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Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

Lahore Qainchi

Qainchi bus station

Children hospital bus station

Work in progress inside children hospital bus station



Construction of the Kalma Chowk underpass
But the bad thing is that it is only focused on eastern Pakistan and big cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad. The current generation in balochistan and KP will probably never see these kinds of development.

KPK needs honest leadership. Thats what they need. Also, karachi didnt see any development either. If KPK and Sindh had proper honest and energetic leaders, they had done much better than punjab because they are in alliance with federal govt.
But the bad thing is that it is only focused on eastern Pakistan and big cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad. The current generation in balochistan and KP will probably never see these kinds of development.

when musharraf planned gwadar as the second biggest city of pakistan, the terrorists of BLA sabotaged it completely..

Lucky one, karachi updates


building crane installed at the site of lucky one
But the bad thing is that it is only focused on eastern Pakistan and big cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad. The current generation in balochistan and KP will probably never see these kinds of development.

Under NFC award, scheme, they control their own finances.
They choose their own provincial govt. they can always ask for advise but they can't provide security to visitors.
Guys imagine if we didnt have all these development projects (roads, bridges, flyovers, ashiana housing, slaughter houses, black cabs, tractors, waste management etc), pakistan wouldve been in great depression. If any of us here are aware of economics, you;d know how many jobs these things created, not only that, how many households these projects fed. United states got out of depression by investing in national infrastructure. US govt built tons of roads, subways, highways, etc, these things created millions of jobs for the jobless. Think about it.

The United States is the worse example to follow. First of all that country is huge. We don't want to see tons of roads being widened and being made and put to use as highways. Besides that country runs on loans. We are a small country being populous and within most being poor. If there is any public transportation system model out there such as subways etc that we need to follow, that must be from Europe.

What our government is doing to make this infrastructure is a 'gimic' due to the elections. Why are they so hasty now for developments ? I fear unplanned piece of work. The recent case of Kalma chowk underpass, took them a couple of days to get it approved. BTW, if there is any business out there that is meant for corruption, that is the road network. We spend billions of rupees making them. My actual estimation is that 30% of the budget of Punjab goes there.

Now about jobs. It can indeed create, however, what is the condition that will not be like the Taxi scheme ? In Punjab, we need to depoliticize. That is the biggest problem out there. In fact it is the same issue in all over Pakistan. The LDA, THE LTC, LWMC, etc are all running under PML-N influence. Can we have people who are not affiliated with this party running the companies ?

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