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1989 Bhagalpur riots: On October 23, 1989 began the month-long riots triggered by police atrocities. Of the 864 cases filed by the police, 535 were closed and most accused acquitted for lack of evidence.

Following police atrocities in 1989, the silk city of Bhagalpur saw massacre and arson in which over 1,000 people died, nearly 50,000 were displaced and 11,500 houses torched.

In the carnage, an army major herded 100 men, women and children to a house at Chanderi village and posted the local police for their protection. The next morning, however, he found the house empty. Four days later, 61 mutilated bodies were found in a nearby pond, among them a live Malika Bano whose right leg had been chopped off. Bano narrated a story that continues to haunt Bhagalpur.

On the night of October 27, a frenzied mob took over the house from the police, slaughtered the people hiding inside and tossed their bodies in the pond. Of the 864 cases registered by the Bihar Police, chargesheets were filed in only 329 cases. In 100 of these, the accused were acquitted for want of evidence. Chanderi was no different. Of the 38 accused, only 16 were convicted and sentenced to rigorous life terms, while 22 were acquitted.

The Babri masjid demolition set off riots between December 1992 and January 1993. The Sri Krishna panel examined 502 witnesses, but no
police officer has yet been punished.
1987 Merrut riots: The riots began on May 21, 1987 and continued for two months. The state police conducted a probe but all cases were later withdrawn by the state. The armed personnel accused went scot free.

As with most riots, there are conflicting versions on what set this one off: burning of mills or a reaction to the carnage by the Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) personnel. A majority claim it was the armed police.

The PAC men wanted to arrest a man from the Hashimpura area but were stopped by a mob. When the uniformed men tried to force their way in, the crowd became violent. The PAC called in reinforcements and retaliated instantly. About 40 bodies were later found floating in the canal near Maliana village. This ignited communal passions and Meerut was soon on fire. Within hours, over 350 shops in the city and three petrol pumps had been burnt. In the following two months, 350 people were killed, among them prominent residents including a doctor from Hapur and an army captain.

Rationality took the backseat as one set of residents instigated massacres against another. It took several weeks for a 13,000-strong army detachment to restore peace in Meerut. The Uttar Pradesh government, under pressure from the Rajiv Gandhi government, withdrew hundreds of cases from district courts in Meerut. As a result, there were no convictions. The PAC, having terrorised a large section of Meerut, was the biggest gainer-and justice the biggest loser.
1984 sikh riots: The assassination of prime minister Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984 sparked riots that lasted 15 days. Several inquiry panels later, eight people were convicted. The politicians and police got away.

The mayhem began at about 6 p.m. shortly after the death of Indira Gandhi was announced at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi. The news set the tone for a communal massacre that India hadn't quite witnessed since Independence. Chaos reigned on the streets and locality after locality in the capital echoed with the shrieks of the dying and burning people. A fortnight of carnage saw over 2,700 dead and many thousands injured.

"President Zail Singh wanted the army to act, but it didn't. The then prime minister and home minister did not take his calls," recalls Tarlochan Singh, who was Zail Singh's press secretary.

The worst affected areas were the ones that had elected Congressmen HKL Bhagat and Sajjan Kumar to the Lok Sabha. Yet the police could do nothing to lay their hands on them.
Now tell me how many of those were the majority terrorising the minority?

And how many times was justice done to those perpetrators?

I hope you know the meaning of Riots. What is your point in a discussion on Terrorism.
If you are justifying terrorism on riots, I cant imagine how many times the Hindu community should have to roit. The sheer number of bomb blast in year. You conviently forgot the bomb blast in the temples last year; Varanasi wasnt it, I didnt see any Hindu rioters.
I cant even believe that people would even try to justify these terrorist scumbags even though they are from the same religion.


I hope you know the meaning of Riots. What is your point in a discussion on Terrorism.


ter·ror·ism /ˈtɛrəˌrɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

A)I think it is fair to say that the people in those "riots" where the govt stood by and did nothing, had a political motive. Some more obvious than others (the BJP govt for example)

b)The minorities involved were pretty much terrorised I would say. Using a riot or bomb have pretty much the same effect.
I am going to duck out of this topic as it will not go anywhere good.
Bull Crap key,

So because of the BNP, you cant live in the UK. Bardford Riots; did the government do anything, or could they do anything. All the cops came out fought everywhere and what happened.Nothing. French Riots; the cops were out they couldnt stop the killing. Funny everytime you have mentioned a Riot, you have conviently forgot to write how many Hindu;s were killed. Muslims are in a cross-roads right now. They got too much extremist in their midst, moderate's seem to tacitly accept them...
Bull Crap key,

So because of the BNP, you cant live in the UK. Bardford Riots; did the government do anything, or could they do anything. All the cops came out fought everywhere and what happened.Nothing. French Riots; the cops were out they couldnt stop the killing. Funny everytime you have mentioned a Riot, you have conviently forgot to write how many Hindu;s were killed. Muslims are in a cross-roads right now. They got too much extremist in their midst, moderate's seem to tacitly accept them...

