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Infiltration bid foiled along LoC, JCO killed

Its seems to me we are going to go around in a full circle.....The indians asked for all cross border movement to stop and pakistan to halt backing for freedom fighters....which it did.
Now your going to say it was the WOT and post 9/11 and indian military tactics that stopped LOC crossings....they played a part but so did the pak army.
Now that we have nearly 10 years of "peace" on the LOC it seems the hawks in the pak establishment where correct that the indians will not move an inch on the issue but instead harden there postion and give no credit to pakistan.
This leaves the door open for the pak military-govt to turn the "tap back on" and we go back to the 90s.

....and what is the solution? Let us have your take than this standard bit about turning on the tap. These days we have the money to divert a river, what to talk about some tap....... If you have a solution that you think will find takers in India, I would like to hear it. Pakistanis seem to be unable to actually point out what it is that they bring to the table other than "limiting terrorism". That, after all, is a card that is not available for only one side to play . If you have a practical solution to Siachen, I would like to hear it; if you have one for Kashmir, I would like to hear that.
We using the same tactics you did in the 71 war war.

Pakistan did during the last few wars with india but we learnt from the 71 war that its better to use terrorist/not state actors/freedom fighters to do the job for you......we want to confine the war to kashmir and thought we could do that in 65 but you attacked the international border to relive the pressure,as any sane army would do.
We want kashmir but we dont want to widen the war along the international border as this puts us in a disadvantage.The pak army wants to keep the pot boiling but dont want a spillover.
By sending uniformed men we are declaring war and opening up ourselfs to an attack on the International border.

“The Fighters of Lashkar- e-Toiba:Recruitment, Training, Deployment and Death” by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
"Since 2000 there has been a strong upward trend in recruitment via family members and by 2004, this channel contributed to over 40 per cent of LeT recruitment," it said.
“Siblings and parents are central characters in the biographies and they play important roles in a fighter's entry into and journey through LeT. For example, siblings or other immediate family members were often the one to drop off a LeT recruit at a training camp or at the border,” the report said.
"The most common level of nonreligious education attained by LeT fighters (44 per cent of available data) before their entry into the group is matric (10th grade), indicating that on average the group's cadres had higher levels of secular education than other Pakistani males. They do not have high levels of formal religious education,” the report said.
It further said uncle of one militant was a Director at Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission, while the father of another was the president of the Pakistan Muslim League's labor wing in Islamabad/Rawalpindi.

Omar Saeed Sheikh--- London School of Economics
Sayeed Salahudeen---University of Kashmir

You have every right to defend your nation but not the right to attack and murder a nation that you promised a vote on if they wanted to join your union , that you went onto use every excuse in the books to deny them what you promised.
The same way you asked me a loaded question ,let me ask you one.
Any nation that oppresses a people should be ashamed of themselves...dont you agree?

A simple fact is, No amount small scale militancy, terrorism, infiltration can create a new nation.

When India liberated E.Pakistan, we fought a full scale war with Pakistan on all fronts, defeated her and then only Bangladesh came into existence.

Now here is difference b/w India and Pakistan. We are simply too big for you to defeat.

Our economy is Nine times larger than you, our defence budget is seven times your's, our armed forces is more than twice your size, and have a consistent growth rate three times yours.

You simply can not beat those odds, a fact which your armed forces realizes.

When we liberated E. Pakistan ..it was seven months of small scale fighting backed by a full scale war effort.It has been almost two and half decades ..since you started cross border insurgency in Kashmir..still no results.

The setup created for supporting such a long insurgency has its blowback.

You have an entire generation AK-47 yielding, bomb strapping Jehadis who have turned on its masters and are killing you every day.

You already have more than fifty thousand casualties in five short year, pretty soon your casualties will overtake the numbers killed by your jehadi forces in Kashmir in twenty three years.
Your economy is in shambles, you have suffered more than sixty billion dollar losses.

Add to that, unlike East Pakistan or the earlier days of Kashmir militancy, 'it' is not seen as freedom movement by rest of the world, but a full blown case of cross border terrorism. Your freedom fighting/charity organisations have been designated terrorist organisations by the entire world.

Add to that just like you would like to keep the pot boiling for us in Kashmir, we would do same for you on your western borders.

How much longer can you take such a beating?

As they say "Nakal karne ke liye bhi akal chahiye hoti hai" .If you wanted to copy Indian tactics of 71, you should have followed all the way through...this way, in the end you will neither have Kashmir nor international respect but just a disintegrated, war torn country.

Besides you should not talk about oppressing people, as you are very well aware what you did in 71..besides Indian army remains in Kashmir because of your terrorism , if your cross border terrorism ceases, army will move out.
kashmir is not part of india according to UN-international community s.......and if it was part of india why did you go to the UN and promise the people a vote on if they wanted to be with pakistan or india?

On November 2, 1947 speaking on All Indian Radio Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Fate of the State of Jammu & Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. The pledge we have given not only to people of Kashmir but also to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it”. On November 25, 1947 Nehru informed the Indian parliament “We have suggested that when people of Kashmir are given a chance to decide their future, this should be done under the supervision of an impartial tribunal such as United Nations Organization”.

There rest your "kashmir is part of india" theory...........you keep boasting your the biggest democacy in the world...why dont you put it to the test and see in kashmir what they want.
India has been so good to the kashmiris that they would vote to join india....would they not?

I am sure you know too, that those words of Nehru were nothing but words and Nehru and everyone else knew that too.

Fact is, Majority of the population is Muslim, and they very much wanted to join Pakistan, if not freedom (It is completely the opposite now, but what does it matter anymore?). Had the majority been with India, there would be no such thing as article 370 in the Indian constitution. At that time India was too weak to sway the world opinion and the UN did have some power and was not meaningless as it is today. So of course, Indians had to show that they wanted Kashmir for the benefit of the inhabitants, which included Muslims as well as Pundits.

