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Infiltration bid foiled along LoC, JCO killed

You of course are free to do that. And we reserve the right to respond in kind :coffee:. Does'nt change the reality that your sponsored insurgency has failed to shake even an iota of Indian rule in Kashmir. We have infact grown stronger with time.

But from the cozy 60-60-70s when you should have held a vote on the issue and you probably would have won ,you have let pakistan internationalize the issue and your hold mentally on the kashmirs has gone.
The attacks of 9/11 and the WOT gave the indian govt a decade to either get the issue solved or harden its postion......it hardened its postion as most right wing pakistani thought thus strengthening there hand once the NATO leaves.
I would rather there was an agreement that made all the parties happy and we have peace and then the tap being turned back on again by the pak army and where back to "STOP CROSS BORDER TERRORIST" before we talk.

Are you the spokesmen for the Indian Kashmirs now then?

Are you?...
but again, what is the real POINT of claiming kashmir region? i know it was indus river civilization's starting place, but again, is it really worth constant threat of terror and the many thousands that were slain? honestly, i believe in reincarnation, and I believe that each life sows what it reaps for the next. India and pakistan were best under buddhism, i am not sure about hinduism/islam.

do not devote your energies to squabbling over petty piece of LAND. if you think pakistan is wrong, then be better than they are and do not react as they do.

Trust me no cost is too great when it comes to defending your motherland. Buddhist and Zen philosophies are cool when you deal with civilized people but not practical when dealing with sociopaths.
Go cry river in UN then .

I think you find that its was your govt that took the whole issue up with the UN in the first place.

from India your paid terrorists

Off course the indian army fights for free?.......try not paying there wages for a months and lets see how long they keep fighting in kashmir.

will only get load of lead and then unmarked graves.

Yeah.....unmarked graves of innocent people murdered by the indians........and i totally agree with you that there will be "loads" of them.
But from the cozy 60-60-70s when you should have held a vote on the issue and you probably would have won ,you have let pakistan internationalize the issue and your hold mentally on the kashmirs has gone.
The attacks of 9/11 and the WOT gave the indian govt a decade to either get the issue solved or harden its postion......it hardened its postion as most right wing pakistani thought thus strengthening there hand once the NATO leaves.
I would rather there was an agreement that made all the parties happy and we have peace and then the tap being turned back on again by the pak army and where back to "STOP CROSS BORDER TERRORIST" before we talk.

Had you guys been serious about solving the issue, you would have withdrawn your army in '48 as per UN conditions set for the vote.
Kashmir jihad is all set to increase as Nato is widrawing from Afghanistan. Thats why i'm in favour of troop deployment in Afghanistan. Make our enemy busy somewhere else away from our home soil.

India should send at least 100,000 troops to Afghanistan on the double if India has the money and the guts that is.
It did withdaw but you increased you occupation troop levels.

Nope, never happened. As a result J&K assembly voted in favor of accesion to the Indian Union in '52. Matter closed from our side.
Just want to point out........where not jumping up and down and gloating when one of the indian army guys have died ,like you guys do when a freedom fighter dies and come out with stupid remarks and start posting pics.

Please do comment so, but only when someone dies for Pakistan's freedom. Kashmir is Indian territory, de'jure and de'facto, and Indians ought to see any person wanting to kill people or soldiers in Indian territory as a terrorist. Why shall their deaths not be celebrated?

This is complelty different- no one will celebrate when ANY soldier from ANY country dies here on PDF, I have never seen it.

You are either blind or a liar.
I think you find that its was your govt that took the whole issue up with the UN in the first place.
Our stand is quite evident,we don't allow even third party to mediate ,just forget about UN.
Off course the indian army fights for free?.......try not paying there wages for a months and lets see how long they keep fighting in kashmir.

Don't talk rubbish,Uniformed army is paid all over the world. In contrast freedom fighter fights unselfish war for their country and hence it proves that they are not freedom fighters,they are just paid mercenaries.
Yeah.....unmarked graves of innocent people murdered by the indians........and i totally agree with you that there will be "loads" of them.

You just disown your paid mercenaries so,what do you suggest us to to do with those bodies.
You cry for one army officer's death, when hundreds civilians killed by the IA with impunity. Go figure.

Fixing accountability for unlawful killings in India - The Hindu

Hundred and nine civilian deaths occurred due to police firing in 2011, according to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Disproportionate use of force during demonstrations caused many deaths and at least 100 deaths were caused due to excessive use of force against demonstrators in Jammu and Kashmir in 2010. According to the NHRC, 2,560 deaths during encounters with police were reported between 1993 and 2008. Of this, 1,224 cases were regarded by the NHRC as “fake encounters”. The police, the central armed police forces and the armed forces have been accused of “fake encounters”. Complaints have been lodged, particularly against the Central Reserve Police Force, the Border Security Forces, and the armed forces acting under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA).

