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Indonesia plans road link to India

or something similar to tunnel under english channel.

The English Channel's tunnel idea was conceived 100 years before it materialized. Indonesia neither has the money, nor the technology.

And... it is the quake that comes before Tsunami... tunnels will be even scarier. :eek:
True considering the amount of Tsunamis that take place in Indonesia all the time and end up ravaging our own southern part of the country. I don't think bridges are a viable road link and it simply an excuse for some big scams in the making. Congress government must go down before this plan ever comes into action.

They have swindled enough money to buy this country since the last 60 odd years.

You mean the government is seriously considering this project????
You mean the government is seriously considering this project????

Can't say either ways. The government could take up the project and end up again in another 2 dozen scams. From what my family and I know about Congress since the last 5 decades, I don't think they are going to change in one day.
I think it must be done as it wil help in development of NE india... If it cums thru it wil be a good response 2 d demands of NE people... We badly need 2 resume d ancient trade links dat we had with SE ASIA..
I do not see any advantage of building roads. What will india get out of this project other than political mileage? As for minerals, sea route is the best and for tourists air travel is there, So anybody interested in a Road Trip???

india's NE people GAIN a lot 4rm this by being able 2 resume the ancient trade wit SE asia, it is directly proportional 2 development of NE INDIA whic wil be btr, its tym goi becums serious in addressing development demand in NE INDIA, thumbs up 4rm meh
Before any such project can be implemented, we must think of our national security first and foremost! We must establish that all of India is firmly under our grasp before we go exploring connecting land routes. There is a huge flesh trade involving our poor beautiful women who are being exported to the Middle East and to SE Asia......young girls from Nepal, NE and the rest of India as well as Bangladesh are being shipped for sex slavery. Drugs and weapons are also important problems that will increase. We lack the capability to even screen vehicles from nepal so if such a project bears fruit, India will suffer big time like USA with Mexico. We better put this on the table but don;t move it like Lok Pal for 47 years... Its a damn shame .....Anna Hazare is being pelted by the very same government that is afraid of losing its status quo. The media focuses on the BS yet fails to focus on the corruption of our society. I am big champion of India and her progress but what is the point if the wealth only go to a handful of scum.

I do agree it has great potential only if the bloody Politics get out of the way and our military acts like grown men.
They want our help, just give it to them. Give them the money to utilise it in the best manner they can. I am sure Indonesia has better civil engineers than we have on PDF. We don't give the money, they will ask China and China will give the money without talking cr@p the way we do. Then we can only blame ourselves.

Terrorists and drug smugglers don't need black top roads to ply their trade. So to those who think that such a road will encourage the miscreants in the north east, well, they seem to be doing quite well without any roads now.

Connectivity with Indonesia will bring India closer to Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand. Is that not what we want?
What is in it for us? Goodwill, my friends. Something we do not have much of in South Asia. The deep sea port being constructed in Sri Lanka by China should have been our project. But no, we could not bring ourselves to help Sri Lanka when they asked us. Now we spend sleepless nights because we see China's footprints in Sril Lanka because they China said yes while we were still debating!!!!! If Sri Lanka is a pearl in the String of Pearls today, it is because we made it so. It is still not too late. 'Kaya palat sakta hai', as somebody said a few years ago.
What is in it for us? Goodwill, my friends. Something we do not have much of in South Asia. The deep sea port being constructed in Sri Lanka by China should have been our project. But no, we could not bring ourselves to help Sri Lanka when they asked us. Now we spend sleepless nights because we see China's footprints in SrilLanka because they said yes while we were still debating!!!!! If Sri Lanka is a pearl in the string today, it is because we made it so. It is still not too late. 'Kaya palat sakta hai', as somebody said a few years ago.

it also help develops north eastern india as i said, its a thumbs up 4rm meh
it also help develops north eastern india as i said, its a thumbs up 4rm meh

Yes, it does. Improved connectivity with Bangladesh and with Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines will benefit India and our seven sisters. That is enough reason to go ahead and improve communications and mutual ties in BD and SE Asia.
I want to know, which country dare to make a bridge to connect java n sumatra island. There is an active volcano between both islands.:lol::hitwall:
Just free up the visa restrictions and get free trade.

You dont have to make roads, people will travel themselves by finding roads...
Bridge across Malacca straits...:what:

Like I said I have no qualms about the project....it is in India's best interest.....conduct feasibility studies but the point I was making is speed up our security internally. Of course, drugs and terrorists don;t need roads but it will make it easier and more frequent......think bro! This is stuff that should have been decades ago....where and what were the politicians thinking ......they have no insight...no vision at all.
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