRCA warplanes capable of providing all-round assistance on land and at sea, as well as effective defense systems in response to the current geopolitical situation and potential threats. Neighboring countries have more contemporary modern warplanes. In light of the Forces Goal 2030, there are guidelines for deploying multiple MRCA squadrons in the Air Force. As part of this, an MRCA (MiG-29 fighter) squadron was added to the Air Force fleet in 1999, which is currently operating. The purchase of fighter jets required to set up another MRCA squadron is currently under consideration at the policy-making level of the government.

Based on the tender process for the 16 aircraft and the proposals submitted by the governments of different countries, the Air Force says that according to the plan, the procurement process will be completed in G to G method. In order to make an MRCA purchase agreement, a down payment of the first year will require 25 per cent of the total value or Tk 7,300 crore in the next financial year. This money needs to be kept in reserve in bulk without being included in the regular budget of the Air Force. The rest of the money has to be paid within 5-10 years. Or the money can be raised for one-time payment in the first year by including it in the project form in the annual development plan. In that case also, according to the agreement, it will be necessary to make arrangements for payment in the remaining 5-10 years.

According to the Air Force proposal, the Armed Forces Department has already approved in principle the purchase of 16 state-of-the-art Western Origin (MRCA) MRCAs. The procurement process is currently in process. The purchase of these proposed aircraft is quite expensive. For this reason, buying them from the regular budget of the Air Force will have a negative impact on the operating budget of the Air Force. As a result, there will be a deficit in installment payment, management and maintenance.

According to the proposal, security is inextricably linked with a country's economic growth and overall development. Therefore, the development of the overall security system is also a priority to ensure sustainable development. Plans have been made to purchase the proposed warplanes to ensure the sovereign security of the country. Therefore, this procurement activity can be completed even if it is included in the annual development budget.

The Air Force has also requested that the matter be presented at a tripartite meeting on the medium-term budget structure for the next financial year. When contacted, the senior finance secretary declined to comment.

However, a senior official of the finance department told Banik Barta that work is underway to prepare the next budget. If such a proposal comes from the Ministry of Defense, it will be considered with special importance as the issue involves national security.

The proposal said about the current capabilities of the Air Force, the professionalism of the Bangladesh Air Force in defending independence and sovereignty is now appreciated beyond the borders of the country. The contribution of other concerned ministries including finance and defense in this achievement is undeniable. As part of the implementation of Forces Goal-2030, the Air Force's inventory includes training aircraft, including fighter jets. There are also state-of-the-art transport and transport training aircraft, various types of helicopters, advanced technology air defense systems, weather radar, short-range missile systems, heavy and medium quality missiles and ammunition. The inclusion of these has made the Air Force more powerful and capable of repelling external enemy attacks.

It will be a disgrace to waste 3 billion on 16 fighter jets given the current state of BAF. BAF needs at least 4 squadrons of 4.5 gen fighters (+AEW&C) for bare minimum deterrence against India + Myanmar..
3 billion could fetch us 48 J-10Cs or 32 Gripens.
I doubt BAF will get any more fighters in the next 10 years if the govt is tied up with repayments for 16 Eurofighters.

If they want to go the expensive route, better hard negotiate to get 3 squadrons of EFTs at significant discount.

@UKBengali @Avicenna @Bilal9
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It will be a disgrace to waste 3 billion on 16 fighter jets given the current state of BAF. BAF needs at least 4 squadrons of 4.5 gen fighters (+AEW&C) for bare minimum deterrence against India + Myanmar..
3 billion could fetch us 48 J-10Cs or 32 Gripens.
I doubt BAF will get any more fighters in the next 10 years if the govt is tied up with repayments for 16 Eurofighters.
We need a mix of both very high quality and medium quality fighter jets in BAF. As our forces goal has a vision of 10 squadron fighter jet, it would be an ideal to procure 2 or 3 squadron very high performance Western MRCA and 7-8 squadron Chinese and/or indigenous fighter jet (which PM is talking about).
We need a mix of both very high quality and medium quality fighter jets in BAF. As our forces goal has a vision of 10 squadron fighter jet. It would be an ideal to procure 2 or 3 squadron very high performance Western MRCA and 7-8 squadron Chinese and/or indigenous fighter jet (which PM is talking about).
Let us not quote the nonsense vision again and again. It has been 22 years since BAF bought anything worthy. You think it is in them to realise demands for 10 fighter squadrons from the govt?
Good luck seeing any more fighters in your lifetime if we get stuck with 16 EFTs.
Let us not quote the nonsense vision again and again. It has been 22 years since BAF bought anything worthy. You think it is in them to realise demands for 10 fighter squadrons from the govt?
Good luck seeing any more fighters in your lifetime if we get stuck with 16 EFTs.
Do not compare our last 22 years with the next 22 years. Even 10 years ago, Bangladesh had defence budget scarcely 1 billion Dollar, 20 years ago it was around 0.5 billion dollar. It has now crossed 4 billions in the last year. With 0.5 billion or 1 billion Dollar budget, what good fighter jet you could have dared to wish for? Our defence force is now undergoing a stage of uptake. So, it would be foolish to compare it's next 22 years with the preceding 22. Ten squadron fighter jet may not be fulfilled within the time bound of 2030, but it will definitely get fulfilled there after. May be in 2035 or 2040. You have to understand that 10 squadron is the minimum BAF consider necessary to defend our sky. So they will get there anyway with EFTs or not. If our economy continue to grow at the good pace, then we can expect many development in our armed forces in coming years which was beyond dream even a few years ago.
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It will be a disgrace to waste 3 billion on 16 fighter jets given the current state of BAF. BAF needs at least 4 squadrons of 4.5 gen fighters (+AEW&C) for bare minimum deterrence against India + Myanmar..
Why don't we leave it to professionals?

