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influential Jew Sheldon Adelson:Use nuclear bombs on Tehran


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Sheldon Adelson calls on Obama to fire a nuclear weapon at Iran, not negotiate - YouTube

Last night in New York, Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire supporter of Israel, said that the U.S. should fire a nuclear weapon at Iran rather than negotiate. He said that if Obama fires a weapon into the desert, killing no one, and then threatens to send the next one to Tehran so that Iran is “wiped out,” Iran will cease its nuclear program.

What are we going to negotiate about? I would say ‘Listen, you see that desert out there, I want to show you something.’ …You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, ‘OK let it go.’ And so there’s an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the desert, that doesn’t hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or whatever. Then you say, ‘See! The next one is in the middle of Tehran. So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough position and continue with your nuclear development. You want to be peaceful? Just reverse it all, and we will guarantee you that you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes, energy purposes.’

The recommendations were met with applause by a Yeshiva University audience.

Adelson, an 80-year-old casino mogul and major supporter of Mitt Romney and other Republican political candidates, made the comments in a dialogue with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach during a conversation called “Will Jews Exist? Iran, Assimilation and the Threat to Israel and Jewish Survival.”

My video above records the exchange. Adelson is in the foreground with his back to the camera. Boteach, a rightwing political figure close to US ambassador Samantha Power and NJ Senator-elect Cory Booker, is on his right. Neither Boteach nor the others on the panel– Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens and Yeshiva University president Richard Joel — objected to Adelson’s idea.

Adelson owns homes in the U.S. and Israel, where he is also a newspaper publisher. The dialogue began when Boteach, who calls himself “America’s rabbi,” says that Adelson believes that Franklin Roosevelt could have prevented the Holocaust. Adelson says:

“He could have prevented the Holocaust… Yes– if not prevented the Holocaust, he could have at least significantly reduced the severity of it.”

Adelson said that Roosevelt could have convinced the British that it was “more important to them and to their future” not to sign the White Paper on Palestine in 1939 that limited Jewish immigration to Palestine. FDR had “unlimited leverage” because he could promise the British that the U.S. would enter World War II once the country ceased to be isolationist.

“He really had the leverage, he really had the upper hand,” Adelson said– something he realizes from being in business 68 years.

“Given your strong feelings about what the U.S. did not do to prevent the Holocaust,” Boteach asks, what are your feelings about “Obama speaking to Iran right now” and having diplomatic relations with Iran, given its threats against Israel? Not as a political person, the rabbi says, but as a prominent American.


The worst negotiating tactic I could ever imagine, my entire life.

[Boteach: Why is that?]

Because you can’t get anything. He’s not saying to them, Roll back your entire program and show that you’re willing to be peaceful. So, roll it all back… and we’ll roll back the sanctions…. What is that, a game of chicken, who’s going to blink first?

“It’s very simple, it’s the same thing with the Palestinians,” Adelson continues. “Sixty-five years, they haven’t taken one millimeter step toward the Israelis, to accommodate the needs of the Israelis but more importantly, to show that they truly want peace.”

Adelson moves from Palestine to Iran:

If they truly want peace, it’s very simple to say to all their henchmen, lay off the terrorism for five years. And they’ll come to the Jews and say, for five or ten years there will be no terrorism, there will be no violence or no incitement against– We’ll throw out the books that teach the three-year-old children that Jews are descended from swine and apes, and that we’re not going to teach anymore in the curriculum to kill the Jews, that the Jews are very bad people.

So if you really want peace, it’s very simple to send a message to your opposition. Just be peaceful. Open up all the things.

Or– ‘We’ll give you this if you give us something.’ I think it’s the worst negotiating ploy, tactic anybody can imagine.

[Boteach: So you would support negotiations with Iran so long as they first cease all enrichment]

No. What do you mean support negotiations? What are we going to negotiate about? What I would say is, ‘Listen, you see that desert out there, I want to show you something.’ You pick up your cell phone, even at traveling rates. You pick up your cell phone, and– what are they called– [Boteach: roaming charges] Roaming charges. You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, ‘OK let it go.’ So there’s an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the desert, that doesn’t hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or whatever.

And then you say, ‘See! The next one is in the middle of Tehran. So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough position and continue with your nuclear development. [Applause] You want to be peaceful? Just reverse it all, and we will guarantee you that you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes, energy purposes.’

A tremendous demonstration of American strength? Boteach asks.

The only thing they understand.

Adelson says Obama should fire 'atomic weapon' at Iran, not negotiate

Yes, please bomb Tehran. Although, for what joy? Its in the US's best interests to go back to the pre-2003 equation it had with Iran albeit with a few modifications. There is only as much as you can pile on top of a nation while waiting for it to collapse and Iran doesn't want to collapse.
Sheldon Adelson profile

Freedom’s Watch: Funder

Las Vegas Sands Corp.: CEO

Republican Jewish Coalition: Member

Sheldon Adelson, the CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation and one of the wealthiest men in the world, is an important financier of hawkish “pro-Israel” groups, as well as a prominent supporter of rightwing politicians in both the United States and Israel. Among the organizations he has backed are the Republican Jewish Coalition, the Zionist Organization of America, and Freedom’s Watch.

