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Infiltration bid foiled along LoC, JCO killed

Just like most Kashmirs must "be elated by the news that indian occupation forces have been killed".

You call them terrorist and the Kashmirs call then freedom fighters.......pakistan has every right to back the freedom fighters and should carry on doing so.The indian govt will carry on sending in the army and we shall both continue on this path of fruitlessness until we come to a deal.

Well freedom fighters fight for the freedom of their country, but in this instance, people from another country is sending freedom fighters to kill people living in that area. I do not understand the logic, kill Kashmiris for their freedom...then whom are you freeing. Killing sarpanch of villages, aren't they Kashmiri?? Ask the question to them, whether they think them (terrorists) to be freedom fighter.


And how many years will they keep fighting a proxy war, it would rather be wise of Pakistan to concentrate on development of Pakistan. Whether Kashmir jehad, version 2.0 would yield something or not, but it will definitely pull Pakistan deeper into the "daldal" (bog) of terrorism and self destruction.

Well freedom fighters fight for the freedom of their country, but in this instance, people from another country is sending freedom fighters to kill people living in that area. I do not understand the logic, kill Kashmiris for their freedom...then whom are you freeing. Killing sarpanch of villages, aren't they Kashmiri?? Ask the question to them, whether they think them (terrorists) to be freedom fighter.

Why are you sending people from all over india to fight in kashmir?.....why are sending people from another country to kill-rape-destroy the kashmiris in the name of "security" and "freedom".

And how many years will they keep fighting a proxy war, it would rather be wise of Pakistan to concentrate on development of Pakistan. Whether Kashmir jehad, version 2.0 would yield something or not, but it will definitely pull Pakistan deeper into the "daldal" (bog) of terrorism and self destruction.

As i pointed out before....i dont want there to be violence of any kind from any side but movement towards a resolution of the issue.
Its seems to me we are going to go around in a full circle.....The indians asked for all cross border movement to stop and pakistan to halt backing for freedom fighters....which it did.
Now your going to say it was the WOT and post 9/11 and indian military tactics that stopped LOC crossings....they played a part but so did the pak army.
Now that we have nearly 10 years of "peace" on the LOC it seems the hawks in the pak establishment where correct that the indians will not move an inch on the issue but instead harden there postion and give no credit to pakistan.
This leaves the door open for the pak military-govt to turn the "tap back on" and we go back to the 90s.

ps...i can post plenty of videos also.
Why are you sending people from all over india to fight in kashmir?.....why are sending people from another country to kill-rape-destroy the kashmiris in the name of "security" and "freedom".

We are not sending in terrorist/not state actors, but are sending uniformed soldiers bearing the emblem of India..because Kashmir is a part of India and we are proud to defend it.

Had Kashmir been part of Pakistan..you would have sending uniformed soldiers to fight ..and not, nameless, uneducated , unemployed youth..whom you term as non state actors...whom you abandon ..as soon as they bite their first bullet or are caught by Indian security forces.
Afterall no one is ashamed to defend their own nation.
There can be no peace talks with terrorists

Who is asking for peace talks with terrrorist?.......peace talks with pakistan and the kashmiri representatives

only army action just like swat, Waziristan, tirah valley, Balochistan etc.

And i might was well start calling the freedom of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura punjab from indian occupation forces.

We can either stick to kashmir which is a internationally recognized disputed region or move towards every region in our respective countries as disputed.
Please do comment so, but only when someone dies for Pakistan's freedom. Kashmir is Indian territory, de'jure and de'facto, and Indians ought to see any person wanting to kill people or soldiers in Indian territory as a terrorist. Why shall their deaths not be celebrated?

kashmir is not part of india according to UN-international community s.......and if it was part of india why did you go to the UN and promise the people a vote on if they wanted to be with pakistan or india?

On November 2, 1947 speaking on All Indian Radio Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Fate of the State of Jammu & Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. The pledge we have given not only to people of Kashmir but also to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it”. On November 25, 1947 Nehru informed the Indian parliament “We have suggested that when people of Kashmir are given a chance to decide their future, this should be done under the supervision of an impartial tribunal such as United Nations Organization”.

There rest your "kashmir is part of india" theory...........you keep boasting your the biggest democacy in the world...why dont you put it to the test and see in kashmir what they want.
India has been so good to the kashmiris that they would vote to join india....would they not?
Who is asking for peace talks with terrrorist?.......peace talks with pakistan and the kashmiri representatives


And i might was well start calling the freedom of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura punjab from indian occupation forces.

We can either stick to kashmir which is a internationally recognized disputed region or move towards every region in our respective countries as disputed.

Cool down brother now that you have mentioned the NE, let me make things clear to you...Arunachal, Meghalaya and Mizoram...God knows what are you speaking about. There is no terrorism in those states currently...Mizoram wanted to be a separate statehood and got it. It is now the second most literate state in India. There are small groups operating in Meghalaya, but are mostly organizations specializing in extorting money and has no motive of separation.

