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Initial reports of "Three Tankers carrying fuel" exploding in Abu Dhabi Industrial Area, UAE

OK, but do you care about the Yemeni civilians trhat Saudis kill? If they are both civilians, why do you care more for those killed by Houthis than those killed by Saudis? hypocrite.

The "Shia arc" is in operation in the middle east...drones and missiles can be launched from : either Iran- Iraq - Yemen - Lebanon....it obviously confuses many adversaries.
no, UAE is getting in trouble...Iraqi media recently published this news..

" Al-Shabandar exposed the role of the UAE in backing seditious moves in the Iraqi protests and arming four tribal groups in al Anbar province to form a military force in order to turn the province into a confederation. The UAE also intends to involve the province in the Deal of the Century.

According the TV channel, the UAE is trying to separate al Anbar, where it aims to settle the displaced Palestinians. Al-Shabandar appears to have been informed about the Israeli plan through Qatar. As al- Mayadeen reported, Iraqi security forces have arrested a UAE-affiliated group that has funded subversive elements in the recent unrest.

Following the revelation, al-Shabandar was arrested by UAE security forces in Abu Dhabi and transferred to a hotel in Dubai.

Hostile plan by the sheikhdoms to undermine the Iraqi economy

Mohammad al-Baldawi, a representative of Al-Sadiqoun Bloc in the Iraqi parliament, revealed the destructive role of the sheikhdoms in meddling in Iraq’s domestic affairs.

The representative stated that a seditious plan is being carried out by the Persian Gulf Arab states against Iraq to undermine the country’s economy and political system. The plan also aims to trigger a sedition to create a civil war.

Al-Baldawi insisted that the countries are seeking to obstruct the agreement signed between Iraq and China. The countries also are trying to complete the al-Faw project, as it has direct impact on the Persian Gulf states.

Qais al-Khazali, the chief of the Iraqi political group Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq (AAH), recently slammed the UAE role in Iraq, saying we demand the UAE to step playing seditious role in Iraq. The UAE is the only country that has closed its embassy in Iraq, and it is Abu Dhabi that knows and plans what will happen in Iraq.

The secretary general insisted that the U.S. and Zionist regime are acting in coordination to make Lebanon and Iraq unstable, an issue that the Israeli prime minister has also affirmed."

This twist in story ...

Is the UAE plotting with Israel against Palestinian refugees?

Jonathan Cook

7 January 2021 12:45 UTC | Last update: 11 months 4 weeks ago
A report that the Gulf state is considering a plan to help eliminate the UN agency caring for millions of refugees should be taken seriously

A man walks past a graffiti mural depicting a key above the Dome of the Rock, in the Jenin camp for Palestinian refugees in the north of the occupied West Bank on 10 September, 2020 (AFP)

A report that the United Arab Emirates is secretly colluding with Israel on a potential plan to eliminate the United Nations agency that cares for Palestinian refugees - a move that could prevent those refugees from ever returning home - should be taken seriously.
According to the French daily Le Monde, Israeli and Emirati officials have forged a “strategic axis” in which they are considering “a plan of action aimed at making UNRWA progressively disappear, without conditioning this on any resolution of the [Palestinian] refugee problem”. The UAE’s foreign minister did not respond to Le Monde’s request for comment on the matter.
That would quickly disappear Palestinian refugees into the ever-swelling tide of displaced people spawned by global conflicts, especially in the Middle East
UNRWA was created in late 1949 to support Palestinian refugees with jobs, essential food, healthcare and education in special displacement camps in the region. A year earlier, some 750,000 Palestinians had been ethnically cleansed from their homes - and dispersed across the region - to make way for the self-declared Jewish state of Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu views the UN agency as a threat, proclaiming that a diplomatic resolution of the refugee issue might see them being returned to lands that are now in Israel. Netanyahu has argued that “UNRWA must disappear”, accusing it of perpetuating “the narrative of the so-called ‘right of return’ with the aim of eliminating the state of Israel”.

So, the plan was to relocate these Palestinian to Iraq Al Anbar province.
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no, UAE is getting in trouble...

Al-Shabandar exposed the role of the UAE in backing seditious moves in the Iraqi protests and arming four tribal groups in al Anbar province to form a military force in order to turn the province into a confederation. The UAE also intends to involve the province in the Deal of the Century.

According the TV channel, the UAE is trying to separate al Anbar, where it aims to settle the displaced Palestinians. Al-Shabandar appears to have been informed about the Israeli plan through Qatar. As al- Mayadeen reported, Iraqi security forces have arrested a UAE-affiliated group that has funded subversive elements in the recent unrest.

Following the revelation, al-Shabandar was arrested by UAE security forces in Abu Dhabi and transferred to a hotel in Dubai.

Hostile plan by the sheikhdoms to undermine the Iraqi economy

Mohammad al-Baldawi, a representative of Al-Sadiqoun Bloc in the Iraqi parliament, revealed the destructive role of the sheikhdoms in meddling in Iraq’s domestic affairs.

The representative stated that a seditious plan is being carried out by the Persian Gulf Arab states against Iraq to undermine the country’s economy and political system. The plan also aims to trigger a sedition to create a civil war.

Al-Baldawi insisted that the countries are seeking to obstruct the agreement signed between Iraq and China. The countries also are trying to complete the al-Faw project, as it has direct impact on the Persian Gulf states.

Qais al-Khazali, the chief of the Iraqi political group Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq (AAH), recently slammed the UAE role in Iraq, saying we demand the UAE to step playing seditious role in Iraq. The UAE is the only country that has closed its embassy in Iraq, and it is Abu Dhabi that knows and plans what will happen in Iraq.

