Here The biggest Arab vlogger/traveler going in Xinjiang for the second time... and it's not good... polemic already started...
He went there in 2011 and he is doing a comparison btw then and now... he didn't really believed what was happening but got his own slap into reality when he went there... Masjid closed/forbidden to get in... Adhan forbidden something that wasn't the case back then... fasting being controlled...beardless nation in only 8 years... and so on...
He couldn't even find, few people he saw before, who spoke on camera in 2011... CN police confiscating his camera and cutting part of his video etc...
One interesting thing he points out... is that he is seeing way way more Ethnic chinese on the street than in is last trip in 2011... seems the gov is doing like in Tibet... where they are encouraging ethnic Chinese to go settle there...