... separatist groups..mostly wants to separate state (integral part of India) like Bodoland, Rabha Hasong, and Karbi Anglong, Cachar etc. The only group that wanted a separate country was ULFA and NDFB and talks are going on with them.

Manipur the majority of Manipuris are "maitey" and there are no maitey militant group, they are either Naga or Kuki.

Tripura and Nagaland yup there is some movement there and talks are going on with main factions of NSCN (Khaplang) and NSCN (Ischak Moiwa).

kashmir is not part of india according to UN-international community s.......and if it was part of india why did you go to the UN and promise the people a vote on if they wanted to be with pakistan or india?

On November 2, 1947 speaking on All Indian Radio Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Fate of the State of Jammu & Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. The pledge we have given not only to people of Kashmir but also to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it”. On November 25, 1947 Nehru informed the Indian parliament “We have suggested that when people of Kashmir are given a chance to decide their future, this should be done under the supervision of an impartial tribunal such as United Nations Organization”.

There rest your "kashmir is part of india" theory...........you keep boasting your the biggest democacy in the world...why dont you put it to the test and see in kashmir what they want.
India has been so good to the kashmiris that they would vote to join india....would they not?

That is where things get messy, Kashmiri pandits were also an integral part of Kashmir. By systematically killing and drving them from Kashmir has changed the scenario...if voting is to be allowed, all Kashmiri pandits living as refugee in different parts of India should also be allowed to vote for the so called fate....else its of no meaning.
Cool down brother now that you have mentioned the NE, let me make things clear to you...Arunachal, Meghalaya and Mizoram...God knows what are you speaking about. There is no terrorism in those states currently...Mizoram wanted to be a separate statehood and got it. It is now the second most literate state in India. There are small groups operating in Meghalaya, but are mostly organizations specializing in extorting money and has no motive of separation.

... separatist groups..mostly wants to separate state (integral part of India) like Bodoland, Rabha Hasong, and Karbi Anglong, Cachar etc. The only group that wanted a separate country was ULFA and NDFB and talks are going on with them.

Manipur the majority of Manipuris are "maitey" and there are no maitey militant group, they are either Naga or Kuki.

Tripura and Nagaland yup there is some movement there and talks are going on with main factions of NSCN (Khaplang) and NSCN (Ischak Moiwa).

The same excuses i can give for Balochistan and KP.

"There are small groups operating in Balochistan-KP, but are mostly organizations specializing in extorting money and has no motive of separation."

"The only group that wanted a separate country was BLA"

My point being we can either stick to the recognized disputed area or more the argument all over pak-india and say every region wants to be free.
All areas i mention in india are to me internal matters for the indian govt ,the same way the regions you mention are internal matter for pakistan with kashmir being the exception.
Its easy to muddy the water and divert from getting a final outcome on kashmir that is to the satisfaction of the parties concerned by bringing up punjab-Arunachal Pradesh-Balochistan ect but non of the mentioned are disputed from the birth of both nations and we not gone to war over them.

That is where things get messy, Kashmiri pandits were also an integral part of Kashmir. By systematically killing and drving them from Kashmir has changed the scenario...if voting is to be allowed, all Kashmiri pandits living as refugee in different parts of India should also be allowed to vote for the so called fate....else its of no meaning.

Off course the kashmiri hindus are going to allowed to vote the same way the million+ kashmiri muslims who have been "systematically killed and driven from Kashmir" will be allowed to vote.
All Infiltrating militants in Kashmir should be send straight to Hell!!

On Topic - RIP to the Brave Soul and nice cleaning job by army.
really appreciate Indian army for its great Job in Kashmir valley...Jammu and Ladakh are already terrorist free and only some dozen terrorists are left in Kashmir valley...Good Job Indian army!!!
really appreciate Indian army for its great Job in Kashmir valley...Jammu and Ladakh are already terrorist free and only some dozen terrorists are left in Kashmir valley...Good Job Indian army!!!

I don't think till date there has ever been a terror related incident in Ladakh. In Jammu Poonch and Rajouri were hotbeds of terror in 90's.
I don't think till date there has ever been a terror related incident in Ladakh. In Jammu Poonch and Rajouri were hotbeds of terror in 90's.

actually I wanted to say that out of these 3 regions in JaK, only kashmir valley is somewhat troublesome for now...Jammu has been declared militancy free and militancy had never been an issue in Ladakh.
actually I wanted to say that out of these 3 regions in JaK, only kashmir valley is somewhat troublesome for now...Jammu has been declared militancy free and militancy had never been an issue in Ladakh.

There are pockets of extremists in the valley. One of their main strongholds is the town of Sopore. Though fighters these days are of foreign origin, indigenous youth have realised the futility of using terror as a weapon.
We are not sending in terrorist/not state actors, but are sending uniformed soldiers bearing the emblem of India..because Kashmir is a part of India and we are proud to defend it.