BNP or Front national never got into power in either the U.K. or France wish I could say the same about India.
Yes there were Hindu's killed but how is it that in a country where Hindu's are in the majority that their casualties are always a fraction of others? And there is a difference between cops trying and failing and cops doing nothing and standing by whilst people are being killed. I believe a member of this forum witnessed a elderly woman being beaten senseless with policemen standing nearby and doing nothing.

In short clean up your own house before telling someone else about theirs.
This is a thread by BULL to explain his infraction, correct?

I dont care abt the nationality. But why is that the admin is so fragile when it comes to the relgion of Islam.

A basic common-sense is what was required to understand what i meant when i said SARS and AIDS spread fast too. The poster was bragging abt Islam spreading fast and so is good and blah blah. I countered it the way i tought was apt with regards to that very poster. And then there came a 25 pt infraction saying I insulted Islam.

And now I said terrorist activites are 99% are islam related and here comes the next infraction. Rahman needs proof, for whatl? Havnt u heard the term 99% of the... as a usage for saying ' major majority'. How am i suppose to give a link to back up that claim. Post all terror attack links and start counting one by one.

Bull, this is not nationality, or religion, be a man and face what you said.
You compared an entire religion, an entire race, or an entire region (call it what you want), you basicly compared Humans to Disease/Virus, explain that, and that only.

This is your chance, go.

Chill out guys. He's just got a short fuse, he's a good guy underneath.
BNP or Front national never got into power in either the U.K. or France wish I could say the same about India.
Yes there were Hindu's killed but how is it that in a country where Hindu's are in the majority that their casualties are always a fraction of others? And there is a difference between cops trying and failing and cops doing nothing and standing by whilst people are being killed. I believe a member of this forum witnessed a elderly woman being beaten senseless with policemen standing nearby and doing nothing.

In short clean up your own house before telling someone else about theirs.

BJP was only in power, for one Riot. Not when others happened. There Riots over here between hIndus' of differnt sects. SO
If it was Hindu majority country and acted like one. You can expect a Saudi Arabia over here. Which it is not, lets not talk about that. Thank you.
Hindu's casuality's are a fraction. Try the Bombay riots for example. Forgetting 1000's Hindu killed very year.. I have seen a lot of stuff. I have seen muslims youth ganging up and beating the crap out of a guy for loving a muslim woman. your point is.
We are cleaning up our house, it was always our newsmen and our law enforcement agencies who got the culprits. Check the latest fake encounter case.
You have real extremist in your midst. If you dont take care of them, or help the world in taking care of them, since they are targeting everyone in the world. So you can expect to be collateral damage.
BJP was only in power, for one Riot. Not when others happened. There Riots over here between hIndus' of differnt sects. SO
If it was Hindu majority country and acted like one. You can expect a Saudi Arabia over here. Which it is not, lets not talk about that. Thank you.
Hindu's casuality's are a fraction. Try the Bombay riots for example. Forgetting 1000's Hindu killed very year.. I have seen a lot of stuff. I have seen muslims youth ganging up and beating the crap out of a guy for loving a muslim woman. your point is.
We are cleaning up our house, it was always our newsmen and our law enforcement agencies who got the culprits. Check the latest fake encounter case.
You have real extremist in your midst. If you dont take care of them, or help the world in taking care of them, since they are targeting everyone in the world. So you can expect to be collateral damage.

What are you god the arc angle!!! You chat complete and utter rubbish if you want it... The Hindu extremist burnt the Sikh book the government forces of Indra regime attacked the Golden tample and various other incedents with OTHER ethnic groups and religions you forgot that didn't you fake. What is your point why have you got an extremist mind you have little or no proof of what you vomited. Why dont except there a FEW who spoil it for the rest.
I was chilled, never cared really.
then Bull started this thread.

He want's to explain, and dissapeared after like 2-3 posts.
He wanted attention, he got it.

Let him explain Asim, please.
I just want to hear how a human race is comparable to a virus.
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