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Infiltration bid foiled along LoC, JCO killed

Just want to point out........where not jumping up and down and gloating when one of the indian army guys have died ,like you guys do when a freedom fighter dies and come out with stupid remarks and start posting pics.

This is complelty different- no one will celebrate when ANY soldier from ANY country dies here on PDF, I have never seen it. Of course most Indians will be elated by the news that TERRORISTS have been killed. Just like we saw Americans celebrating when they killed OBL/UBL in Abbottabad. Unless you are admitting these terrorists are Pakistani state actors then you've got nothing to complain about surely?
RIP brave one.

We have had nearly a decade of nothing happening on the LOC....this was on the conditions set by the indians for there to be serious peace talks between the parties.There have been problems like the mumbai terrorist attack that have set the process back but we need to move forward and not let this get to the pre 2000 position of daily killings.
With the drawdown of NATO forces in afghanistan you will see an increase of violence in kashmir and then we are back to square one.
Hawks in the pak army have been saying from day one that the indians will not give no credit to the pak govt for stopping cross LOC movement and instead say it was post 9/11 situation and indian tactics that stopped the fighters.
I personally think its irrelevant if the pak army stopped the crossing or the indian army and the overall WOT put a stop to it..... we have is a window of opportunity to solve the problem in the next couple of years and we should use that.

Just want to point out........where not jumping up and down and gloating when one of the indian army guys have died ,like you guys do when a freedom fighter dies and come out with stupid remarks and start posting pics.

There is a difference b/w soldiers in uniform and freelance mercenaries right?

I mean do you guys also maintain a respectful solemn silence when TTP fighters are killed fighting PA?
Kashmir jihad is all set to increase as Nato is widrawing from Afghanistan. Thats why i'm in favour of troop deployment in Afghanistan. Make our enemy busy somewhere else away from our home soil.
need to build trust and friendship between 2 sides, not war, you want to really be like north and south korea, as annoying??
Kashmir jihad is all set to increase as Nato is widrawing from Afghanistan. Thats why i'm in favour of troop deployment in Afghanistan. Make our enemy busy somewhere else away from our home soil.

I am in favor of giving IA a free reign now. Sick and disgusted of people asking for removal of AFSPA at such a critical juncture. Terrorist incidents have risen this year and are going to rise inevitably in future. Let our army do what it does best :sniper:.
I am in favor of giving IA a free reign now. Sick and disgusted of people asking for removal of AFSPA at such a critical juncture. Terrorist incidents have risen this year and are going to rise inevitably in future. Let our army do what it does best :sniper:.

agree fully but fighting with these bastard on the other side of their border is a better idea.
need to build trust and friendship between 2 sides, not war, you want to really be like north and south korea, as annoying??

No one wants this- it is what it is. Freindship is easier proposed than implemented, when you still have the kind of games being played right now, how can one dream of peace?
No one wants this- it is what it is. Freindship is easier proposed than implemented, when you still have the kind of games being played right now, how can one dream of peace?

okay, but situation is very unique, because both india and pakistani have NUCLEAR WEAPONS, unlike vast majority of world's nations, it is dangerous, even more so than korea's situation. if there is no peace, then if wrong person is killed, or if tensions flare at bad time, then all will be doomed.
This is complelty different- no one will celebrate when ANY soldier from ANY country dies here on PDF, I have never seen it. Of course most Indians will be elated by the news that TERRORISTS have been killed.

Just like most Kashmirs must "be elated by the news that indian occupation forces have been killed".

Just like we saw Americans celebrating when they killed OBL/UBL in Abbottabad. Unless you are admitting these terrorists are Pakistani state actors then you've got nothing to complain about surely?