We using the same tactics you did in the 71 war war.

Had Kashmir been part of Pakistan..you would have sending uniformed soldiers to fight

Pakistan did during the last few wars with india but we learnt from the 71 war that its better to use terrorist/not state actors/freedom fighters to do the job for you......we want to confine the war to kashmir and thought we could do that in 65 but you attacked the international border to relive the pressure,as any sane army would do.
We want kashmir but we dont want to widen the war along the international border as this puts us in a disadvantage.The pak army wants to keep the pot boiling but dont want a spillover.
By sending uniformed men we are declaring war and opening up ourselfs to an attack on the International border.

..and not, nameless, uneducated , unemployed youth..whom you term as non state actors...whom you abandon ..as soon as they bite their first bullet or are caught by Indian security forces.

“The Fighters of Lashkar- e-Toiba:Recruitment, Training, Deployment and Death” by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
"Since 2000 there has been a strong upward trend in recruitment via family members and by 2004, this channel contributed to over 40 per cent of LeT recruitment," it said.
“Siblings and parents are central characters in the biographies and they play important roles in a fighter's entry into and journey through LeT. For example, siblings or other immediate family members were often the one to drop off a LeT recruit at a training camp or at the border,” the report said.
"The most common level of nonreligious education attained by LeT fighters (44 per cent of available data) before their entry into the group is matric (10th grade), indicating that on average the group's cadres had higher levels of secular education than other Pakistani males. They do not have high levels of formal religious education,” the report said.
It further said uncle of one militant was a Director at Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission, while the father of another was the president of the Pakistan Muslim League's labor wing in Islamabad/Rawalpindi.

Omar Saeed Sheikh--- London School of Economics
Sayeed Salahudeen---University of Kashmir

Afterall no one is ashamed to defend their own nation.

You have every right to defend your nation but not the right to attack and murder a nation that you promised a vote on if they wanted to join your union , that you went onto use every excuse in the books to deny them what you promised.
The same way you asked me a loaded question ,let me ask you one.
Any nation that oppresses a people should be ashamed of themselves...dont you agree?
We using the same tactics you did in the 71 war war.

Pakistan did during the last few wars with india but we learnt from the 71 war that its better to use terrorist/not state actors/freedom fighters to do the job for you......we want to confine the war to kashmir and thought we could do that in 65 but you attacked the international border to relive the pressure,as any sane army would do.
We want kashmir but we dont want to widen the war along the international border as this puts us in a disadvantage.The pak army wants to keep the pot boiling but dont want a spillover.
By sending uniformed men we are declaring war and opening up ourselfs to an attack on the International border.

We very well know you will have the pot boiling in kashmir but dont think your own army will be relieved from the FATA front. If you open more front in Assam we will open in Balochistan.

After 14 Years of covert warfare you were able to maintain Status Quo, but we split your nation into two in 1971.

You want to discuss what covert warfare has done to your country?
We using the same tactics you did in the 71 war war.

Pakistan did during the last few wars with india but we learnt from the 71 war that its better to use terrorist/not state actors/freedom fighters to do the job for you......we want to confine the war to kashmir and thought we could do that in 65 but you attacked the international border to relive the pressure,as any sane army would do.
We want kashmir but we dont want to widen the war along the international border as this puts us in a disadvantage.The pak army wants to keep the pot boiling but dont want a spillover.
By sending uniformed men we are declaring war and opening up ourselfs to an attack on the International border.

“The Fighters of Lashkar- e-Toiba:Recruitment, Training, Deployment and Death” by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
"Since 2000 there has been a strong upward trend in recruitment via family members and by 2004, this channel contributed to over 40 per cent of LeT recruitment," it said.
“Siblings and parents are central characters in the biographies and they play important roles in a fighter's entry into and journey through LeT. For example, siblings or other immediate family members were often the one to drop off a LeT recruit at a training camp or at the border,” the report said.
"The most common level of nonreligious education attained by LeT fighters (44 per cent of available data) before their entry into the group is matric (10th grade), indicating that on average the group's cadres had higher levels of secular education than other Pakistani males. They do not have high levels of formal religious education,” the report said.
It further said uncle of one militant was a Director at Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission, while the father of another was the president of the Pakistan Muslim League's labor wing in Islamabad/Rawalpindi.

Omar Saeed Sheikh--- London School of Economics
Sayeed Salahudeen---University of Kashmir

You have every right to defend your nation but not the right to attack and murder a nation that you promised a vote on if they wanted to join your union , that you went onto use every excuse in the books to deny them what you promised.
The same way you asked me a loaded question ,let me ask you one.
Any nation that oppresses a people should be ashamed of themselves...dont you agree?

two things - first are u sure groups like lashkar are only acting on ur behalf . i believe they are harming ur country a lot more than us ! and funny thing is we don't even have to pay them !

second , UN resolution can b only be carried out when pak can give occupied kashmir back , so the ball is in ur court mate !
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