The secretary general insisted that the U.S. and Zionist regime are acting in coordination to make Lebanon and Iraq unstable, an issue that the Israeli prime minister has also affirmed.

Iraq is already under multiple invasions by the US and Turkey with a puppet regime instilled by the Americans it is not a pro-Iran country they are even behind the socalled killing of Solemani they gave him out.. The UAE doesn't need to undermine a puppet regime and their allies but if current regime is overthrown then they could invade Iraq and takeover the oilfields and that is if the current regime is overthrown by some fanatics they will start to race towards the oilfields this will open an opportunity both Turkey, KSA, UAE, Egypt etc etc.. Subnallah this could lead to the propheciezed competition for the black gold in the euphrates but what it will do is that it will open up Iraq if the militias were to overthrow the current regime but I don't think they will do that because Yemen serves as a good lesson but if they were to do then it will open up a new opportunity for black gold
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OK, but do you care about the Yemeni civilians trhat Saudis kill? If they are both civilians, why do you care more for those killed by Houthis than those killed by Saudis? hypocrite.

The "Shia arc" is in operation in the middle east...drones and missiles can be launched from : either Iran- Iraq - Yemen - Lebanon....it obviously confuses many adversaries.

I guess this is the reason you have 30 x negative ratings, a valued member indeed
ok i think your grasp of the language is not top notch, which is why most of what i am saying is going right over your head

anyway , have a good day
or your grasp of language is so rusty that you cant translate what you mean, or there is problem with the logic behind what you say
Apparently Iranian Tasnim News which is close to the filth at the top of the Iranian regime, released an article with details of the attack on the UAE. We didn't need any evidence that this was an Iranian operation, but the fact that they release a detailed blow by blow account of the attack just goes to show that not only is this rogue fascist state behind the attack, but they are bold enough to declare it. This is simply because of Joe Biden and the pathetic democrats who no one is scared of. The Iranian terror regime were terrified of Trump and cowered while he was in power.
well show only we knew what is happening there even better than them
Right? Is it different in Turkey? Is every Turkish citizen an importer/exporter?

In TR, what you see in the exchange rate now, all its people, and residents in Turkiye can easily transact at that rate 24/7. There is no problem in accessing US dollars. And dollar indexed calculations are made on the basis of 'rates accessible to everyone'. That is, the possible +/- subsidy of the Exporter is not included in these calculations.

As you said, Exporter support is aiming to eleminate volatility, that is, one of the most important problems in TR in the last months was the uncertainties created by volatility in product pricing, esp. for exports. This undermined the competitiveness of Turkish companies. The goal is not to distribute cheap dollar, but to keep the seller cost account as free from volatility as possible. But in return, for example, the exporter should immediately convert 25% of his income into TL deposits. But as I said, such subsidies are not included in GDP formulations anyway. If it were, we would be seeing an unnecessarily inflated figure about Turkiye.
UAE Ambassador Yousef Al-Otaiba's comments represent an official admission that missiles - not just drones - were used in Monday's attack, which was claimed by the Iran-backed Houthis.

Al-Otaiba said that "several attacks - a mixture of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones - targeted civilian sites" in the United Arab Emirates.

He added, in statements at a virtual ceremony hosted by the Jewish Institute for American National Security, "Many of them were intercepted, not a number of them.

Otaiba did not respond to other questions from the Associated Press about how many missiles targeted the UAE and how many were intercepted.

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This news if hard to believe.

If they have caps to reach that site, why they dont attack a better target (a more economic or military worthful target).

The blast happened in a area under construction, so likely it was a accident.
If you bomb them they would bomb you back as simple as it is so don't cry like 2 years girl you should have thought it through before waging war ... even in the worst scenario 2 sides are fighting back so exchange of fire is natural but what we have here is one side has been invaded, blockaded and starved to death by the other side and once it defends itself or raise its voice would be labeled as criminal ...
For sure Saudi coalition is incompetent and incapable of finishing the war it started 7 years ago, I dunno how many years they would go with it but no possible victory.
If victory is all about weapon, money or political support well they've enjoyed it all from the first day but still we see nothing so victory is for the people of Yemen.
Hope the war gets ended asap.
I guess this is the reason you have 30 x negative ratings, a valued member indeed
Its really easy to get a negative rating on this site. just say something that goes against wahabist/salafists/zionists. Negative ratings on this site is a badge of honor!
middle east and their proxy wars :rolleyes: everyone is bleeding and burning but no one want to end it :disagree: they have grown up two generations with hate and secterianism . its not gonna end soon .
If you bomb them they would bomb you back as simple as it is so don't cry like 2 years girl you should have thought it through before waging war ... even in the worst scenario 2 sides are fighting back so exchange of fire is natural but what we have here is one side has been invaded, blockaded and starved to death by the other side and once it defends itself or raise its voice would be labeled as criminal ...
For sure Saudi coalition is incompetent and incapable of finishing the war it started 7 years ago, I dunno how many years they would go with it but no possible victory.
If victory is all about weapon, money or political support well they've enjoyed it all from the first day but still we see nothing so victory is for the people of Yemen.
Hope the war gets ended asap.

This simple idea is too much for their smooth brains to comprehend!
This simple idea is too much for their smooth brains to comprehend!
For sure their brains could comprehend it but acknowledging such a fact in no way would serve their interests and agenda otherwise every sensible rational human being with no biased view would say the same .. Yemenis people have come a long way to get rid of Saudis yoke and I hope they finally pass this time.
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