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influential Jew Sheldon Adelson:Use nuclear bombs on Tehran

Having the ability to enrich uranium is a half-way quest to the ultimate weapon! If Iran doesn't build the bomb - which is an utter BS because they already have the cores of it - then it would be the most stupid policy they took over the entire history of the Islamic republic.

Well thats your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. Nuclears bombs are not usable, because they produce no winners if used in war. They destroy both actors. The only strategic purpose they serve is one of deterrence.
And a nuclear capibility, while it may not be as good (its debatable), is an effective deterrent.

Why do you think Israel is demaning that Iran give up its centrifuges? They are not producing weapons grade uranium, but the mere potential that they could is making Israel nervous and think twice about any move they do in the region. And thus a huge dent to Israels strategic doctrine. They are extremely irritated about it, and that is also what Netanyahus outbursts are about. United States seem to come to terms with a nuclear Iran, with full control of the fuel cycle. Israel is apoplectic, because they need to reconfigure their national security strategy and strategic doctrine. They would not have free maneuveribility to use force unilaterally whenever they wanted. If you are Israel, its a bitter thing to give up.
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