But the reason why India keeps Kashmir at such considerable costs (lobbying for the world opinion, subsidies, army expense etc.) has nothing to do with the inhabitants, whether they are Muslims or Hindus. It has to do with the border that stretches up to Siachen and keeping the Indian Army at an advantageous position vis a vis Pakistani Army. It is just a highly strategic position that India intends to keep at all costs.

So whenever there are talks about Kashmir or Siachen, you ought to understand that it has nothing to do with democracy, population, or religion. So whatever Nehru said, doesn't matter. What matters is what happened and what is happening.

By the way, I am not the kind who would boast about Indian democracy or GDP or heritage or any such things. It is akin to saying that you are proud to be a Muslim/Pakistani, as if it were some sort of achievement or accomplishment by your own self to have been born in a Muslim/Pakistani family. Well, may be you indeed are that kind, many are not.
may he burn eternally in hell.....

We are actually civilizing Kashmiris to be humans. Muslims in Pakistan and Kashmir have lost humanity because of their fundamentalist nature, we are at least bringing humanity back in kashmir and killing off terrorists. You guys should thank us...
There rest your "kashmir is part of india" theory...........you keep boasting your the biggest democacy in the world...why dont you put it to the test and see in kashmir what they want.
India has been so good to the kashmiris that they would vote to join india....would they not?

Reasons have been discussed to death in this forum.

1. The Kashmir freedom movement was artificially created by encouraging fundamental Jiha di terroristculture in Kashmir by Pakistani State in 1988. No such movement existed in the state prior to that, or the "freedom" movement before 1980s was very limited, kind of like the freedom movements in some NE states today.

2. Cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus, Buddhists and other non-Muslims from the valley by Islamic terrorists

3. The most important reason of all, Constitution of India regards such a move (secession) as illegal. Forget Kashmiris, even if 100% of the world votes for seperate Kashmir including all Indians, it would still be illegal for the state of kashmir to be formed outside the Indian union.

4. Important location for geopolitics, water, etc.

So no-go for Kashmir going to Pakistan...

We have had nearly a decade of nothing happening on the LOC....this was on the conditions set by the indians for there to be serious peace talks between the parties.There have been problems like the mumbai terrorist attack that have set the process back but we need to move forward and not let this get to the pre 2000 position of daily killings.
With the drawdown of NATO forces in afghanistan you will see an increase of violence in kashmir and then we are back to square one.
Hawks in the pak army have been saying from day one that the indians will not give no credit to the pak govt for stopping cross LOC movement and instead say it was post 9/11 situation and indian tactics that stopped the fighters.
I personally think its irrelevant if the pak army stopped the crossing or the indian army and the overall WOT put a stop to it..... we have is a window of opportunity to solve the problem in the next couple of years and we should use that.

Just want to point out........where not jumping up and down and gloating when one of the indian army guys have died ,like you guys do when a freedom fighter dies and come out with stupid remarks and start posting pics.

I dont know how many different ways we need to tell you Pakistanis, but here it is for the 9818493753098543422556th time:

You are not getting Kashmir.

Unless you want to fight an all out war over it, in which case come like you did in Kargil.
We are actually civilizing Kashmiris to be humans. Muslims in Pakistan and Kashmir have lost humanity because of their fundamentalist nature, we are at least bringing humanity back in kashmir and killing off terrorists. You guys should thank us...

what a barbaric statement....perhaps expected from a genocidal state.....inhuman.....
what a barbaric statement....perhaps expected from a genocidal state.....inhuman.....

Yeah my statement is barbaric, but when Kashmiri Muslims backed by the Pakistani state killed off pro-India Kashmiri Hindus and Buddhists and other non-Muslims in Kashmir to start the conflict in 1980s they were being peaceful angels.

My statement is 100% factual. Muslims in Pakistan and Kashmir have lost humanity and have indulged in terrorism a lot in the last few decades. Kashmir luckily has us to get rid of the terrorists, unluckily for you Pakistanis, you guys have no one and as a result keep dying at the hands of these terrorists.
More power to the resistance against the indian fascist state - do not fear death - for your abode will be heaven - your cause is just and your enemy is evil incarnate.
what a barbaric statement....perhaps expected from a genocidal state.....inhuman.....



More power to the resistance against the indian fascist state - do not fear death - for your abode will be heaven - your cause is just and your enemy is evil incarnate.

My Jatt Clan has always fought for Pakistan and the "cause" against our eternal enemy india - we give our young men and women in the Pakistani Armed Forces - and 1 day our Kashmiri brethren will be free, our swords for our brothers and sisters.

More power to the resistance against the indian fascist state - do not fear death - for your abode will be heaven - your cause is just and your enemy is evil incarnate.

My Jatt Clan has always fought for Pakistan and the "cause" against our eternal enemy india - we give our young men and women in the Pakistani Armed Forces - and 1 day our Kashmiri brethren will be free, our swords for our brothers and sisters.


We Jatt warriors are with our brothers and sister fighting oppression in IOK.
More power to the resistance against the indian fascist state - do not fear death - for your abode will be heaven - your cause is just and your enemy is evil incarnate.

My Jatt Clan has always fought for Pakistan and the "cause" against our eternal enemy india - we give our young men and women in the Pakistani Armed Forces - and 1 day our Kashmiri brethren will be free, our swords for our brothers and sisters.


First try to beat the Indian Army`s Jat Regiment:
First try to beat the Indian Army`s Jat Regiment:
brother these are the real Jats who will literally tear apart all those fake "so called" jats from across the border and we are fortunate enough to have them as our compatriots!like they aloways say"Jat Balwan Jai Bhagwan":)
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