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Indonesia Seeks To Buy Six Sukhoi Jets from Russia

The Aussies wanted to expand Christianity into the region, an the Indos considers this a threat to them and to Islam..This ongoing dispute has been continued for yrs. Im just wondering hm why haven't their arab brothers supply them with the necessary aid that they desperately need for a developing country like them?

Im afraid to say it but the foreigners are going into that country, helping the locals financialy, food, housing, schools, public services etc. While their arab brothers are busy making money and could care less when the christians takes over a part of islamic territory under the disguise of humanitarian aid or better yet missionaries, lol. When the people see no hope they tend to leave their religion, go figure.

Because Most SO called Western created And installed on Muslim Nations Royals them self aren't Muslim at all and no one here can prove me wrong.
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