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Feb 6, 2006
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I got a BLOODY infraction again saying i insulted islam by saying '99% of the terrorist attacks are islam related'. What wrong did i say, its been said in all forums and all over the media.

Its a known fact that its the followers of Islam ( whaever may be the %) who are odds with the main stream public. And I say this because most of sucide bomber videos which are posted has the cry of 'Allah o akbar' accompanying it. Jihadi videos shows they getting motvated by references from Quran.

Isnt it basic manners to hear the 'accussed' before you shootout verdicts/infractions.

This is the second one i recieved in a week for almost the same reason.
Hmmm in that case while making controversial statements learn to explain your position well enough. You remember the issues I ran into by using some loose words myself.

Bull overall you've been found to have some loose lips. I'd give you this occasion but it would take a lot of convincing to explain that the SARS/HIV thing wasn't an intentional thing.

Now you're underestimating the reason for an infraction. It's a 10 day period for you to show to the administration and the other members that you are ready to play nice, that you can disagree with people without the intention to piss off the others. Your effort is under watch. We don't give infractions just to scare people, there's a process to it. In the meantime expect some toughness whenever you form loose statements.

And I'll smack you if you raise the "I'm a persecuted Indian" card. I assure you we persecute everyone equally. :)
I dont care abt the nationality. But why is that the admin is so fragile when it comes to the relgion of Islam.

A basic common-sense is what was required to understand what i meant when i said SARS and AIDS spread fast too. The poster was bragging abt Islam spreading fast and so is good and blah blah. I countered it the way i tought was apt with regards to that very poster. And then there came a 25 pt infraction saying I insulted Islam.

And now I said terrorist activites are 99% are islam related and here comes the next infraction. Rahman needs proof, for whatl? Havnt u heard the term 99% of the... as a usage for saying ' major majority'. How am i suppose to give a link to back up that claim. Post all terror attack links and start counting one by one.
99% of Terrorism comes from Islamic Terrorism, It is well known, or a well said fact. If you think it is otherwise, then please explain it to us, Infractions for that, so cowardly. Every Oped and article in the WESTERN world says so. Open tommrow's newspaper you will see a bomb-blast somewhere attributed to Muslims. 3000 people with Aeroplane's crashing into buildings, Trains bombed in London, Bomblast everywhere in India, Indoensia, Isarel... You have the nerve to tell me that they did not do it in the name of Islam,
You have problems in the people practising your religion, Very similar to Christians in Medival Times, You wont stop your own people, The world will stop'em for you and you will be the collateral damage.
So therefore from your conclusion Ghandi's murders were Islamic terrorists. Nope they were PURE INDIAN HINDU fundamentalist but no body blames the HINDU religion for this disgracefull murder.
Where did you come up with that conclusion...the Guy who did commit the murder was hanged by the Indian Government...what does that tell you
Where did you come up with that conclusion...the Guy who did commit the murder was hanged by the Indian Government...what does that tell you

He was a fundamentalist and was hanged but there is still fundamentalism in India and they have slaughtered thousands of ethnic groups but this does not mean we blame the Hindu religion.

That is not true,

Open another thread, and we can discuss that...

Purpose of this thread is given well, Discuss what i have written before if you can
99% of terrorism coems from Islam? It's a fact? Facts have some study behind them?

Bin Laden killed 3000 people America's Christian nut of a president killed 600,000. Talk numbers man! If there is a fact in all this is that other killings are not even put into the terrorism section unless the killer was a Muslim.
I blame the Iraq War on the Amercians.