You call them terrorist and the Kashmirs call then freedom fighters.......pakistan has every right to back the freedom fighters and should carry on doing so.The indian govt will carry on sending in the army and we shall both continue on this path of fruitlessness until we come to a deal.
Yup, as predicted you're going to see an average of one death per month this year of Indian military personnel in the Indian Occupied Kashmir which will be contributed to infiltration from the Pakistani side. Then one death per week in 2014 and from 2015 onwards, Jihad-e-Kashmir 2.0 will be in blow.


don't worry...for every soldier we will kill 5 terrorists....just like we always do....till now more than 20000 terrorists have been killed and still counting....hope post 2014 number will be 2 lakhs
okay, but situation is very unique, because both india and pakistani have NUCLEAR WEAPONS, unlike vast majority of world's nations, it is dangerous, even more so than korea's situation. if there is no peace, then if wrong person is killed, or if tensions flare at bad time, then all will be doomed.

This is true and this is the situation that confronts diplomats on both sides. But like I said when you have such bad blood on both sides, when you have such animosity, when you have one side backing terrorists and sending them to kill innocents in the cities of the other and letting these masterminds of such atrocities roam free- WHAT DO YOU DO? It is a cycle of hate that goes round and round and no one seems to have an answer.

Just like most Kashmirs must "be elated by the news that indian occupation forces have been killed".

You call them terrorist and the Kashmirs call then freedom fighters.......pakistan has every right to back the freedom fighters and should carry on doing so.The indian govt will carry on sending in the army and we shall both continue on this path of fruitlessness until we come to a deal.

Are you the spokesmen for the Indian Kashmirs now then?
Just like most Kashmirs must "be elated by the news that indian occupation forces have been killed".

You call them terrorist and the Kashmirs call then freedom fighters.......pakistan has every right to back the freedom fighters and should carry on doing so.The indian govt will carry on sending in the army and we shall both continue on this path of fruitlessness until we come to a deal.

You of course are free to do that. And we reserve the right to respond in kind :coffee:. Does'nt change the reality that your sponsored insurgency has failed to shake even an iota of Indian rule in Kashmir. We have infact grown stronger with time.
RIP brave one.

The exact same sentiment the kashmiris feel when a fighter is martyred.

There is a difference b/w soldiers in uniform and freelance mercenaries right?

No not really......mercenaries get paid and so do soldiers......non of them fight for free right?

I mean do you guys also maintain a respectful solemn silence when TTP fighters are killed fighting PA?

You seem to forget that kashmir is UN disputed region and the tribal areas are not.
Trying to equate the TTP to the kashmir issue is a bit like me bringing up khalistan and Naxalite–Maoist insurgency......there internal matters for the indian people-govt unlike kashmir which is a international matter.
You of course are free to do that. And we reserve the right to respond in kind :coffee:. Does'nt change the reality that your sponsored insurgency has failed to shake even an iota of Indian rule in Kashmir. We have infact grown stronger with time.

but again, what is the real POINT of claiming kashmir region? i know it was indus river civilization's starting place, but again, is it really worth constant threat of terror and the many thousands that were slain? honestly, i believe in reincarnation, and I believe that each life sows what it reaps for the next. India and pakistan were best under buddhism, i am not sure about hinduism/islam.

do not devote your energies to squabbling over petty piece of LAND. if you think pakistan is wrong, then be better than they are and do not react as they do.
The exact same sentiment the kashmiris feel when a fighter is martyred.

No not really......mercenaries get paid and so do soldiers......non of them fight for free right?

You seem to forget that kashmir is UN disputed region and the tribal areas are not.
Trying to equate the TTP to the kashmir issue is a bit like me bringing up khalistan and Naxalite–Maoist insurgency......there internal matters for the indian people-govt unlike kashmir which is a international matter.

Obviously I'll equate TTP with these Kashmiri jihadis! They share the core ideology based on religious supremacism. Don't you think Indians have seen videos of Kashmiri jihadis calling people for Jihad, JUD guys chanting at a rally in in Lahore "Baniye ka khoon bahayenge" etc etc.

And yes they are mercenaries. Why else would a majority of fighters shot down by the Indian army be foreigners (your Punjab actually) not to mention significant number of Arabs, Afghans and Uzbeks in 90's
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