In the face of such alarming statistics, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Mr. Christof Heyns, was invited to the country and he toured extensively between March 19 to 30 this year meeting several State and non-State actors. The main findings of his report will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva in June 2013.

It recommends a series of legal reforms and policy measures aimed at fighting impunity and decreasing the level of unlawful killings in India.

While deaths resulting from excessive use of force by security officers, and legislation that is permissive of such use of force hampers accountability, impunity is a central problem and represents a major challenge, according to the report.

His report states that India should repeal, or at least radically amend, AFSPA and the Jammu and Kashmir AFSPA, with the aim of ensuring that the legislation regarding the use of force by the armed forces provides for the respect of the principles of proportionality and necessity in all instances, as stipulated under international human rights law. It should also remove all legal barriers for the criminal prosecution of members of the armed forces.

“While waiting for the necessary amendment or repeal of AFSPA, it should be ensured that the status of a “disturbed area” under AFSPA is subject to regular review – for example, every six months – and a justified decision is made on its further extension,” states the report.

The report also recommends the immediate ratification of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and its Optional Protocol and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

It recommends India to swiftly enact the Prevention of Torture Bill and ensure its compliance with CAT.

All vigilante groups and civilians recruited to perform military or law enforcement tasks, and who are not part of the regular security forces, should be dissolved and prohibited with immediate effect, states the report.

The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act should be reviewed with the aim of extending its scope to Dalit Muslims and Dalit Christians. The criminal legislation should be reviewed to ensure that all gender-based killings, as well as killings of any member of a tribe or lower caste receive high sentences, possibly under the form of life imprisonment. The Indian legislation regarding the imposition of the death penalty should be reviewed to provide that the death penalty may be imposed for the most serious crimes only, namely only for those crimes that involve intentional killing. India should consider placing a moratorium on the death penalty in accordance with General Assembly resolutions with a view to abolishing it, according to the report. A mechanism should be put in place to regularly review and monitor the status of implementation of the directives of the Supreme Court and the NHRC guidelines on arrest, encounter killings, and custodial violence and death.

The establishment and effective functioning of the independent Police Complaints Authorities should be made a priority in all states. It should be ensured that FIR registration is prompt and made mandatory in all cases of unlawful killings and death threats. The authorities should put in place an independent mechanism to monitor FIR registration following any request to do so, as well as of punishment of those law enforcement officials who refuse to register a FIR.

To a large extent, the required structures to decrease extrajudicial executions are already in place but a concerted and systematic effort is required by the State, civil society and others to eradicate unlawful killings, states the report.

Keywords: fake encounters, custodial deaths, National Crime Records Bureau, NHRC guidelines
We have had nearly a decade of nothing happening on the LOC....this was on the conditions set by the indians for there to be serious peace talks between the parties.There have been problems like the mumbai terrorist attack that have set the process back but we need to move forward and not let this get to the pre 2000 position of daily killings.
With the drawdown of NATO forces in afghanistan you will see an increase of violence in kashmir and then we are back to square one.
Hawks in the pak army have been saying from day one that the indians will not give no credit to the pak govt for stopping cross LOC movement and instead say it was post 9/11 situation and indian tactics that stopped the fighters.
I personally think its irrelevant if the pak army stopped the crossing or the indian army and the overall WOT put a stop to it..... we have is a window of opportunity to solve the problem in the next couple of years and we should use that.

Just want to point out........where not jumping up and down and gloating when one of the indian army guys have died ,like you guys do when a freedom fighter dies and come out with stupid remarks and start posting pics.

There can be no peace talks with terrorists - only army action just like swat, Waziristan, tirah valley, Balochistan etc.
India should send at least 100,000 troops to Afghanistan on the double if India has the money and the guts that is.

US would be financing 4 billion $ per year till 2024 just for maintaining ANA ,which doesn't have fighters jets ,ships ,enough tanks but defence budget near about same as yours.:wave:

You cry for one army officer's death, when hundreds civilians killed by the IA with impunity. Go figure.

Fixing accountability for unlawful killings in India - The Hindu

These are not Kashmiries.:rofl:And what a huge number of protesters .:rofl:
US would be financing 4 billion per year till 2024 just for maintaining ANA ,which doesn't have fighters ,ships ,enough tanks but defence budget near about same as yours.:wave:


Okie dokie. Soviets had also promised not to abandon Afghanistan but we all know what happened next. Let's see how long the Afghan National Army will last this time around.
Okie dokie. Soviets had also promised not to abandon Afghanistan but we all know what happened next. Let's see how long the Afghan National Army will last this time around.

you fail to see , they are afghans and they will be defending their motherland ! maybe we'll see Baluchistan as an independent nation soon !
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