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Government Aims for Coal Production Next Year 694 Million Tons, How many Is Exported ?​

The story from Tempo.co • 57 minutes ago

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has set a coal production target for 2023 to reach 694 million tons. This figure is a difference of 31 million tons from the previous year's coal production target of 663 million tons.

"Regarding the production target, in 2023 the government targets coal production of 694 million tons," said Director of Coal Exploitation Development of the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal (Dirjen Minerba) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Lana Saria when contacted by Bisnis on Thursday, December 29, 2022.

Lana said that the supply for domestic market obligation (DMO) was 234.5 million tons. This figure has also increased from the previous 165.7 million tons which will be used for power generation to industrial needs.

"Where most of it is used for power generation of 161 million tons, the rest is for domestic industries such as cement, fertilizer, metallurgy and so on," added Lana.

The rest of the target is 459.5 million tons, according to Lana, it will fill the coal export market next year. This means that there will be no ban on coal exports in 2023.

Next: The plan to ban coal exports in 2023 ...

Previously, when asked about whether there will be a ban on coal exports in 2023, ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif could not confirm. He said his party is still monitoring this. But, according to him, coal stocks are currently in a relatively safe condition.

"Now we are monitoring, PLN also reports to the party what the status is, enough. The existing stock exceeds the standards we previously used," said Arifin at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Office on Friday, December 23, 2022.

Although according to him, there have been shortages in several regions, this has been handled so that primary energy and fuel stocks are in a safe state.


In 2022, Indonesian coal producers have been able to produce more than 2022 target set by government. Based on realization data, in 2022 Indonesia produce 671 million tons of coal. The number has already been exceeding government target for 2023.

Due to Indonesia will have more drier climate, less raining than in 2020, 2021, and 2022 then the realization for coal production in 2023 in my opinion will likely reach 700 million tons. The number will likely be met due to other reasons beside climate, which are better financial performance of majority of Indonesia coal producers, high incentive given good price of the coal that is likely to keep the price relatively higher than 2021, and Indonesian banks support for the industry will be higher due to better coal miner financial report in 2022.

The realization data has been revealed in late December 2022 news


Sri Lanka to get coal on credit from Indonesia’s Arista Mitra​

Tuesday December 27, 2022 6:14 pm

ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka will shortly award a contract to buy 720,000 metric tonnes of coal for power generation to Indonesia’s AristaMitra group, which will begin deliveries from February 2023, officials said.

“The Attorney General has given clearance to award contract,” Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera told reporters in Colombo.

“We usually only get cabinet approval but because a monk went to court, this time we got approval from the AG.”

“They have agreed to give 180-days credit and discussions are under-way to see whether we could get 200 days.”

AstraMitra and its local partner Concept Global is expected to begin deliveries to Sri Lanka’s from February, Chairman of state-run Lanka Coal Company, Shehan Samarasekera said.

The coal is priced at 240 dollars a tonne before freight. Freight priced on an API index. A downward movement of more than 50 will see freight falling and an upward movement of more than 50 dollars will see Sri Lanka paying more.

Global freight costs as well as energy costs have started to stabilize after the US Federal Reserve stopped printing money and started to withdraw excess liquidity.
In January Sri Lanka is planning to get at least 6 shipments of 60,000MT of coal from its existing suppliers on spot and term tenders awarded earlier.


COLUMN-Beware Indonesia's coal export heft in 2023: Maguire​


By Gavin Maguire

LITTLETON, Colo. Jan 25 (Reuters) - The world's top thermal coal exporter shocked global markets a year ago by temporarily banning coal exports to protect domestic power producers, sending coal prices soaring and kicking off an historically volatile year for coal and other power fuels.

But since then Indonesia has made a different mark on the global coal arena by setting a new record pace for shipments that if sustained puts it on course to be the first country to surpass half a billion tonnes of coal exports in a single year.

With global power markets still disrupted by the fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine - which severed pipelined natural gas supplies to Europe - demand for all power generation fuels is on track to scale record heights in 2023.

That means that despite efforts to transition global energy systems away from fossil fuels, Indonesian coal sales may hit a new milestone this year, with commensurate repercussions for emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that are already at record concentrations in the earth's atmosphere.


Jakarta's surprise coal export ban on January 1 came at the height of last winter, and forced major importers to scramble for replacement supplies from other exporters such as Columbia, South Africa and Australia.

At the time, the move had been expected to permanently dent Indonesia's export potential as key customers took steps to reduce reliance on a single supplier by diversifying their coal purchase streams.

But Russia's invasion of Ukraine changed all that.

As Europe's top natural gas supplier and the third largest global thermal coal exporter in 2021, Russia's so-called special operations in Ukraine upended power fuel markets across Europe, and ignited a fresh climb in coal prices to all-time highs by late February.
In turn, those high prices quickly lured Indonesia coal flows back onto global markets.
For 2022 as a whole, total Indonesian thermal coal exports hit 448.5 million tonnes, a record sum that was 56 million tonnes (14.4%) larger than 2021's total, ship tracking data from Kpler shows.

That haul came despite shipments dropping by nearly 60% in January from the month before, and stayed stunted in February, as the government's partial ban on shipments jammed coal flows from Indonesia and sowed widespread confusion in international coal markets.


So far in 2023, Indonesian exports have not been hindered by any unexpected government manoeuvres, and are on track to hit 37.4 million tonnes in January, compared to just under 13 million tonnes a year ago, according to Kpler.

That January 2023 estimate is below the average monthly pace of Indonesian exports for the second half of 2022, which was 41.9 million tonnes and would equate to an annual total of 503.5 million tonnes if maintained over 12 months.

However, there are several factors in play in 2023 that may lift demand for Indonesian coal over the coming months.

Of primary importance is China's economic reboot following a subdued 2022, when Beijing's strict zero-COVID measures stifled industrial activity - and coal demand - across the world's largest coal consumer.

In late 2022, China announced a slew of stimulus and easing measures designed to restore economic activity across the country, and a recent Reuters poll of economists sees China's economy growing by 4.9% in 2023.

Increased industrial activity late last year already lifted coal imports in November and December to their highest since late 2021, and further fuel purchases look likely by the top purchaser of Indonesian coal as China's economy gathers further momentum.

The planned implementation of energy product sanctions on Russia by the European Union this year is another factor likely to support global coal demand.

Europe is set to ban imports of Russian oil products from February 5 in a move designed to apply further financial pressure on Moscow in response to the Ukraine invasion. In turn, that move is expected to further tighten supplies of all industrial fuels, and spur additional import demand of alternatives such as coal.

India's tight domestic coal stockpiles are another bullish factor supporting Indonesia's coal export potential.

The world's second largest coal consumer depends on imports for nearly a quarter of its coal supplies, 65% of which came from Indonesia in 2022.

In combination, these factors have the potential to steer Indonesian coal flows to new heights in 2023, with an ominous 500 million tonne total easily achievable for the year as a whole.

Indonesia thermal coal exportshttps://tmsnrt.rs/3R9JpJ6

(Reporting by Gavin Maguire; Editing by Christopher Cushing)
((gavin.maguire@thomsonreuters.com; +720 295 6101;))

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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