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Infra-Red Search & Track (IRST) Systems

Number 2 is correct. The PAF wanted an Italian or French solution initially, but later, they were trying to get a South African solution, based on Israeli tech from the late 90's (still advanced than the Chinese one, as of a few years ago).

On AWACS, IRST and AWACS are two totally different things, and methods. IRST is local to a plane and its just one Sensor, a processing unit, LRF, and a pod like device integrated with a jet's avionics to apply target acquisition and locking techniques / algorithms to the MFD's, and data link with AAM weapons. It won't have a large cost issue for the JFT.
Funny that you should remind him that IRST & AWACS are two different things. Do you know who Indus Falcon is? He is a very senior, currently serving officer. He knows what he is talking about. This forum is actually lucky to have someone like him.

You on the other hand know jack about PAF's AWACS. Keep that in mind, when you quote him next time.

How can he tell you now :-)

Anyway I wanted to know your opinion on this delusional fantasy that
some of your country men are having that
China will just transfer Su 35 for Pakistan

Do people dont have even a BASIC idea of such international deals and transactions

In previous wars China has transferred squadrons of aircrafts to Pakistan. This time around, they could do that as well, or more.

Secondly, tone down your hatred, or the repercussions won't be nice.


The AWACS would be flying for 3 days in a conflict----what were they thinking after that!!

Sir, without going into details, I can respectfully assure you that the equation is not complete. There is more at play here, which cannot be discussed on a public forum. Any future engagement will see a lot more assets in theater, then what PAF has right now. PAF wont be left to fight IAF alone, this I can guarantee you.

PIRI is a high performance Infrared Search and Track system designed for maritime platforms in order to passively detect and track multiple air and surface vehicles and missiles with its staring sensors. PIRI is able to observe the perimeter of the maritime vehicle simultaneously in dual-band IR. The large elevation FOV makes the system capable of observe air to surface threats effectively. Display of both MWIR and LWIR spectrum in 360° azimuth as a panoramic image makes PIRI, a comprehensive solution for ships. Distributed Sensor Architecture makes the system modular for any platform.

Electro Optic Systems | Capabilities | ASELSAN
ASELPOD designed for a new generation of fighter aircraft, multi-sensor target pot.
Maksimum Menzil ve Çözünürlük : 25km, ±5m Maximum Range and Resolution: 25km, ± 5m

With multiple target tracking capability in the Turkish war empowering ASELPOD 25 km from the power of uçaka able to successfully view.

Some sources are saying 55km but the objective is undefined.
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What's the difference between IRST and Mirage V FLIR system?

The term "forward looking" is used to distinguish fixed forward-looking thermal imaging systems from sideways-tracking infrared systems, also known as "push broom" imagers, and other thermal imaging systems such as gimbal-mounted imaging systems, handheld imaging systems and the like. Pushbroom systems typically have been used on aircraft and satellites.

Sideways-tracking imagers normally involve a one-dimensional (1D) array of pixels which uses the motion of the aircraft or satellite to move the view of the 1D array across the ground to build up a 2D image over time. Such systems cannot be used for real-time imaging, and must look perpendicular to the direction of travel.

An infra-red search and track (IRST) system (sometimes known as infra-red sighting and tracking) is a method for detecting and tracking objects which give off infrared radiation (see Infrared signature) such as jet aircraft and helicopters.

IRST is a generalized case of forward looking infrared (FLIR), i.e. from forward-looking to all-round situation awareness.

As opposed to an ordinary forward looking infrared system, an IRST system will actually scan the space around the aircraft similarly to the way in which mechanically (or even electronically) steered radars work. The exception to the scanning technique is the F-35 JSF's DAS, which stares in all directions simultaneously, and automatically detects and declares aircraft and missiles in all directions, without a limit to the number of targets simultaneously tracked.
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