But please those 600,000 people killed by the Americans. Bull Crap. 90% of that casuality figure is from Iraqi's fighting each other, killing each other for various reason. I dont see any American Suicide bombers in the Market places...
99% of Terrorism comes from Islamic Terrorism, It is well known, or a well said fact. If you think it is otherwise, then please explain it to us, Infractions for that, so cowardly. Every Oped and article in the WESTERN world says so. Open tommrow's newspaper you will see a bomb-blast somewhere attributed to Muslims. 3000 people with Aeroplane's crashing into buildings, Trains bombed in London, Bomblast everywhere in India, Indoensia, Isarel... You have the nerve to tell me that they did not do it in the name of Islam,
You have problems in the people practising your religion, Very similar to Christians in Medival Times, You wont stop your own people, The world will stop'em for you and you will be the collateral damage.

Horse **** there is a difference between perception and reality. It is merely that they get more coverage. There were 11 attacks by left wing terrorists in Italy in 2006, how much coverage did it get?
25 in Greece 8 in Spain,1 in Portugal and 10 in Germany.. As i have said what about the tamils with the whole suicide bombing?

When you stop rampaging mobs from murdering civilians, or the guilty parties being brought to justice (3000 people in Gujarat wasn't it?)then talk to me about numbers.
Now Key,, compare the numbers you quoted above with the total suicide attacks by radical Islamists.

Im not defending bull here...but the statement that most of the suicide bombers, etc are indeed Muslim. The fact that they are a very small minority is very true, its still a huge number nonetheless.
Horse **** there is a difference between perception and reality. It is merely that they get more coverage. There were 11 attacks by left wing terrorists in Italy in 2006, how much coverage did it get?
25 in Greece 8 in Spain,1 in Portugal and 10 in Germany.. As i have said what about the tamils with the whole suicide bombing?

When you stop rampaging mobs from murdering civilians, or the guilty parties being brought to justice (3000 people in Gujarat wasn't it?)then talk to me about numbers.

Ok, Sir,

You wanna start counting the dead, for all those attacks..

3000 people in Gujuarat, do you increase every weak 1000 people. According to official source it 1164, with 700 odd muslims and 200 odd Hindus, unofficially it is 2000, with 1300 odd muslims and 658 Hindu's. It is called a RIOT and not a terrorist attack, 60 people burned alive in the godhra train would be a terrorist attack, which the Indian government covered up to protect the muslims from more voilence.
Now Key,, compare the numbers you quoted above with the total suicide attacks by radical Islamists.

Im not defending bull here...but the statement that most of the suicide bombers, etc are indeed Muslim. The fact that they are a very small minority is very true, its still a huge number nonetheless.

Malay I want you to do me a favour and check all the attacks by Hindu's upon Muslims within India. Should I then deduce that Hinduism creates a fanaticism? Should I tar All Hindu's with that brush?

The numbers killed in those incidents were huge. but they were not targeted at westerners so it gets minimal reporting and since it is localised to India, It can't be used to scaremonger.
Ok, Sir,

You wanna start counting the dead, for all those attacks..

3000 people in Gujuarat, do you increase every weak 1000 people. According to official source it 1164, with 700 odd muslims and 200 odd Hindus, unofficially it is 2000, with 1300 odd muslims and 658 Hindu's. It is called a RIOT and not a terrorist attack, 60 people burned alive in the godhra train would be a terrorist attack, which the Indian government covered up to protect the muslims from more voilence.

1992 Mumbai riots: Hours after the demolition of the Babri masjid, Mumbai erupted. For five days in December 1992 and then again for a fortnight in January, the city witnessed unprecedented riots. As many as 1,788 people were killed and property worth crores of rupees destroyed.

On January 25, 1993, the Maharashtra government set up the Sri Krishna Commission of Inquiry, which recorded the evidence of 502 witnesses and examined 2,903 exhibits. But three years later, on January 23, 1996, the BJP-Shiv Sena government wound up the commission, only to reinstate it later under public pressure. The commission finally submitted its report on February 16, 1998. Of the 17 police officers who were formally charged in mid-2001, not one has been arrested so far. Even departmental action has not been initiated against them. In April this year, former city police commissioner RD Tyagi and eight serving police officers accused of killing nine people, were discharged by a Mumbai sessions court.
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