Adelson received widespread public attention during the 2012 U.S. election contest because of his massive donations to groups backing the campaigns of various Republican Party candidates for both the presidential and congressional races.

In 2009, the rightist Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) awarded Adeslon the “Theodor Herzl Gold Medallion,” which is given to people who make a “unique, lasting, and historic contribution to the cause of Zionism and the Jewish people.”

During the George W. Bush presidency, Adelson was supportive of the administration’s Middle East policies, though he opposed its efforts to jump start peace talks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including the Condoleezza Rice-led Annapolis talks in late 2007.

As a backer of Freedom’s Watch, whose key leaders included former Bush White House spokesman Ari Fleischer and the strip-mall magnate Melvin Sembler, Adelson brought widespread media attention to his efforts to push for hawkish, Israel-centric U.S. policies. As the Washington Post reported, “Many in Freedom Watch’s donor base—including Adelson … and Sembler—have always been strong supporters of Israel. The group’s initial ad blitz in defense of Bush’s troop buildup in Iraq came naturally out of those interests.

In mid-2007, Adelson attended a conference in Prague titled “Democracy and Security” that was cosponsored by the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, the Czech Foreign Ministry, the Prague Security Studies Institute, and Spain's Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis (FAES), headed by former conservative Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. Conference participants included Natan Sharanksy, the late former Czech President Vaclav Havel, and Sen. Joseph Lieberman, the “independent Democrat” from Connecticut who is closely associated with the neoconservative faction in the United States. Also in attendance were a number leading U.S. hawks, including the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies’ (FDD) president Clifford May; the American Enterprise Institute’s Richard Perle, Michael Rubin, Michael Novak, Joshua Muravchik, and Reuel Marc Gerecht; Herb London, John O'Sullivan, and Anne Bayefsky of the Hudson Institute; Bruce Jackson, a former director of the Project for the New American Century; and Tod Lindberg of the Hoover Institution.

In December 2008, Freedom’s Watch, a neoconservative-aligned pressure group that received most of its funding from Adelson, shuttered. The right-wing Washington Times reported, “Freedom's Watch was foiled this year by stiff political and economic headwinds and ended up spending far less than the reported $200 million budget the organization had hoped for, and its dependence on Mr. Adelson was part of its undoing. Only a year ago, Mr. Adelson, 75, was the third-richest man in America, with a net worth of $28 billion. But since then, Mr. Adelson's company, Las Vegas Sands Corp., has lost 95 percent of its stock value. … Mr. Adelson contributed most of Freedom's Watch's money, sources familiar with the group's operation said. The organization's reliance on his largesse was such that over the summer all staffers were herded in front of a video camera to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Mr. Adelson.”

Read the whole thing here:http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Adelson_Sheldon/
I like how 'Jew' HAS TO be in there. Any 'influential' Catholics ? They just don't get it.
I put Jew in there because it's important to know that he is a pro-Israeli Jew and he is speaking at a Jewish school (Yeshiva University) He is not a rational person that wants peace and stability in the world. He wants to further the interests that are personally important to him with no regards to America's interest or other people in the region.

If an Islamic leader was talking to an Muslim audience/school and saying let's nuke Israel. I would also make sure to mention that that person is a Muslim.

Anyway this was an exclusive Jew affair and way of thinking

nuke iran ....

hmm okey ;)

I like how 'Jew' HAS TO be in there. Any 'influential' Catholics ? They just don't get it.

yes, "jew" has to be there because its jewness has everything to do with the madness and bloodthirst of its words and intentions. if this dirty jew were commenting on abortion and this dirty jew had converted to catholicism, the title would name him as an influential "catholic" indeed. your complaint is completely groundless and probably indicates that you, too, are one of the dirty jews who constantly seek to obscure the dark, mean, sinister nature of your jewry.
I'm a Catholic and I'm pro Israel. Am I a 'filthy' Catholic ?
I'm a Catholic and I'm pro Israel. Am I a 'filthy' Catholic ?

if you are pro-jew because you have a jew mother, then you are a dirty jew. if you are pro-jew for doctrinal reasons propagated by rome, then you are a filthy catholic, yes. whether you are considered a dirty catholic or a dirty jew depends entirely on the reason of your affinity with the dirty jewry.
if you are pro-jew because you have a jew mother, then you are a dirty jew. if you are pro-jew for doctrinal reasons propagated by rome, then you are a filthy catholic, yes. whether you are considered a dirty catholic or a dirty jew depends entirely on the reason of your affinity with the dirty jewry.

You 'people' are f#cked up !! No wonder the Jews treat you like sh!t, that's all you deserve.
You 'people' are f#cked up !! No wonder the Jews treat you like sh!t, that's all you deserve.

jews don't get to treat me in anyway because i am a pure-blood chinese safely in the vast, sovereign realm of a chinese nation. but your shallow, angry words show exactly why jews have always been treated to pogroms and concentration camps: you lot well deserved the fate of cattle
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