Are we supposed to perform a surgery on our own without consulting a surgeon?

As a surgeon knows how to do surgery and not required advise from patients , same goes for military.

Let them purchase whatever they need. They are professional and we are amateur analysts.

They know the defence things much more than we do.
Why don't we leave it to professionals?

Are we supposed to perform a surgery on our own without consulting a surgeon?

As a surgeon knows how to do surgery and not required advise from patients , same goes for military.

Let them purchase whatever they need. They are professional and we are amateur analysts.

They know the defence things much more than we do.
Unlike some people here, I know what I am talking about. Can't spoonfeed again and again from the basics. If you want to go gaga over 16 fighters for 3 billion, be my guest.
It will be a disgrace to waste 3 billion on 16 fighter jets given the current state of BAF. BAF needs at least 4 squadrons of 4.5 gen fighters (+AEW&C) for bare minimum deterrence against India + Myanmar..
3 billion could fetch us 48 J-10Cs or 32 Gripens.
I doubt BAF will get any more fighters in the next 10 years if the govt is tied up with repayments for 16 Eurofighters.

If they want to go the expensive route, better hard negotiate to get 3 squadrons of EFTs at significant discount.

@UKBengali @Avicenna @Bilal9
Do not compare our last 22 years with the next 22 years. Even 10 years ago, Bangladesh had defence budget scarcely 1 billion Dollar, 20 years ago it was around 0.5 billion dollar. It has now crossed 4 billions in the last year. With 0.5 billion or 1 billion Dollar budget, what good fighter jet you could have dared to wish for? Our defence force is now undergoing a stage of uptake. So, it would be foolish to compare it's next 22 years with the preceding 22. Ten squadron fighter jet may not be fulfilled within the time bound of 2030, but it will definitely get fulfilled there after. May be in 2035 or 2040. You have to understand that 10 squadron is the minimum BAF consider necessary to defend our sky. So they will get there anyway with EFTs or not. If our economy continue to grow at the good pace, then we can expect many development in our armed forces in coming years which was beyond dream even a few years ago.
Better to talk with sweds and get liscence production of gripen and lots of ToT
The deal may well cost 10b$ but it can spread over 5-10 years..and is the only option to get 10 squardons(200jets).

Alternatovely talk to india about LCA

F16 is possiblity but has issues with sanctions
And weapon system and tot
People who are pessimistic people can read this analysis if you want.

Agree with this. I am glad that BAF rather waited for several years than jumped into buying Russian Su-30 and later having buyer's remorse. It is better to buy 1 squadron Western fighter jet than buying 2 squadron Russian fighters. For buying medium quality fighter jets or other weapons, we should go to our strategic defence partner, the Chinese. We need to eliminate Russia from our source of weapons. Their weapons are loosing edges compares to others, they have a bad after service records, in many cases, not even suitable in our weather/climate. It will be a good combination for us to stick with Western+Chinese+Turkish and forcefully proceed with our own indigenous capability development.
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Agree with this. I am glad that BAF rather waited for several years than jumped into buying Russian Su-30 and later having buyers remorse. It is better to buy 1 squadron Western figher jet than buying 2 squadron Russian fighters. For buying medium quality fighter jets or other weapons, we should go to our strategic defence partner, the Chinese. We need to eliminate Russia from our source of weapons. Their weapons are loosing edges compares to others, they have a bad after service records, in many cases, not even suitable in our weather/climate. It will be a good combination for us to stick with Western+Chinese+Turkish and forcefully proceed with our own indigenous capacity development.

I agree , we have to work with the Chinese,Turks or Indonesians on our next gen fighters after hopefully getting the EFT.

Now yes 16 jets isn't enough , but again we aren't the ones buying the fighter jet.

I would of loved to see Gripens or J-10C but again it's the BAF sooo

Also idk what's replacing the F-7s
Better second hand Refurbished and upgraded F 16 Block 52 for about 1 billion USD. I believe you can have at least around 30 planes since Indonesia with around 750 million USD can get 24 F 16 Block 52.

Complete package

WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2011 – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Nov. 16 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Indonesia for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $750 million.

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